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I'm not a fan of using splash pages, but I'm doing a project for the local fire academy here that wants the main page to be a video about the academy.  Here is a concept I'm working on.





I still plan to include the logo above the video player, but what do you think about this.

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Hmm.. It's a conflict with me.. On the one hand, I like the first one better (I think it's the look of the back gear of the fire fighter on the left), but on the other hand, I kind of like the second because the firefighter is facing us, almost as a way of engaging the viewer (feels more personal, seeing the person behind the helmet kind of thing). That's a tough one, jcombs. I'm on the fence so to speak.


Perhaps presenting both with the site logo (when done) to better gauge things? Otherwise, I'm not sure, TBH.


In either case, I hope it's up to the viewer to initiate the video downloading / playing (saves the fire hall and user bandwidth in the event the user doesn't care to see the video [or has already seen it before]). I too am not a fan of splash screens either...

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  • 5 weeks later...

This went on hold temporarily and I'm now starting again.  You can see how it has evolved here  http://jcombs.net/bfa/welcome3.php


The video is now just going to be a slide show, so this would be the main page for the site that will have a different look for the sub-pages.

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I really like this one, jcombs. Best version yet. Everything gels nicely together (I especially like the footer). I would go with it personally.



I agree, 3 is the best one so far.  Maybe it's just me (or my shitty laptop), but it looks a little off-centered.  Leans to the right a bit.  :-[

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I really like this one, jcombs. Best version yet. Everything gels nicely together (I especially like the footer). I would go with it personally.



I agree, 3 is the best one so far.  Maybe it's just me (or my shitty laptop), but it looks a little off-centered.  Leans to the right a bit.  :-[


Do you have a horizontal scroll bar?  The image is 1400 px wide.

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I really like this one, jcombs. Best version yet. Everything gels nicely together (I especially like the footer). I would go with it personally.



I agree, 3 is the best one so far.  Maybe it's just me (or my shitty laptop), but it looks a little off-centered.  Leans to the right a bit.  :-[


Do you have a horizontal scroll bar?  The image is 1400 px wide.


Lol, yeah... it's centered,  FML.

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Doh, did you reply to this before or after I had the diamond plate footer?


When I replied, it had the diamond plate.. now it's gone :( I really liked it (not that it looks horrible without it.. just that it added some industrialism to it, which I found fitting). But it still looks really good without it too.

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This is with the footer http://jcombs.net/bfa/welcome4.php


As you can see, the footer just cuts off because it is only an image right now. The problem I see is that it may look strange expanded all the way to the bottom.  I guess I don't have to expand it down, not sure.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a coded version of the home page




The slideshow slows load time because the images are all loaded with the page, but I have slideshows that have loading animations, I prefer a smooth transition and the cycle plugin for jquery just makes life so easy.

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Looks good jcombs. I especially like the images within the slide show itself.

Only thing I have to ask is, is it supposed to be all white below the footer? (i'm viewing this in default Chrome settings).


EDIT, nevermind, I just checked again, it's black now ;)

I'm combing through your css, and I see you are decalring your background initially as white. I would set this to black from the get go (since it's a dark themed site).


Other than that, looks good. Curious to see the final result!

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I can't see where I've declared a white background?


View the css through the validator:


It's the first css chunk you see when scrolling down...


body {
margin : 0;
padding : 0;
background : #000 url(../images/body.jpg) no-repeat top center;
color : #fff;


So I can only suspect that the above snippet is the culprit? (EDIT - nevermind the white background declaration.. I'm confusing color with background-color...)

When I revisited the site, again, the bottom part was white initially... but changes to black after a while (Chrome defaults). I tested it in Firefox / IE 7, and displays black through and through from the get go.. hmmm..

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So it seems that if the site is cached, it displays correctly upon revisit. If I empty my cache, close Chrome, reopen it and revisit the site, same issue.. so perhaps this is inherently a Chrome issue?, as I don't get this effect in other browsers.

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