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What do you think of our new website?


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There is nothing really on this site that jumps out and says I would use these guys to do my website. You have little call to action.


Browsing through web design agency websites this is the look that I would go after.



Nice portfollio, blog, list of product offerings, easy navigation

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I would lose the flash.


I would move the javascript and css to remote files


I would change the home link from http://http://metalfrogstudios.com/index.php to http://http://metalfrogstudios.com/


Why the two sites (with duplicate content)




I do like the tabbed pages but suggest separate pages would be more se friendly and they broke for me in opera:


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Same points as the guys below, and I'd loose the slogan "Creating the best for the best" .. Sounds like you're cutting out the entire public-sector market, even perhaps mid-market businesses.


Oh and for an 'SEO specialist', you should know not to stuff the title with repetitive words..



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A lot of what everyone else has said, and as an e-commerce web provider, I probably wouldn't advertise security as "new," even if it's a new area of service that you offer, since hopefully you included security already in sites you designed.

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I hate this design.  There's way, way too much wasted space.  Do you really need two huge headers for each sub-section?  Do you need so much Flash that, aside from a couple areas, doesn't really do anything?  Do you need those pretentious 'MF Tips' boxes that don't really say anything important or informative?


I dislike the sliding menu.  I dislike the link that goes to your forum.  Are those numbers supposed to be your phone number?  I dislike those as well, given their lack of context and size/positioning.


The whole thing looks cluttered, and has very little real content.  It doesn't look professional to me at all.

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