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I was creating a battle script.. And well, it displays nothing for some reason.. Get ready, heres my over 800 line script to get you guys to find out what is wrong....


if (!isset($_COOKIE['UserID'])) {
$ID = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
$ID = mysql_real_escape_string($ID);
echo "Sorry, you are not logged in. <a href='Login.php'>Login now</a>";
mysql_query("UPDATE Battle_Information SET Battle = 'True'
WHERE ID = '$ID'");
function Battle_Unset()
mysql_query("UPDATE Battle_Information SET Battle = 'False'
WHERE ID = '$ID'");

$Result887 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Battle_Information");
$Rows887 = mysql_fetch_array($Result887);
$Battle = $Rows887['Battle'];

if($Battle != "True")
echo "Sorry you are not in a battle.";

//Check for errors

//If HP is 0
echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
//Unset Session
echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
//Unset Session
//Enemy Errors
//If HP is 0
echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
//Unset Session
echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
//Unset Session
//Define Dead Variables
$B_Dead= 0;

//Find Dead Values
if($P_HP1== 0 || $P_Name1=="None") { $B_Dead= round($B_Dead + 1); }

//If All Pokémon Have Fainted
echo "You have lost..
<FORM method='GET' action='index.php' target='_blank'>
<input type='submit' name='Lost' value='Continue'>

$B_Result3= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE pokemon_name='$P_Name1' LIMIT 1");
$B_Rows3= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result3);

//If Rows Are Empty
//Display Message
echo "Sorry there is an error.";

//Find Rows
$B_Result10= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Battle_Information");
$B_Rows10= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result10);
$E_ID = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_ID'];
$E_Name = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Name'];
$EP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon'];
$EP_Attack1 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack1'];
$EP_Attack2 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack2'];
$EP_Attack3 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack3'];
$EP_Attack4 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack4'];
$EP_Name = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Name'];
$EP_Attack = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack'];
$EP_Defense = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Defense'];
$EP_HP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_HP'];
$EP_MHP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_MHP'];
$EP_IMG = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_IMG'];
$EP_Gender = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Gender'];
$EP_Level = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Level'];
$EP_EXP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_EXP'];
$EP_NEXP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_NEXP'];
$EP_GenderS = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Gender_Sign'];
$EP_SATK = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Special_Attack'];
$EP_SDEF = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Special_Defense'];
$EP_Type = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Type'];
$EP_Type2 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Type2'];

$B_Result4= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE pokemon_name='$EP_Name' LIMIT 1");
$B_Rows4= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result4);

//If Rows Are Empty
//Display Message
echo "There is an error.";
//Define New Variables
$B_Success="You have not performed an action as of yet. Please choose an action above.";

//Display Form
echo "<form action='battle.php' method='POST' name='BPOST'>
<input type='hidden' name='B_Submit' value='1'>

<table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

<td class='tnav_header' align='center' width='100%'>";
//Display Content
echo "$UserName's $P_Name1 Versus $E_Name's $CB_PName";
//Continue Form
echo "</td>


<table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>


<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
Level $P_Level1 (EXP: $P_EXP1/$P_NEXP1)
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
Level $EP_Level (EXP: $EP_EXP/$EP_NEXP)


<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
<div class='bar' align='left' width='50px'><img src='/EXP_Bar1.png' style='height: 7px; width: $B_EXPPercentage1%' title='EXP: $P_EXP1/$P_NEXP1 ($B_EXPPercentage1%)' alt=''></div>
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
<div class='bar' align='left' width='50px'><img src='/EXP_Bar1.png' style='height: 7px; width: $B_EXPPercentage2%' title='EXP: $EP_EXP/$EP_NEXP ($B_EXPPercentage2%)' alt=''></div>


<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
<img src='$P_Image1' title='$P_Name1' alt='$P_Name1'>
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
<img src='$EP_IMG' title='$EP_Name' alt='$EP_Name'>


<table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<b>HP: $P_HP1/$P_MHP1</b>
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<b>HP: $EP_PHP/$EP_MHP</b>


<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<div class='bar' align='left' width='25px'><img src='/HP_Bar1.png' style='height: 11px; width: $B_HPPercentage1%' title='HP: $P_HP1/$P_MHP1 ($B_HPPercentage1%)' alt='HP: $P_HP1/$P_MHP1 ($B_HPPercentage1%)'></div>
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<div class='bar' align='left' width='25px'><img src='/HP_Bar1.png' style='height: 11px; width: $B_HPPercentage2%' title='HP: $CB_PHP/$CB_PMHP ($B_HPPercentage2%)' alt='HP: $CB_PHP/$CB_PMHP ($B_HPPercentage2%)'></div>


<table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<b>Change Party</b>
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>


<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Attack' checked onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= true;\">
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Change Party' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= false;\">
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Item' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= true;\">
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
<input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Escape' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= true;\">


<table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
<b>Your Inventory</b>
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
<b>$P_Name1's Attacks</b>


//Continue Form
<td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
<select name='B_Attack'>";

//If Session Is Set
//Define Session Variables
$B_PreviousMove= $_SESSION['B_PreviousMove'];

//If Previous Move Is Invalid
if($B_PreviousMove < 1 || $B_PreviousMove > 5)
//Define New Variables
$B_PreviousMove= 1;

//Display Information
echo "<option value='$B_PreviousMove'>Previous Move</option>";

//Continue Form
echo "<option value='1'>$P_Move1_1 </option>
<option value='2'>$P_Move2_1 </option>
<option value='3'>$P_Move3_1 </option>
<option value='4'>$P_Move4_1 </option>

<table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

<td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>
<b>Current Turn</b>


<td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>


<td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>
<b>Change Party</b>


<td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>
<select name='B_Switch' disabled>
<option value='0' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= false;\">Don't Change Party</option>
<option value='2' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name2 (LV: $P_Level2; HP: $P_HP2/$P_MHP2; MP: $P_MP2/$P_MMP2)</option>
<option value='3' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name3 (LV: $P_Level3; HP: $P_HP3/$P_MHP3; MP: $P_MP3/$P_MMP3)</option>
<option value='4' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name4 (LV: $P_Level4; HP: $P_HP4/$P_MHP4; MP: $P_MP4/$P_MMP4)</option>
<option value='5' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name5 (LV: $P_Level5; HP: $P_HP5/$P_MHP5; MP: $P_MP5/$P_MMP5)</option>
<option value='6' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name6 (LV: $P_Level6; HP: $P_HP6/$P_MHP6; MP: $P_MP6/$P_MMP6)</option>


<td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>

<input type='submit' name='B_Submit2$Name' value='Continue$Dots' class='inputform' onclick=\"this.disabled='true'; this.value='Please Wait...'; this.form.submit();\">


$B_Submit= $_POST['B_Submit'];
$B_Action= $_POST['B_Action'];
$B_Item= $_POST['B_Item'];
$B_Attack= $_POST['B_Attack'];
$B_Switch= $_POST['B_Switch'];

$B_Action= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Action);
$B_Item= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Item);
$B_Attack= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Attack);
$B_Switch= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Switch);

//If Action Is Escape
//Define Sessions
Define_Session("B_Submit", "True");
Define_Session("B_Success", "You have successfully escaped the enemy.<br /><br /><a href='index.php'>[ RPG Homepage ]</a><br /><a href='story_mode.php'>[ Story Mode ]</a><br /><a href='battle_a_trainer.php'>[ Battle A Trainer ]</a><br /><a href='pokemon_maps.php'>[ Pokémon Maps ]</a><br /><a href='pokemon_center.php'>[ Pokémon Center ]</a>");
Define_Session("B_Status", "Escaped");

//Redirect User
header("location: battle.php");

//Exit Page
//If HP Exceeds Maximum HP
if($P_HP1 > $P_MHP1)
//Define New Variables
$P_HP1= $P_MHP1;

//If MP Exceeds Maximum MP
if($P_MP1 > $P_MMP1)
//Define New Variables
$P_MP1= $P_MMP1;
//If Action Is Change Party
elseif($B_Action=="Change Party")
//If Specified Slot Is Not Valid
if($B_Switch < 2 || $B_Switch > 6)
echo "The slot is invalid";

//Redirect User
header("location: battle.php");

//Exit Page

//Find Rows
$B_Result8= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE User_ID='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='$B_Switch' LIMIT 1");
$B_Rows8= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result8);

//Define Pokémon Variables
$PD_ID= $B_Rows8['pokemon_id'];
$PD_Name= $B_Rows8['pokemon_name'];
$PD_Sprite= $B_Rows8['pokemon_image'];

//If Rows Are Empty
echo "Sorry, the Pokemon seems to be unexistent.";

//Redirect User
header("location: battle.php");

//Exit Page

//Update Pokémon Information
mysql_query("UPDATE pokemon_info SET pokemon_slot='$B_Switch' WHERE User_ID='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='1' LIMIT 1");

//Update Pokémon Information
mysql_query("UPDATE Pokémon SET pokemon_slot='1' WHERE User_ID='$ID' AND pokemon_id='$PD_ID' LIMIT 1");

echo "The pokemon have switched!";

//Destroy Sessions

//Redirect User
header("location: battle.php");

//Exit Page
//Declare B_BeginAttack Function
function B_BeginAttack($BA_AttackEnemy)
//Define Globalized Variables

global $ID;
global $UserName;
global $P_ID1;
global $P_Name1;
global $P_Name2;
global $P_Name3;
global $P_Name4;
global $P_Name5;
global $P_Name6;
global $P_Image1;
global $P_Level1;
global $P_EXP1;
global $P_NEXP1;
global $P_HP1;
global $P_HP2;
global $P_HP3;
global $P_HP4;
global $P_HP5;
global $P_HP6;
global $P_MHP1;
global $P_MP1;
global $P_MMP1;
global $P_ATK1;
global $P_SATK1;
global $P_DEF1;
global $P_SDEF1;
global $P_Type;
global $P_Type21;
global $P_Attack11;
global $P_Attack21;
global $P_Attack31;
global $P_Attack41;
global $E_ID;
global $E_Type;
global $E_Name;
global $EP_ID;
global $EP_Name;
global $EP_IMG;
global $EP_Level;
global $EP_EXP;
global $EP_NEXP;
global $EP_HP;
global $EP_MHP;
global $EP_ATK;
global $EP_DEF;
global $EP_SATK;
global $EP_SDEF;
global $EP_Type;
global $EP_Type2;
global $EP_Gender;
global $EP_GenderS;
global $EP_Attack1;
global $EP_Attack2;
global $EP_Attack3;
global $EP_Attack4;
global $B_Item;
global $B_Attack;
global $B_Switch;

//Define Random Variables
$B_EnemysAttack= rand(1, 4);
$Random_EXP= rand(round(($EP_Level / ), round(($EP_Level / 4)));
$B_RandomMultiEXP= rand(2, 3);
$B_DividedEXP= rand(3, 7);

$B_HPIncrease= rand(2, 3);

$B_ATKIncrease= rand(3, 5);
$B_ATKIncrease= rand(2, 5);
$B_DEFIncrease= rand(3, 5);
$B_DEFIncrease= rand(2, 5);
$B_SATKIncrease= rand(3, 5);
$B_SATKIncrease= rand(2, 5);
$B_SDEFIncrease= rand(3, 5);
$B_SDEFIncrease= rand(2, 5);

//If Attack Enemy Is True
//Define Sessions
Define_Session("B_PreviousMove", $B_Attack);

//If First Move Is Chosen
if($B_Attack== 1)
//Define Move Variables
$B_Move= $P_Attack11;

//If Second Move Is Chosen
elseif($B_Attack== 2)
//Define Move Variables
$B_Move= $P_Attack21;

//If Third Move Is Chosen
elseif($B_Attack== 3)
//Define Move Variables
$B_Move= $P_Attack31;

//If Fourth Move Is Chosen
//Define Move Variables
$B_Move= $P_Attack41;

//Find Rows
$B_Result9= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Move_Data WHERE MD_Name='$B_Move' LIMIT 1");
$B_Rows9= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result9);

//Define Move Data Variables
$MD_Name= $B_Rows9['MD_Name'];
$MD_Type= $B_Rows9['MD_Type'];
$MD_Power= $B_Rows9['Power'];
$MD_Physical= $B_Rows9['Physical'];
$MD_Special= $B_Rows9['Special'];

//If Rows Are Empty
//Define Sessions
Define_Session("B_Submit", "True");
Define_Session("B_Success", "Sorry, the specified move does not appear to be existant; please report this.");

//Redirect User
header("location: battle.php");

//Exit Page
//Define Damage Variables
$B_YourDamage= round(($MD_Power / 1) * ($P_ATK1 / 1) / ($EP_DEF / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($P_Level1));

//If Your Damage Is Invalid
if($B_YourDamage < 0)
//Define New Variables
$B_YourDamage= 0;
//Define Damage Variables
$B_YourDamage= round(($MD_Power / 1) * ($P_SATK1 / 1) / ($EP_SDEF / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($P_Level1));

//If Your Damage Is Invalid
if($B_YourDamage < 0)
//Define New Variables
$B_YourDamage= 0;
echo "You have done $B_YourDamage Damage";
$EP_HP= round($EP_HP - $B_YourDamage);
//If Enemy's HP Is Below Zero
if($EP_HP < 0)
//Define New Variables
$EP_HP= 0;

//If Enemy's HP Is Too High
elseif($EP_HP > $EP_MHP)
//Define New Variables
//If Enemy Has Not Fainted
if($EP_HP != 0)
//If First Move Is Chosen
if($B_EnemysAttack== 1)
//Define Move Variables
$B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack1;

//If Second Move Is Chosen
elseif($B_EnemysAttack== 2)
//Define Move Variables
$B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack2;

//If Third Move Is Chosen
elseif($B_EnemysAttack== 3)
//Define Move Variables
$B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack3;

//If Fourth Move Is Chosen
elseif($B_EnemysAttack== 4)
//Define Move Variables
$B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack4;
$B_Result10= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Move_Data WHERE MD_Name='$B_EnemysMove' LIMIT 1");
$B_Rows10= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result10);

//Define Move Data Variables
$MD_EnemysName= $B_Rows10['MD_Name'];
$MD_EnemysSpecial= $B_Rows10['MD_Special'];
$MD_EnemysPhysical= $B_Rows10['MD_Physical'];
$MD_EnemysPower= $B_Rows10['MD_Power'];
$Dodge_Rand= rand(1, 5);
$Counter_Rand= rand(1, 5);
$B_Submit10= $_POST['B_Submit10'];
$B_Submit11= $_POST['B_Submit11'];
$B_Submit10= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Submit10);
$B_Submit11= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Submit11);
echo "The enemy is using $B_EnemysMove<br><FORM method='GET' action='battle.php' target='_blank'>
<input type='submit' name='B_Submit10' value='Dodge'><br>
<input type='submit' name='B_Submit11' value='Counter'>";
echo "You have successfully dodged the attack!";
//If Enemy's Move Is Physical
//Define Damage Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_ATK / 1) / ($P_DEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

//If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
//Define New Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= 0;


//If Enemy's Move Is Not Physical
//Define Damage Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_SATK / 1) / ($P_SDEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

//If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
//Define New Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= 0;
echo "The enemy did $B_EnemysDamage Damage";
$P_HP1= round($P_HP1 - $B_EnemysDamage);
echo "You have pulled off a counter attack you have done $B_YourDamage Damage";
//If Enemy's Move Is Physical
//Define Damage Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_ATK / 1) / ($P_DEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

//If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
//Define New Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= 0;

//If Enemy's Move Is Not Physical
//Define Damage Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_SATK / 1) / ($P_SDEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

//If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
//Define New Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= 0;
}echo "The enemy did $B_EnemysDamage Damage";
$P_HP1= round($P_HP1 - $B_EnemysDamage);
//If Enemy's Move Is Physical
//Define Damage Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) + ($EP_ATK / 1) - ($P_DEF1 / 1));

//If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
//Define New Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= 0;

//If Enemy's Move Is Not Physical
//Define Damage Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_SATK / 1) / ($P_SDEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

//If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
//Define New Variables
$B_EnemysDamage= 0;
}echo "The enemy did $B_EnemysDamage Damage";
$P_HP1= round($P_HP1 - $B_EnemysDamage);
//If Your HP Is Below Zero
if($P_HP1 < 0)
//Define New Variables
$P_HP1= 0;

//If Your HP Is Too High
elseif($P_HP1 > $P_MHP1)
//Define New Variables
$P_HP1= $P_MHP1;

//If Enemy Has Fainted
if($EP_HP== 0)

//Define Random Variables
$B_GainedCredits= rand(100, 400);

//Define New Variables
$U_DiamondCredits= round($U_DiamondCredits + $B_GainedCredits);

//Define Formatted Variables
//Define EXP Variables
$B_GainedEXP= round(($EP_HP) * ($EP_Level) / (15 / 1));

//Define New Variables
$P_EXP1= round($P_EXP1 + $B_GainedEXP);

//Define Sentence Variables
$B_EXPSentence1="<br />Your $P_Name1 has gained <b>$B_GainedEXP</b> Experience Point(s)!";

//If Your EXP Is Below Zero
if($P_EXP1 < 0)
//Define New Variables
$P_EXP1= 0;

//If Your EXP Is Too High
elseif($P_EXP1 >= $P_NEXP1)
//Define New Variables
$P_Level1= round($P_Level1 + 1);
$P_EXP1= round($P_EXP1 - $P_NEXP1);

$B_NEXPIncrease = round($P_Level1 * 3);
$B_NEXPIncreaserandom = rand(round($P_Level1 / 2), round($P_Level1));
//Define New Variables
$P_NEXP1= round($B_NEXPIncrease + $B_NEXPIncreaserandom);
$P_MHP1= round($B_HPIncrease + $P_MHP1);
$P_ATK1= round($B_ATKIncrease + $P_ATK1);
$P_DEF1= round($B_DEFIncrease + $P_DEF1);
$P_SATK1= round($B_SPLATKIncrease + $P_SATK1);
$P_SDEF1= round($B_SPLDEFIncrease + $P_SDEF1);

//Define New Variables
$P_HP1= $P_MHP1;

//Define Sentence Variables
$B_LevelSentence1="Your $P_Name1 has grown to Level <b>$P_Level1</b>!<br /><br /><u><b>Stats:</b></u><br /><b>HP:</b> +$B_HPIncrease<br /><b>ATK:</b> +$B_ATKIncrease<br /><b>DEF:</b> +$B_DEFIncrease<br /><b>SPLATK:</b> +$B_SPLATKIncrease<br /><b>SPLDEF:</b> +$B_SPLDEFIncrease<br />";
mysql_query("UPDATE Pokémon SET P_Name='$P_Name1', P_Sprite='$P_Sprite1', P_Level='$P_Level1', P_EXP='$P_EXP1', P_NEXP='$P_NEXP1', P_HP='$P_HP1', P_MHP='$P_MHP1', P_MP='$P_MP1', P_MMP='$P_MMP1', P_ATK='$P_ATK1', P_DEF='$P_DEF1', P_SPLATK='$P_SPLATK1', P_SPLDEF='$P_SPLDEF1', P_SPD='$P_SPD1', P_Type='$P_Type1', P_Happiness='$P_Happiness1', P_BattleWins='$P_BattleWins1', P_BattleLosses='$P_BattleLosses1', P_TotalBattles='$P_TotalBattles1', P_EvolutionLevel='$P_EvolutionLevel1', P_EvolveTo='$P_EvolveTo1', P_Move1='$P_Move1_1', P_Move2='$P_Move2_1', P_Move3='$P_Move3_1', P_Move4='$P_Move4_1'  WHERE P_ID='$P_ID1' LIMIT 1");

if($P_HP1 = 0);
echo "You have lost";
header("location: index.php");
//Include Footer File

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Please tab out and format your code according to accepted standards.


It is unreadable in this form.


Also, we would need all the files, including database structure and filler content to know the true location of the problem. As it stands, there is nothing to look at.


Have you checked the log files?

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If error reporting is turned on and you are getting no errors then probably I can assume that all your code that echoes stuff out is in some kind of condition or other.  I didn't actually look because I'm not gonna bother looking at 800 lines of unindented code.  Start at the first condition and remove it.  If still nothing happens, move on to the next one.  That should probably help narrow your problem down.  And if you do find the problem condition and can't figure out why it's causing problems, you can post just that, instead of 800 lines of code. 

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That's acceptable; a lot of people do that.  My preference:


if (condition) {
   // code
} else {
  // code
} // end if..else condition

for (expression1) {
   // code
   for (expression2) {
      // code
      if (condition1) {
         // code
      } // end if condition1
   } // end for expression2
} // end for expression1


How you indent it is a matter of style.  Important thing is that you indent it. 

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Hows this


if (!isset($_COOKIE['UserID'])) 
  $ID = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
  $ID = mysql_real_escape_string($ID);
  echo "Sorry, you are not logged in. <a href='Login.php'>Login now</a>";
mysql_query("UPDATE Battle_Information SET Battle = 'True'
WHERE ID = '$ID'");
function Battle_Unset()
  mysql_query("UPDATE Battle_Information SET Battle = 'False'
  WHERE ID = '$ID'");

$Result887 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Battle_Information");
$Rows887 = mysql_fetch_array($Result887);
$Battle = $Rows887['Battle'];

if($Battle != "True")
  echo "Sorry you are not in a battle.";

  //Check for errors

  //If HP is 0
    echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
  //Unset Session
    echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
  //Unset Session
  //Enemy Errors
  //If HP is 0
    echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
  //Unset Session
    echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
  //Unset Session
  //Define Dead Variables
  $B_Dead= 0;

  //Find Dead Values
  if($P_HP1== 0 || $P_Name1=="None") { $B_Dead= round($B_Dead + 1); }

    //If All Pokémon Have Fainted
      echo "You have lost..
      <FORM method='GET' action='index.php' target='_blank'>
      <input type='submit' name='Lost' value='Continue'>

  $B_Result3= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE pokemon_name='$P_Name1' LIMIT 1");
  $B_Rows3= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result3);

  //If Rows Are Empty
    //Display Message
    echo "Sorry there is an error.";

  //Find Rows
  $B_Result10= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Battle_Information");
  $B_Rows10= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result10);
  $E_ID = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_ID'];
  $E_Name = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Name'];
  $EP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon'];
  $EP_Attack1 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack1'];
  $EP_Attack2 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack2'];
  $EP_Attack3 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack3'];
  $EP_Attack4 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack4'];
  $EP_Name = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Name'];
  $EP_Attack = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack'];
  $EP_Defense = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Defense'];
  $EP_HP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_HP'];
  $EP_MHP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_MHP'];
  $EP_IMG = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_IMG'];
  $EP_Gender = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Gender'];
  $EP_Level = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Level'];
  $EP_EXP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_EXP'];
  $EP_NEXP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_NEXP'];
  $EP_GenderS = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Gender_Sign'];
  $EP_SATK = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Special_Attack'];
  $EP_SDEF = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Special_Defense'];
  $EP_Type = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Type'];
  $EP_Type2 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Type2'];

  $B_Result4= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE pokemon_name='$EP_Name' LIMIT 1");
  $B_Rows4= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result4);

  //If Rows Are Empty
    //Display Message
    echo "There is an error.";
  //Define New Variables
  $B_Success="You have not performed an action as of yet. Please choose an action above.";

  //Display Form
  echo "<form action='battle.php' method='POST' name='BPOST'>
  <input type='hidden' name='B_Submit' value='1'>

  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav_header' align='center' width='100%'>";
  //Display Content
  echo "$UserName's $P_Name1 Versus $E_Name's $CB_PName";
  //Continue Form
  echo "</td>


  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  Level $P_Level1 (EXP: $P_EXP1/$P_NEXP1)
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  Level $EP_Level (EXP: $EP_EXP/$EP_NEXP)


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <div class='bar' align='left' width='50px'><img src='/EXP_Bar1.png' style='height: 7px; width: $B_EXPPercentage1%' title='EXP: $P_EXP1/$P_NEXP1 ($B_EXPPercentage1%)' alt=''></div>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <div class='bar' align='left' width='50px'><img src='/EXP_Bar1.png' style='height: 7px; width: $B_EXPPercentage2%' title='EXP: $EP_EXP/$EP_NEXP ($B_EXPPercentage2%)' alt=''></div>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <img src='$P_Image1' title='$P_Name1' alt='$P_Name1'>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <img src='$EP_IMG' title='$EP_Name' alt='$EP_Name'>


  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <b>HP: $P_HP1/$P_MHP1</b>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <b>HP: $EP_PHP/$EP_MHP</b>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <div class='bar' align='left' width='25px'><img src='/HP_Bar1.png' style='height: 11px; width: $B_HPPercentage1%' title='HP: $P_HP1/$P_MHP1 ($B_HPPercentage1%)' alt='HP: $P_HP1/$P_MHP1 ($B_HPPercentage1%)'></div>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <div class='bar' align='left' width='25px'><img src='/HP_Bar1.png' style='height: 11px; width: $B_HPPercentage2%' title='HP: $CB_PHP/$CB_PMHP ($B_HPPercentage2%)' alt='HP: $CB_PHP/$CB_PMHP ($B_HPPercentage2%)'></div>


  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <b>Change Party</b>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Attack' checked onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= true;\">
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Change Party' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= false;\">
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Item' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= true;\">
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Escape' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= true;\">


  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <b>Your Inventory</b>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <b>$P_Name1's Attacks</b>


  //Continue Form
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <select name='B_Attack'>";

  //If Session Is Set
    //Define Session Variables
    $B_PreviousMove= $_SESSION['B_PreviousMove'];

    //If Previous Move Is Invalid
    if($B_PreviousMove < 1 || $B_PreviousMove > 5)
      //Define New Variables
      $B_PreviousMove= 1;

    //Display Information
    echo "<option value='$B_PreviousMove'>Previous Move</option>";

  //Continue Form
  echo "<option value='1'>$P_Move1_1 </option>
  <option value='2'>$P_Move2_1 </option>
  <option value='3'>$P_Move3_1 </option>
  <option value='4'>$P_Move4_1 </option>

  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>
  <b>Current Turn</b>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>
  <b>Change Party</b>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>
  <select name='B_Switch' disabled>
  <option value='0' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= false;\">Don't Change Party</option>
  <option value='2' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name2 (LV: $P_Level2; HP: $P_HP2/$P_MHP2; MP: $P_MP2/$P_MMP2)</option>
  <option value='3' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name3 (LV: $P_Level3; HP: $P_HP3/$P_MHP3; MP: $P_MP3/$P_MMP3)</option>
  <option value='4' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name4 (LV: $P_Level4; HP: $P_HP4/$P_MHP4; MP: $P_MP4/$P_MMP4)</option>
  <option value='5' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name5 (LV: $P_Level5; HP: $P_HP5/$P_MHP5; MP: $P_MP5/$P_MMP5)</option>
  <option value='6' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name6 (LV: $P_Level6; HP: $P_HP6/$P_MHP6; MP: $P_MP6/$P_MMP6)</option>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>

  <input type='submit' name='B_Submit2$Name' value='Continue$Dots' class='inputform' onclick=\"this.disabled='true'; this.value='Please Wait...'; this.form.submit();\">


  $B_Submit= $_POST['B_Submit'];
  $B_Action= $_POST['B_Action'];
  $B_Item= $_POST['B_Item'];
  $B_Attack= $_POST['B_Attack'];
  $B_Switch= $_POST['B_Switch'];

  $B_Action= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Action);
  $B_Item= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Item);
  $B_Attack= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Attack);
  $B_Switch= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Switch);

  //If Action Is Escape
    //Define Sessions
    Define_Session("B_Submit", "True");
    Define_Session("B_Success", "You have successfully escaped the enemy.<br /><br /><a href='index.php'>[ RPG Homepage ]</a><br /><a href='story_mode.php'>[ Story Mode ]</a><br /><a href='battle_a_trainer.php'>[ Battle A Trainer ]</a><br /><a href='pokemon_maps.php'>[ Pokémon Maps ]</a><br /><a href='pokemon_center.php'>[ Pokémon Center ]</a>");
    Define_Session("B_Status", "Escaped");

    //Redirect User
    header("location: battle.php");

    //Exit Page
  //If HP Exceeds Maximum HP
  if($P_HP1 > $P_MHP1)
    //Define New Variables
    $P_HP1= $P_MHP1;

  //If MP Exceeds Maximum MP
  if($P_MP1 > $P_MMP1)
    //Define New Variables
    $P_MP1= $P_MMP1;
  //If Action Is Change Party
  elseif($B_Action=="Change Party")
    //If Specified Slot Is Not Valid
    if($B_Switch < 2 || $B_Switch > 6)
      echo "The slot is invalid";

      //Redirect User
      header("location: battle.php");

      //Exit Page

    //Find Rows
    $B_Result8= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE User_ID='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='$B_Switch' LIMIT 1");
    $B_Rows8= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result8);

    //Define Pokémon Variables
    $PD_ID= $B_Rows8['pokemon_id'];
    $PD_Name= $B_Rows8['pokemon_name'];
    $PD_Sprite= $B_Rows8['pokemon_image'];

    //If Rows Are Empty
      echo "Sorry, the Pokemon seems to be unexistent.";

      //Redirect User
      header("location: battle.php");

      //Exit Page

    //Update Pokémon Information
    mysql_query("UPDATE pokemon_info SET pokemon_slot='$B_Switch' WHERE User_ID='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='1' LIMIT 1");

    //Update Pokémon Information
    mysql_query("UPDATE Pokémon SET pokemon_slot='1' WHERE User_ID='$ID' AND pokemon_id='$PD_ID' LIMIT 1");

    echo "The pokemon have switched!";

    //Destroy Sessions

    //Redirect User
    header("location: battle.php");

    //Exit Page
    //Declare B_BeginAttack Function
    function B_BeginAttack($BA_AttackEnemy)
      //Define Globalized Variables

      global $ID;
      global $UserName;
      global $P_ID1;
      global $P_Name1;
      global $P_Name2;
      global $P_Name3;
      global $P_Name4;
      global $P_Name5;
      global $P_Name6;
      global $P_Image1;
      global $P_Level1;
      global $P_EXP1;
      global $P_NEXP1;
      global $P_HP1;
      global $P_HP2;
      global $P_HP3;
      global $P_HP4;
      global $P_HP5;
      global $P_HP6;
      global $P_MHP1;
      global $P_MP1;
      global $P_MMP1;
      global $P_ATK1;
      global $P_SATK1;
      global $P_DEF1;
      global $P_SDEF1;
      global $P_Type;
      global $P_Type21;
      global $P_Attack11;
      global $P_Attack21;
      global $P_Attack31;
      global $P_Attack41;
      global $E_ID;
      global $E_Type;
      global $E_Name;
      global $EP_ID;
      global $EP_Name;
      global $EP_IMG;
      global $EP_Level;
      global $EP_EXP;
      global $EP_NEXP;
      global $EP_HP;
      global $EP_MHP;
      global $EP_ATK;
      global $EP_DEF;
      global $EP_SATK;
      global $EP_SDEF;
      global $EP_Type;
      global $EP_Type2;
      global $EP_Gender;
      global $EP_GenderS;
      global $EP_Attack1;
      global $EP_Attack2;
      global $EP_Attack3;
      global $EP_Attack4;
      global $B_Item;
      global $B_Attack;
      global $B_Switch;

      //Define Random Variables
      $B_EnemysAttack= rand(1, 4);
      $Random_EXP= rand(round(($EP_Level / ), round(($EP_Level / 4)));
      $B_RandomMultiEXP= rand(2, 3);
      $B_DividedEXP= rand(3, 7);

      $B_HPIncrease= rand(2, 3);

        $B_ATKIncrease= rand(3, 5);
        $B_ATKIncrease= rand(2, 5);
        $B_DEFIncrease= rand(3, 5);
        $B_DEFIncrease= rand(2, 5);
        $B_SATKIncrease= rand(3, 5);
        $B_SATKIncrease= rand(2, 5);
        $B_SDEFIncrease= rand(3, 5);
        $B_SDEFIncrease= rand(2, 5);

      //If Attack Enemy Is True
        //Define Sessions
        Define_Session("B_PreviousMove", $B_Attack);

        //If First Move Is Chosen
        if($B_Attack== 1)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_Move= $P_Attack11;

        //If Second Move Is Chosen
        elseif($B_Attack== 2)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_Move= $P_Attack21;

        //If Third Move Is Chosen
        elseif($B_Attack== 3)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_Move= $P_Attack31;

        //If Fourth Move Is Chosen
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_Move= $P_Attack41;

        //Find Rows
        $B_Result9= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Move_Data WHERE MD_Name='$B_Move' LIMIT 1");
        $B_Rows9= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result9);

        //Define Move Data Variables
        $MD_Name= $B_Rows9['MD_Name'];
        $MD_Type= $B_Rows9['MD_Type'];
        $MD_Power= $B_Rows9['Power'];
        $MD_Physical= $B_Rows9['Physical'];
        $MD_Special= $B_Rows9['Special'];

        //If Rows Are Empty
          //Define Sessions
          Define_Session("B_Submit", "True");
          Define_Session("B_Success", "Sorry, the specified move does not appear to be existant; please report this.");

          //Redirect User
          header("location: battle.php");

          //Exit Page
          //Define Damage Variables
          $B_YourDamage= round(($MD_Power / 1) * ($P_ATK1 / 1) / ($EP_DEF / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($P_Level1));

          //If Your Damage Is Invalid
          if($B_YourDamage < 0)
            //Define New Variables
            $B_YourDamage= 0;
          //Define Damage Variables
          $B_YourDamage= round(($MD_Power / 1) * ($P_SATK1 / 1) / ($EP_SDEF / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($P_Level1));

          //If Your Damage Is Invalid
          if($B_YourDamage < 0)
            //Define New Variables
            $B_YourDamage= 0;
          echo "You have done $B_YourDamage Damage";
          $EP_HP= round($EP_HP - $B_YourDamage);
        //If Enemy's HP Is Below Zero
        if($EP_HP < 0)
          //Define New Variables
          $EP_HP= 0;

        //If Enemy's HP Is Too High
        elseif($EP_HP > $EP_MHP)
          //Define New Variables
          $EP_HP= $EP_MHP;
      //If Enemy Has Not Fainted
      if($EP_HP != 0)
        //If First Move Is Chosen
        if($B_EnemysAttack== 1)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack1;

        //If Second Move Is Chosen
        elseif($B_EnemysAttack== 2)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack2;

        //If Third Move Is Chosen
        elseif($B_EnemysAttack== 3)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack3;

        //If Fourth Move Is Chosen
        elseif($B_EnemysAttack== 4)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack4;
        $B_Result10= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Move_Data WHERE MD_Name='$B_EnemysMove' LIMIT 1");
        $B_Rows10= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result10);

        //Define Move Data Variables
        $MD_EnemysName= $B_Rows10['MD_Name'];
        $MD_EnemysSpecial= $B_Rows10['MD_Special'];
        $MD_EnemysPhysical= $B_Rows10['MD_Physical'];
        $MD_EnemysPower= $B_Rows10['MD_Power'];
        $Dodge_Rand= rand(1, 5);
        $Counter_Rand= rand(1, 5);
        $B_Submit10= $_POST['B_Submit10'];
        $B_Submit11= $_POST['B_Submit11'];
        $B_Submit10= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Submit10);
        $B_Submit11= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Submit11);
        echo "The enemy is using $B_EnemysMove<br><FORM method='GET' action='battle.php' target='_blank'>
        <input type='submit' name='B_Submit10' value='Dodge'><br>
        <input type='submit' name='B_Submit11' value='Counter'>";
            echo "You have successfully dodged the attack!";
            //If Enemy's Move Is Physical
              //Define Damage Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_ATK / 1) / ($P_DEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

              //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
              if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
                //Define New Variables
                $B_EnemysDamage= 0;


            //If Enemy's Move Is Not Physical
              //Define Damage Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_SATK / 1) / ($P_SDEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

              //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
              if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
                //Define New Variables
                $B_EnemysDamage= 0;
            echo "The enemy did $B_EnemysDamage Damage";
            $P_HP1= round($P_HP1 - $B_EnemysDamage);
          echo "You have pulled off a counter attack you have done $B_YourDamage Damage";
          //If Enemy's Move Is Physical
            //Define Damage Variables
            $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_ATK / 1) / ($P_DEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

            //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
            if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
              //Define New Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= 0;

          //If Enemy's Move Is Not Physical
            //Define Damage Variables
            $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_SATK / 1) / ($P_SDEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

            //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
            if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
              //Define New Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= 0;
          echo "The enemy did $B_EnemysDamage Damage";
          $P_HP1= round($P_HP1 - $B_EnemysDamage);
          //If Enemy's Move Is Physical
            //Define Damage Variables
            $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) + ($EP_ATK / 1) - ($P_DEF1 / 1));

            //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
            if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
              //Define New Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= 0;

          //If Enemy's Move Is Not Physical
            //Define Damage Variables
            $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_SATK / 1) / ($P_SDEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

            //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
            if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
              //Define New Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= 0;
          echo "The enemy did $B_EnemysDamage Damage";
          $P_HP1= round($P_HP1 - $B_EnemysDamage);
          //If Your HP Is Below Zero
          if($P_HP1 < 0)
            //Define New Variables
            $P_HP1= 0;

          //If Your HP Is Too High
          elseif($P_HP1 > $P_MHP1)
            //Define New Variables
            $P_HP1= $P_MHP1;

        //If Enemy Has Fainted
        if($EP_HP== 0)

          //Define Random Variables
          $B_GainedCredits= rand(100, 400);

          //Define New Variables
          $U_DiamondCredits= round($U_DiamondCredits + $B_GainedCredits);

          //Define Formatted Variables
          //Define EXP Variables
          $B_GainedEXP= round(($EP_HP) * ($EP_Level) / (15 / 1));

          //Define New Variables
          $P_EXP1= round($P_EXP1 + $B_GainedEXP);

          //Define Sentence Variables
          $B_EXPSentence1="<br />Your $P_Name1 has gained <b>$B_GainedEXP</b> Experience Point(s)!";

          //If Your EXP Is Below Zero
          if($P_EXP1 < 0)
            //Define New Variables
            $P_EXP1= 0;

          //If Your EXP Is Too High
          elseif($P_EXP1 >= $P_NEXP1)
            //Define New Variables
            $P_Level1= round($P_Level1 + 1);
            $P_EXP1= round($P_EXP1 - $P_NEXP1);

            $B_NEXPIncrease = round($P_Level1 * 3);
            $B_NEXPIncreaserandom = rand(round($P_Level1 / 2), round($P_Level1));
            //Define New Variables
            $P_NEXP1= round($B_NEXPIncrease + $B_NEXPIncreaserandom);
            $P_MHP1= round($B_HPIncrease + $P_MHP1);
            $P_ATK1= round($B_ATKIncrease + $P_ATK1);
            $P_DEF1= round($B_DEFIncrease + $P_DEF1);
            $P_SATK1= round($B_SPLATKIncrease + $P_SATK1);
            $P_SDEF1= round($B_SPLDEFIncrease + $P_SDEF1);

            //Define New Variables
            $P_HP1= $P_MHP1;

            //Define Sentence Variables
            $B_LevelSentence1="Your $P_Name1 has grown to Level <b>$P_Level1</b>!<br /><br /><u><b>Stats:</b></u><br /><b>HP:</b> +$B_HPIncrease<br /><b>ATK:</b> +$B_ATKIncrease<br /><b>DEF:</b> +$B_DEFIncrease<br /><b>SPLATK:</b> +$B_SPLATKIncrease<br /><b>SPLDEF:</b> +$B_SPLDEFIncrease<br />";
          mysql_query("UPDATE Pokémon SET P_Name='$P_Name1', P_Sprite='$P_Sprite1', P_Level='$P_Level1', P_EXP='$P_EXP1', P_NEXP='$P_NEXP1', P_HP='$P_HP1', P_MHP='$P_MHP1', P_MP='$P_MP1', P_MMP='$P_MMP1', P_ATK='$P_ATK1', P_DEF='$P_DEF1', P_SPLATK='$P_SPLATK1', P_SPLDEF='$P_SPLDEF1', P_SPD='$P_SPD1', P_Type='$P_Type1', P_Happiness='$P_Happiness1', P_BattleWins='$P_BattleWins1', P_BattleLosses='$P_BattleLosses1', P_TotalBattles='$P_TotalBattles1', P_EvolutionLevel='$P_EvolutionLevel1', P_EvolveTo='$P_EvolveTo1', P_Move1='$P_Move1_1', P_Move2='$P_Move2_1', P_Move3='$P_Move3_1', P_Move4='$P_Move4_1'  WHERE P_ID='$P_ID1' LIMIT 1");

        if($P_HP1 = 0);
            echo "You have lost";
            header("location: index.php");
//Include Footer File

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There are like 300 conditions in there and it would take longer than the script itself to do that. Plus.. If the condition isnt true, it should say the message, if it is true it should skip to the next conditions, if the conditions are false it will display an error like "Error something is wrong refresh and try again" and if theya re true it will appear as it says it should.

Also, where it displays the tables and such, as logn as there are no errors, it should automatically display them.

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You seemed to think people would go through your code when it was unindented.  You've done really well in indenting it, but that was a suggestion to help you out, in general.  I hope you weren't expecting people to go through 800 lines of code simply because you indented it. 


And anyways, we couldn't go through and test the conditions for you even if we wanted to.  We don't have access to anything that's bringing info from includes, db queries etc... to the table, to even test whether they work or not. 


Now I know that you didn't come here to be told what you're doing wrong, as far as forum etiquette goes, or even being told how to be a better coder.  Your script doesn't work, and you're looking for help getting it fixed.  So here it is:


Considering the page is blank, it's more likely one of your first conditions, which encapsulates everything else, that is failing.  I'm willing to bet that you are not going to have to go through anywhere near all 300 of those conditions before you find the one bugging.  I'm sorry, I wish there was some magic wand to wave, but there's not.  I can't really think of a better way to go about finding the bug, can you?


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Also, where it displays the tables and such, as [long] as there are no errors, it should automatically display them.


Look at what you just said.  If there are no other conditions that prevent stuff from being displayed, and yet there is nothing being displayed, then it stands to reason that there are errors there.  I suggest you start there. 

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Try error reporting before trecking through the conditions:


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

if (!isset($_COOKIE['UserID'])) 
  $ID = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
  $ID = mysql_real_escape_string($ID);
  echo "Sorry, you are not logged in. <a href='Login.php'>Login now</a>";
// etcc


If that pulls up nothing, good luck going through each condition. I had to do that many times. That is why I generally check code at stages and make sure it works instead of coding 300 conditions at once and having to find a needle in a haystack.


You live you learn. Just hope you don't repeat the same mistakes in the future.

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May be a stupid answer, but can you have 2 conditions after an if statement, I have never seen it before.


//Find Dead Values
  if($P_HP1== 0 || $P_Name1=="None") { $B_Dead= round($B_Dead + 1); }
   //If All Pokémon Have Fainted
      echo "You have lost..
      <FORM method='GET' action='index.php' target='_blank'>
      <input type='submit' name='Lost' value='Continue'>

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try running this see what comes up:


if (!isset($_COOKIE['UserID'])) 
  $ID = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
  $ID = mysql_real_escape_string($ID);
  echo "Sorry, you are not logged in. <a href='Login.php'>Login now</a>";
mysql_query("UPDATE Battle_Information SET Battle = 'True'
WHERE ID = '$ID'") or die(mysql_error());
function Battle_Unset()
  mysql_query("UPDATE Battle_Information SET Battle = 'False'
  WHERE ID = '$ID'") or die(mysql_error());;

$Result887 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Battle_Information") or die(mysql_error());;
$Rows887 = mysql_fetch_array($Result887);
$Battle = $Rows887['Battle'];

if($Battle != "True")
  echo "Sorry you are not in a battle.";

  //Check for errors

  //If HP is 0
    echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
  //Unset Session
    echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
  //Unset Session
  //Enemy Errors
  //If HP is 0
    echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
  //Unset Session
    echo "There is an error. Wait a few seconds and try again, if this does not work report it.";
  //Unset Session
  //Define Dead Variables
  $B_Dead= 0;

  //Find Dead Values
  if($P_HP1== 0 || $P_Name1=="None") { $B_Dead= round($B_Dead + 1); }

    //If All Pokémon Have Fainted
      echo "You have lost..
      <FORM method='GET' action='index.php' target='_blank'>
      <input type='submit' name='Lost' value='Continue'>

  $B_Result3= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE pokemon_name='$P_Name1' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
  $B_Rows3= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result3);

  //If Rows Are Empty
    //Display Message
    echo "Sorry there is an error.";

  //Find Rows
  $B_Result10= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Battle_Information") or die(mysql_error());
  $B_Rows10= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result10);
  $E_ID = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_ID'];
  $E_Name = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Name'];
  $EP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon'];
  $EP_Attack1 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack1'];
  $EP_Attack2 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack2'];
  $EP_Attack3 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack3'];
  $EP_Attack4 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack4'];
  $EP_Name = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Name'];
  $EP_Attack = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Attack'];
  $EP_Defense = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Defense'];
  $EP_HP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_HP'];
  $EP_MHP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_MHP'];
  $EP_IMG = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_IMG'];
  $EP_Gender = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Gender'];
  $EP_Level = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Level'];
  $EP_EXP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_EXP'];
  $EP_NEXP = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_NEXP'];
  $EP_GenderS = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Gender_Sign'];
  $EP_SATK = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Special_Attack'];
  $EP_SDEF = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Special_Defense'];
  $EP_Type = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Type'];
  $EP_Type2 = $B_Rows10['BI_Enemy_Pokemon_Type2'];

  $B_Result4= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE pokemon_name='$EP_Name' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
  $B_Rows4= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result4);

  //If Rows Are Empty
    //Display Message
    echo "There is an error.";
  //Define New Variables
  $B_Success="You have not performed an action as of yet. Please choose an action above.";

  //Display Form
  echo "<form action='battle.php' method='POST' name='BPOST'>
  <input type='hidden' name='B_Submit' value='1'>

  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav_header' align='center' width='100%'>";
  //Display Content
  echo "$UserName's $P_Name1 Versus $E_Name's $CB_PName";
  //Continue Form
  echo "</td>


  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  Level $P_Level1 (EXP: $P_EXP1/$P_NEXP1)
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  Level $EP_Level (EXP: $EP_EXP/$EP_NEXP)


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <div class='bar' align='left' width='50px'><img src='/EXP_Bar1.png' style='height: 7px; width: $B_EXPPercentage1%' title='EXP: $P_EXP1/$P_NEXP1 ($B_EXPPercentage1%)' alt=''></div>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <div class='bar' align='left' width='50px'><img src='/EXP_Bar1.png' style='height: 7px; width: $B_EXPPercentage2%' title='EXP: $EP_EXP/$EP_NEXP ($B_EXPPercentage2%)' alt=''></div>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <img src='$P_Image1' title='$P_Name1' alt='$P_Name1'>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <img src='$EP_IMG' title='$EP_Name' alt='$EP_Name'>


  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <b>HP: $P_HP1/$P_MHP1</b>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <b>HP: $EP_PHP/$EP_MHP</b>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <div class='bar' align='left' width='25px'><img src='/HP_Bar1.png' style='height: 11px; width: $B_HPPercentage1%' title='HP: $P_HP1/$P_MHP1 ($B_HPPercentage1%)' alt='HP: $P_HP1/$P_MHP1 ($B_HPPercentage1%)'></div>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <div class='bar' align='left' width='25px'><img src='/HP_Bar1.png' style='height: 11px; width: $B_HPPercentage2%' title='HP: $CB_PHP/$CB_PMHP ($B_HPPercentage2%)' alt='HP: $CB_PHP/$CB_PMHP ($B_HPPercentage2%)'></div>


  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <b>Change Party</b>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Attack' checked onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= true;\">
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Change Party' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= false;\">
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Item' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= true;\">
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='25%'>
  <input type='radio' name='B_Action' value='Escape' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Item.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Attack.disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Switch.disabled= true;\">


  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <b>Your Inventory</b>
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <b>$P_Name1's Attacks</b>


  //Continue Form
  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='50%'>
  <select name='B_Attack'>";

  //If Session Is Set
    //Define Session Variables
    $B_PreviousMove= $_SESSION['B_PreviousMove'];

    //If Previous Move Is Invalid
    if($B_PreviousMove < 1 || $B_PreviousMove > 5)
      //Define New Variables
      $B_PreviousMove= 1;

    //Display Information
    echo "<option value='$B_PreviousMove'>Previous Move</option>";

  //Continue Form
  echo "<option value='1'>$P_Move1_1 </option>
  <option value='2'>$P_Move2_1 </option>
  <option value='3'>$P_Move3_1 </option>
  <option value='4'>$P_Move4_1 </option>

  <table class='tables' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='95%'><tr>

  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>
  <b>Current Turn</b>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>
  <b>Change Party</b>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>
  <select name='B_Switch' disabled>
  <option value='0' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= false; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= false;\">Don't Change Party</option>
  <option value='2' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name2 (LV: $P_Level2; HP: $P_HP2/$P_MHP2; MP: $P_MP2/$P_MMP2)</option>
  <option value='3' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name3 (LV: $P_Level3; HP: $P_HP3/$P_MHP3; MP: $P_MP3/$P_MMP3)</option>
  <option value='4' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name4 (LV: $P_Level4; HP: $P_HP4/$P_MHP4; MP: $P_MP4/$P_MMP4)</option>
  <option value='5' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name5 (LV: $P_Level5; HP: $P_HP5/$P_MHP5; MP: $P_MP5/$P_MMP5)</option>
  <option value='6' onclick=\"B_Form$Name.B_Action[0].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[1].disabled= true; B_Form$Name.B_Action[3].disabled= true;\">$P_Name6 (LV: $P_Level6; HP: $P_HP6/$P_MHP6; MP: $P_MP6/$P_MMP6)</option>


  <td class='tnav' align='center' width='100%'>

  <input type='submit' name='B_Submit2$Name' value='Continue$Dots' class='inputform' onclick=\"this.disabled='true'; this.value='Please Wait...'; this.form.submit();\">


  $B_Submit= $_POST['B_Submit'];
  $B_Action= $_POST['B_Action'];
  $B_Item= $_POST['B_Item'];
  $B_Attack= $_POST['B_Attack'];
  $B_Switch= $_POST['B_Switch'];

  $B_Action= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Action);
  $B_Item= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Item);
  $B_Attack= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Attack);
  $B_Switch= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Switch);

  //If Action Is Escape
    //Define Sessions
    Define_Session("B_Submit", "True");
    Define_Session("B_Success", "You have successfully escaped the enemy.<br /><br /><a href='index.php'>[ RPG Homepage ]</a><br /><a href='story_mode.php'>[ Story Mode ]</a><br /><a href='battle_a_trainer.php'>[ Battle A Trainer ]</a><br /><a href='pokemon_maps.php'>[ Pokémon Maps ]</a><br /><a href='pokemon_center.php'>[ Pokémon Center ]</a>");
    Define_Session("B_Status", "Escaped");

    //Redirect User
    header("location: battle.php");

    //Exit Page
  //If HP Exceeds Maximum HP
  if($P_HP1 > $P_MHP1)
    //Define New Variables
    $P_HP1= $P_MHP1;

  //If MP Exceeds Maximum MP
  if($P_MP1 > $P_MMP1)
    //Define New Variables
    $P_MP1= $P_MMP1;
  //If Action Is Change Party
  elseif($B_Action=="Change Party")
    //If Specified Slot Is Not Valid
    if($B_Switch < 2 || $B_Switch > 6)
      echo "The slot is invalid";

      //Redirect User
      header("location: battle.php");

      //Exit Page

    //Find Rows
    $B_Result8= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE User_ID='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='$B_Switch' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
    $B_Rows8= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result8);

    //Define Pokémon Variables
    $PD_ID= $B_Rows8['pokemon_id'];
    $PD_Name= $B_Rows8['pokemon_name'];
    $PD_Sprite= $B_Rows8['pokemon_image'];

    //If Rows Are Empty
      echo "Sorry, the Pokemon seems to be unexistent.";

      //Redirect User
      header("location: battle.php");

      //Exit Page

    //Update Pokémon Information
    mysql_query("UPDATE pokemon_info SET pokemon_slot='$B_Switch' WHERE User_ID='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='1' LIMIT 1");

    //Update Pokémon Information
    mysql_query("UPDATE Pokémon SET pokemon_slot='1' WHERE User_ID='$ID' AND pokemon_id='$PD_ID' LIMIT 1");

    echo "The pokemon have switched!";

    //Destroy Sessions

    //Redirect User
    header("location: battle.php");

    //Exit Page
    //Declare B_BeginAttack Function
    function B_BeginAttack($BA_AttackEnemy)
      //Define Globalized Variables

      global $ID;
      global $UserName;
      global $P_ID1;
      global $P_Name1;
      global $P_Name2;
      global $P_Name3;
      global $P_Name4;
      global $P_Name5;
      global $P_Name6;
      global $P_Image1;
      global $P_Level1;
      global $P_EXP1;
      global $P_NEXP1;
      global $P_HP1;
      global $P_HP2;
      global $P_HP3;
      global $P_HP4;
      global $P_HP5;
      global $P_HP6;
      global $P_MHP1;
      global $P_MP1;
      global $P_MMP1;
      global $P_ATK1;
      global $P_SATK1;
      global $P_DEF1;
      global $P_SDEF1;
      global $P_Type;
      global $P_Type21;
      global $P_Attack11;
      global $P_Attack21;
      global $P_Attack31;
      global $P_Attack41;
      global $E_ID;
      global $E_Type;
      global $E_Name;
      global $EP_ID;
      global $EP_Name;
      global $EP_IMG;
      global $EP_Level;
      global $EP_EXP;
      global $EP_NEXP;
      global $EP_HP;
      global $EP_MHP;
      global $EP_ATK;
      global $EP_DEF;
      global $EP_SATK;
      global $EP_SDEF;
      global $EP_Type;
      global $EP_Type2;
      global $EP_Gender;
      global $EP_GenderS;
      global $EP_Attack1;
      global $EP_Attack2;
      global $EP_Attack3;
      global $EP_Attack4;
      global $B_Item;
      global $B_Attack;
      global $B_Switch;

      //Define Random Variables
      $B_EnemysAttack= rand(1, 4);
      $Random_EXP= rand(round(($EP_Level / ), round(($EP_Level / 4)));
      $B_RandomMultiEXP= rand(2, 3);
      $B_DividedEXP= rand(3, 7);

      $B_HPIncrease= rand(2, 3);

        $B_ATKIncrease= rand(3, 5);
        $B_ATKIncrease= rand(2, 5);
        $B_DEFIncrease= rand(3, 5);
        $B_DEFIncrease= rand(2, 5);
        $B_SATKIncrease= rand(3, 5);
        $B_SATKIncrease= rand(2, 5);
        $B_SDEFIncrease= rand(3, 5);
        $B_SDEFIncrease= rand(2, 5);

      //If Attack Enemy Is True
        //Define Sessions
        Define_Session("B_PreviousMove", $B_Attack);

        //If First Move Is Chosen
        if($B_Attack== 1)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_Move= $P_Attack11;

        //If Second Move Is Chosen
        elseif($B_Attack== 2)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_Move= $P_Attack21;

        //If Third Move Is Chosen
        elseif($B_Attack== 3)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_Move= $P_Attack31;

        //If Fourth Move Is Chosen
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_Move= $P_Attack41;

        //Find Rows
        $B_Result9= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Move_Data WHERE MD_Name='$B_Move' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
        $B_Rows9= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result9);

        //Define Move Data Variables
        $MD_Name= $B_Rows9['MD_Name'];
        $MD_Type= $B_Rows9['MD_Type'];
        $MD_Power= $B_Rows9['Power'];
        $MD_Physical= $B_Rows9['Physical'];
        $MD_Special= $B_Rows9['Special'];

        //If Rows Are Empty
          //Define Sessions
          Define_Session("B_Submit", "True");
          Define_Session("B_Success", "Sorry, the specified move does not appear to be existant; please report this.");

          //Redirect User
          header("location: battle.php");

          //Exit Page
          //Define Damage Variables
          $B_YourDamage= round(($MD_Power / 1) * ($P_ATK1 / 1) / ($EP_DEF / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($P_Level1));

          //If Your Damage Is Invalid
          if($B_YourDamage < 0)
            //Define New Variables
            $B_YourDamage= 0;
          //Define Damage Variables
          $B_YourDamage= round(($MD_Power / 1) * ($P_SATK1 / 1) / ($EP_SDEF / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($P_Level1));

          //If Your Damage Is Invalid
          if($B_YourDamage < 0)
            //Define New Variables
            $B_YourDamage= 0;
          echo "You have done $B_YourDamage Damage";
          $EP_HP= round($EP_HP - $B_YourDamage);
        //If Enemy's HP Is Below Zero
        if($EP_HP < 0)
          //Define New Variables
          $EP_HP= 0;

        //If Enemy's HP Is Too High
        elseif($EP_HP > $EP_MHP)
          //Define New Variables
          $EP_HP= $EP_MHP;
      //If Enemy Has Not Fainted
      if($EP_HP != 0)
        //If First Move Is Chosen
        if($B_EnemysAttack== 1)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack1;

        //If Second Move Is Chosen
        elseif($B_EnemysAttack== 2)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack2;

        //If Third Move Is Chosen
        elseif($B_EnemysAttack== 3)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack3;

        //If Fourth Move Is Chosen
        elseif($B_EnemysAttack== 4)
          //Define Move Variables
          $B_EnemysMove= $EP_Attack4;
        $B_Result10= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Move_Data WHERE MD_Name='$B_EnemysMove' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
        $B_Rows10= mysql_fetch_array($B_Result10);

        //Define Move Data Variables
        $MD_EnemysName= $B_Rows10['MD_Name'];
        $MD_EnemysSpecial= $B_Rows10['MD_Special'];
        $MD_EnemysPhysical= $B_Rows10['MD_Physical'];
        $MD_EnemysPower= $B_Rows10['MD_Power'];
        $Dodge_Rand= rand(1, 5);
        $Counter_Rand= rand(1, 5);
        $B_Submit10= $_POST['B_Submit10'];
        $B_Submit11= $_POST['B_Submit11'];
        $B_Submit10= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Submit10);
        $B_Submit11= mysql_real_escape_string($B_Submit11);
        echo "The enemy is using $B_EnemysMove<br><FORM method='GET' action='battle.php' target='_blank'>
        <input type='submit' name='B_Submit10' value='Dodge'><br>
        <input type='submit' name='B_Submit11' value='Counter'>";
            echo "You have successfully dodged the attack!";
            //If Enemy's Move Is Physical
              //Define Damage Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_ATK / 1) / ($P_DEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

              //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
              if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
                //Define New Variables
                $B_EnemysDamage= 0;


            //If Enemy's Move Is Not Physical
              //Define Damage Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_SATK / 1) / ($P_SDEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

              //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
              if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
                //Define New Variables
                $B_EnemysDamage= 0;
            echo "The enemy did $B_EnemysDamage Damage";
            $P_HP1= round($P_HP1 - $B_EnemysDamage);
          echo "You have pulled off a counter attack you have done $B_YourDamage Damage";
          //If Enemy's Move Is Physical
            //Define Damage Variables
            $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_ATK / 1) / ($P_DEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

            //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
            if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
              //Define New Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= 0;

          //If Enemy's Move Is Not Physical
            //Define Damage Variables
            $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_SATK / 1) / ($P_SDEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

            //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
            if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
              //Define New Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= 0;
          echo "The enemy did $B_EnemysDamage Damage";
          $P_HP1= round($P_HP1 - $B_EnemysDamage);
          //If Enemy's Move Is Physical
            //Define Damage Variables
            $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) + ($EP_ATK / 1) - ($P_DEF1 / 1));

            //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
            if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
              //Define New Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= 0;

          //If Enemy's Move Is Not Physical
            //Define Damage Variables
            $B_EnemysDamage= round(($MD_EnemysPower / 1) * ($EP_SATK / 1) / ($P_SDEF1 / 1) / (5 / 1) + ($EP_Level));

            //If Enemy's Damage Is Invalid
            if($B_EnemysDamage < 0)
              //Define New Variables
              $B_EnemysDamage= 0;
          echo "The enemy did $B_EnemysDamage Damage";
          $P_HP1= round($P_HP1 - $B_EnemysDamage);
          //If Your HP Is Below Zero
          if($P_HP1 < 0)
            //Define New Variables
            $P_HP1= 0;

          //If Your HP Is Too High
          elseif($P_HP1 > $P_MHP1)
            //Define New Variables
            $P_HP1= $P_MHP1;

        //If Enemy Has Fainted
        if($EP_HP== 0)

          //Define Random Variables
          $B_GainedCredits= rand(100, 400);

          //Define New Variables
          $U_DiamondCredits= round($U_DiamondCredits + $B_GainedCredits);

          //Define Formatted Variables
          //Define EXP Variables
          $B_GainedEXP= round(($EP_HP) * ($EP_Level) / (15 / 1));

          //Define New Variables
          $P_EXP1= round($P_EXP1 + $B_GainedEXP);

          //Define Sentence Variables
          $B_EXPSentence1="<br />Your $P_Name1 has gained <b>$B_GainedEXP</b> Experience Point(s)!";

          //If Your EXP Is Below Zero
          if($P_EXP1 < 0)
            //Define New Variables
            $P_EXP1= 0;

          //If Your EXP Is Too High
          elseif($P_EXP1 >= $P_NEXP1)
            //Define New Variables
            $P_Level1= round($P_Level1 + 1);
            $P_EXP1= round($P_EXP1 - $P_NEXP1);

            $B_NEXPIncrease = round($P_Level1 * 3);
            $B_NEXPIncreaserandom = rand(round($P_Level1 / 2), round($P_Level1));
            //Define New Variables
            $P_NEXP1= round($B_NEXPIncrease + $B_NEXPIncreaserandom);
            $P_MHP1= round($B_HPIncrease + $P_MHP1);
            $P_ATK1= round($B_ATKIncrease + $P_ATK1);
            $P_DEF1= round($B_DEFIncrease + $P_DEF1);
            $P_SATK1= round($B_SPLATKIncrease + $P_SATK1);
            $P_SDEF1= round($B_SPLDEFIncrease + $P_SDEF1);

            //Define New Variables
            $P_HP1= $P_MHP1;

            //Define Sentence Variables
            $B_LevelSentence1="Your $P_Name1 has grown to Level <b>$P_Level1</b>!<br /><br /><u><b>Stats:</b></u><br /><b>HP:</b> +$B_HPIncrease<br /><b>ATK:</b> +$B_ATKIncrease<br /><b>DEF:</b> +$B_DEFIncrease<br /><b>SPLATK:</b> +$B_SPLATKIncrease<br /><b>SPLDEF:</b> +$B_SPLDEFIncrease<br />";
          mysql_query("UPDATE Pokémon SET P_Name='$P_Name1', P_Sprite='$P_Sprite1', P_Level='$P_Level1', P_EXP='$P_EXP1', P_NEXP='$P_NEXP1', P_HP='$P_HP1', P_MHP='$P_MHP1', P_MP='$P_MP1', P_MMP='$P_MMP1', P_ATK='$P_ATK1', P_DEF='$P_DEF1', P_SPLATK='$P_SPLATK1', P_SPLDEF='$P_SPLDEF1', P_SPD='$P_SPD1', P_Type='$P_Type1', P_Happiness='$P_Happiness1', P_BattleWins='$P_BattleWins1', P_BattleLosses='$P_BattleLosses1', P_TotalBattles='$P_TotalBattles1', P_EvolutionLevel='$P_EvolutionLevel1', P_EvolveTo='$P_EvolveTo1', P_Move1='$P_Move1_1', P_Move2='$P_Move2_1', P_Move3='$P_Move3_1', P_Move4='$P_Move4_1'  WHERE P_ID='$P_ID1' LIMIT 1");

        if($P_HP1 = 0);
            echo "You have lost";
            header("location: index.php");
//Include Footer File


all i did was add mysql_error(); to all your db queries.

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ok let see your 1st if condition

if (!isset($_COOKIE['UserID'])) 
  $ID = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
  $ID = mysql_real_escape_string($ID);
  echo "Sorry, you are not logged in. <a href='Login.php'>Login now</a>";

it say if $_COOKIE NOT exist  then $ID = something

is it ok?


are you setup $ID if $_COOKIE exist?

(not read all code)

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I'd just recommend refactoring this beast. It's frightening.


Break it up into common functions and features. Try to stay away from strictly procedural coding as this will lead to painful amounts of repetition in your code. Wasted time on your part (spend coding) and wasted time spent parsing (server side).


Sit down with a knowledgeable developer (there are plenty here that willing to offer their insight into problems) and hash this beast out into something that isn't so frightening.


Consider looking into a framework (I recommend CodeIgniter) as these sort of force you into good development habits. Or, at least, slant you towards good habits.

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