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Rails or PHP or Perl or ???


What is your preferred development language?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your preferred development language?

    • Ruby on Rails
    • PHP
    • Perl
    • Other

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"Dear PHP developer community - what is your preferred development language?"


Before anyone else jumps in, RoR is a framework built on the Ruby language, not a language in itself. Not trying to be pedantic - just thought i'd clear that one up first so noone else feels the need to ;)



- PHP is my preferred language - easy to use, quick to get stuff done with, huge community to get help when you're stuck.

- Ruby - without its Rails framework, it would be virtually unknown. No benefits over other similar languages and wouldn't touch it with somebody elses stick. Sounds harsh maybe, but I'm not a sheep and I don't like following everyone else in terms of "what's cool"

- Perl - no experience, so can't speak about it.


I came across Django at one point whilst looking around at resources and methods for doing stuff, which got me into really liking Python. Delving deeper into the Python language makes me like it even more and if I wasn't building sites so comfortably in PHP, I'd probably be using it much more. Forget Ruby on Rails, it'd be Django on Python all the way.

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Anyone wanna take bets on how many posts it'll take before this thing turns into a "OMG X IS BETTER THAN Y BECAUSE OF UNFOUNDED OR PREFERENTIAL REASON Z!" discussion?

I would say none, I'm closing this thread.


I'm sure if this very board was searched you would already find similar threads, and if not, you will on google.

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