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Not getting marked as spam -- Certificate Emails?


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We have a site that sends out non-spam emails (admin notifications, invoices and a newsletter you can turn off). Yahoo blocks it as spam. I keep hitting 'Not Spam', but it still says it is.


What is the best way to get unmarked as spam? Can't you put an SSL cert on an email somehow?

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Everything about your email server (DNS records, ...), the mechanics of your email (from/to addresses, headers), and the content (subject and body) must be correct and non-spam like for it to get accepted at the receiving mail server and get past spam filters.


For minor DNS record problems, the receiving mail server will start adding up points toward voting the email as junk/spam. For major DNS record problems, the receiving mail server will simply discard the email. You need to have all A, MX, SPF, reverse DNS/PTR... records in place.

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Typically, you don't get marked for spam unless some peeps who use yahoo have marked you as spam. This is caused not by machine but by people.


Can you post an example of your email? Are you familar with the non-spamming law in the European Union and US? Did you know that you must have unsuscribe link, a physical mailing address, a reason why you are sending the email, and a various other things to be able to send commericial-like email legally to the EU and US?


If you are follow these legal procedures, then you should contact yahoo and be put on the "whitelist."

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In my opinion learning and getting familiar with basic languages like HTML and JS should be a prerequisite to learning server side languages like PHP.  Of course you can build basic websites with HTML but they won't be very dynamic.  Have you ever considered Ruby on Rails?

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