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So I'm creating a cheat code website.


I have a table for each system






I want to be able to insert rows into each one that has individual cheats in per game. So say Halo has 10 codes, there would be 10 seperate rows for halo.


Well this is all fine and dandy untill I try to make a page that displays the games. like so:

while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query))
<a href="/game.php?system=<?php echo $system; ?>&game=<?php echo $rows['game_name']; ?>&id=<?php echo $rows['ID']; ?>"><?php echo $rows['game_name']; ?></a>


When I do this, it displays each one seperatly so since i have 10 halo codes, it shows halo 10 times.


So I guess what I'm trying to ask is if I can limit halo to be shown only one time on that page.



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Well the problem is that if I limit to 1, it will not show all of the games. On this page it will have something like this:


Call of duty 4

Call of duty WOW



But right now it looks like this:


Call of duty 4

Call of duty 4

Call of duty 4

Call of duty 4

Call of duty WOW

Call of duty WOW







Since there are rows for each cheat.

There's probably a much easier way to do this but my head hurts from work:


$halo_count = 0;
while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query))
if($rows['game_name'] == 'halo') {
if($count > 1 && $rows['game_name'] == 'halo') {
} else {



There's probably a much easier way to do this but my head hurts from work:


$halo_count = 0;
while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query))
if($rows['game_name'] == 'halo') {
if($count > 1 && $rows['game_name'] == 'halo') {
} else {
   <a href="/game.php?system=<?php echo $system; ?>&game=<?php echo $rows['game_name']; ?>&id=<?php echo $rows['ID']; ?>"><?php echo $rows['game_name']; ?></a>


The only problem with this is that there will be more than just halo.


If you look here: http://arbituz.com/cheat.php?system=x360 You will see what I'm saying.


I would prefer to have each code to have it's own row to make user submissions to be easier. But everytime I add a new code, it shows the game name multiple times on the game list page.

Ok, so I guess I found a solution.


I added a new field called 'new' the the rows. if a code for a game that has never been entered is submited. it gets a 1 in new. other than that it has a 0. Then I made it so on the game list it only selects games with a 1 in new.


Thanks for all your help. This is probably a hillbilly solution but if you can think of better either send me an email [email protected] or leave me a message here.


Thanks agian!

Ok, so I guess I found a solution.


I added a new field called 'new' the the rows. if a code for a game that has never been entered is submited. it gets a 1 in new. other than that it has a 0. Then I made it so on the game list it only selects games with a 1 in new.


Thanks for all your help. This is probably a hillbilly solution but if you can think of better either send me an email [email protected] or leave me a message here.


Thanks agian!


I think you're fine with that solution, the 0 and 1 "boolean" method is a common practice.  Although I'm still confused as to what exactly you're trying to accomplish, so I cannot confirm this is a permanent solution.  Sorry  :-\

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