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You know what - it just does work that great in IE


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And I' leaving it.


You know why, because IE sucks. Because anyone on IE won't be bothered by "Click to Continue Loading the Content on this Page", because they have three other boxes on their screen, telling them that their computer is at risk, that Norton has expired, and that the Weather for Tomorrow is sunny. Because swfobject breaks ExternalInterface.call. Because I have a deadline. But mostly because, we as web developers, need to dissuade people from using shit. Despite common thought, it isn't worth %30 of my time to make sure that the %1 of people on Safari, %5 without javascript, %4 without Flash 9 and the one blind guy with a screen reader can use my site -- but I still can't avoid having my site work for the 65% of people who are infinitely too dumb to ever figure out why (at least the asshole wasting my bandwidth while running AdBlock knows he has to turn it off)


Here's my plea. The next time something is annoying, or padded wrong, or is going to take an hour an a half to conditionally line up in IE6 -- just leave it. Leave 'click to activate' this control messages, leave your free SSL certificate that IE won't accept as valid, leave the text box that sticks 20 pixels off the side of the screen -- so that some day, when their grandchildren come over, and install Firefox, they'll look say, "Wow. This is nicer than the blue E I was clicking before".


Least then you won't have to go back in 3 years and wonder why you had 27 lines of code and two javascript files to do an <embed src=''>

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So you're basically saying you don't care if it looks perfect for 50% of people, as long as it looks good for the other 50?


In the world of web developing, you should cater to the users, no matter how stupid they are, and no matter what they use.  If I hired you to design a website for me, and it looked bad in IE, and you gave me that little speech, I would not be very happy with you.  At all.  lol

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All I'm saying is that every time we make sure everything 100% works in everything we hurt the internet as a whole. If IE puts 'Click to Activate' on everything, why should we do anything to change it? Instead of telling people that their browsers don't support transparency, and they should use one that does, we all go and get .htc files.


I'm just as guilty as everyone else, but I'm drawing the line. If anyone says anything about click to activate, I'm telling them to update their browser!

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Viva La Revolucion!


i dont agree with the screen reader part.  it's not that person's fault they cant see...but most of the rest...yea...people should change to a different browser.  the problem is that they dont.  so we do have to try our best to make it so that our customers/clients are fully happy and satisfied with the final product.

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Rebellion! Revolution! Mockery of the court! We're going down with the ship! Boycott the bastarrd!!!!


Hmm, I'm having huge problems with IE as well. It's a bitch, but let's face it, too many people use that damned browser, you can't just ignore it. Although it'd be nice if we could all stand together and refuse to compatibilitize (ya).

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