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Another suggestion?

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I have noticed that the PHP help section has a lot of new posts during recent times. With so many posts, it is easy for many of them to just age back and never be solved. That is why I suggest adding at least 2 subforums to the PHP Help forum and I have thought hard on what would devide some of the posts and below is a list of the subforms (or known as Child forums) that I think will make the difference.

  • PHP Strings & arrays
  • PHP mysql_query

The first one on the list (PHP Strings & arrays) will separate a large amount of posts and would mainly be used for help with scripts with the main purpose of processing strings and/or arrays. Also the other proposal on the list (PHP mysql_query) would by scripts using mysql databases. And of course most mysql scripts require the function mysql_query. Having a subforum for mysql scripts could also be usefull for when people want to look for solved threads in relation to mysql.


So with those 2 subforums (or Child forums) and if people use them I believe they will make it easier for asking questions and for browsing the recently posted on topics. That is all I have to suggest, any comments?

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We already have sql category that has several of the most popular sql databases.  Also, we've tried dividing php help into sub-forums in the past, and nobody bothers to try and figure out where their post should go.  We used to have a php oop and php noobie forum and got rid of them.  It's only a matter of time until we get rid of php math. 


As far as 'processing' strings and arrays...a lot of them would actually go into our regex forum.


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Oh and p.s.-


I guarantee you 99.999% of the posts that are 'overlooked,' 'neglected,' 'never solved' etc.. are a direct result of the OP failing to make a proper post explaining the situation clearly, wanting people to do their work for them or it's obvious they aren't really making an effort, dumping an assload of code and expecting people to sort through it, it's clear they are trying to build a house when they don't even know what bricks are, etc...; stuff like that.

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It's a pitty nobody has used the subforums in the past because on other online communities I know of, I haven't seen a forum with so many new posts in the one forum because of the subforums. I guess people on these forums just don't always have time to think twice about where there post goes.

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I guarantee you 99.999% of the posts that are 'overlooked,' 'neglected,' 'never solved' etc.. are a direct result of the OP failing to make a proper post explaining the situation clearly, wanting people to do their work for them or it's obvious they aren't really making an effort, dumping an assload of code and expecting people to sort through it, it's clear they are trying to build a house when they don't even know what bricks are, etc...; stuff like that.


I concur with CV 100%.

Given the mindset of some posters, it's no loss to see some of those threads vanish into the binary abyss IMO. If some people made stronger efforts in how they explain what the problem / desired solution is (as there are definitely some bad examples of this [especially in the regex forum by example]) put up small concise code samples and especially provide what they have tried, things might move along better in those threads..


Keep it short, clear and simple. Demonstrate you're trying, that you care about learning and odds of thread resolution will be much higher.

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They don't think twice about


The right forum

Reading the stickies

Making a logical subject

Posting errors or the actual problem


I can probably keep going...


It's a pitty nobody has used the subforums in the past because on other online communities I know of, I haven't seen a forum with so many new posts in the one forum because of the subforums. I guess people on these forums just don't always have time to think twice about where there post goes.

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As the old saying goes... "You can't fix stupid"


Of course they're not necessarily stupid, but they are as bad as a 10 year old.  They come here with the sole attitude of "I need an answer now, I don't care who it's from, just so long as it works....and I want it NOW"  Of course it we were to disallow these people to post, there would be no real point to these forums.  People are just going to double post, continuously bump, post in the wrong place, and PM the staff until that ban stick comes out.  Although the answer really is to ban them...I still don't understand why they come back after their ban is up...(If of course it is a time based ban).


This place is pretty much a crackhouse...a PHP crackhouse.  Wouldn't surprise me if the next new post's subject was "You gotta any PHP man?"

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