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Hi All,


I want to have an discussion regarding the frameworks available in PHP. For my project i am planning to use Symfony but i have a spark of doubt , that every framework offer caching , library and plugin files. So how we can distinguish each framework in terms of development time , performance etc.


Any suggestion would be greatly appriciated.



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  • 2 weeks later...
The best framework is the one that suits your project the best.


How's that for ambiguous?


Well it is true IMO.  Asking which is 'the best' frame work is such a relative question.  It's about as vague as asking a carpenter what the best tool is.  There's no one tool that does everything. There are essential tools that he uses every day, some more than others, but some days he won't use a saw, some days he won't touch a hammer, it depends what the job is.


Coding is no different.  If you get more specific and ask which runs the fastest or has the best benchmarks, which one scales the best, which one has less bugs, produces the most secure code.. those are not such relative questions that will result in direct answers.


Which is the "best" is relative to your skills, coding preferences, the task at hand, how maintainable it needs to be, and a number of other factors.



It's about as vague as asking a carpenter what the best tool is.


Good analogy, in fact, frameworks are just that, tools.  There is no 1 right tool for all jobs.


So how we can distinguish each framework in terms of development time , performance etc.


There are benchmark tests and other various performance tests out there, don't really know of any off the top of my head though  :-\

I tried almost all the PHP frameworks, and I'm no newbie to programming or PHP. What I determined throughout this tryout process was that you have to ask yourself what do you want in a framework? What's important to you? What common PHP tasks are most tedious?


For me, I wanted the usual MVC approach, EASY installation (practically drag-n-drop), form validation, clean urls, loose modular design so it is easy to take applications from one site and move it to another, and scaffolding. Another thing I think is REALLY important to consider is this... Frameworks are used to make things easy... well, what if half of your site is static content, or a simple contact form that emails the message on form submission? Many frameworks make these otherwise simple tasks very difficult.


After testing and inspecting syntax and code logic, I decided that codeigniter was the best php framework around. The only thing it doesn't have that I'd like is an object relational mapper. To me, this isn't necessary, but it is a good perk.


Basically, I compare all the frameworks I use to Django. Django is a Python web-framework that I love and makes total sense to me. If you google it, it's more popular than ruby on rails, and practically more popular than any web-framework every created, for any language. And it's the youngest framework, I might add. So when I use a framework, I compare it to Django. And CodeIgniter makes the most sense, and it's the most like Django.


CakePHP, Zend, Yii, they all take too long to install and get crackin. Seriously, all you have to do to install CodeIgniter is to just unzip it, and drop it in your server. boom, it works. That's my opinion.


CakePHP, Zend, Yii, they all take too long to install and get crackin. Seriously, all you have to do to install CodeIgniter is to just unzip it, and drop it in your server. boom, it works. That's my opinion.


I tried cakephp yesterday and basicly it was just unzipping it to my localhost directory. How is that taking too long to install?



CakePHP, Zend, Yii, they all take too long to install and get crackin. Seriously, all you have to do to install CodeIgniter is to just unzip it, and drop it in your server. boom, it works. That's my opinion.


I tried cakephp yesterday and basicly it was just unzipping it to my localhost directory. How is that taking too long to install?


In fact so is Zend. Just put it somewhere on your include_path.

  • 3 weeks later...
Asking which is 'the best' frame work is such a relative question.  It's about as vague as asking a carpenter what the best tool is.  There's no one tool that does everything. There are essential tools that he uses every day, some more than others, but some days he won't use a saw, some days he won't touch a hammer, it depends what the job is.



Well I respectfully don't think this is a good analogy. In the case of tools, each tool does something different with little overlapping functionality.


Frameworks on the other hand all do the same end task which is build a site, but have different footprints, modules, support for xyz libraries i dunno (I myself am new to frameworks)



So it would be helpful if there was a comparison matrix out there somewhere. Wikipedia has a comparison matrix of web development frameworks across all languages, but it's kind of metric based and non-descriptive, un-meaningful in english

  • 3 weeks later...

i have put the zend framework in C:\zend\

and included this path in php.ini , now I dnt even need to do sumthing special to use zf for my new projects.......yes this is the same way as php uses PEAR .


and I think it can be done with any framework , so Installing a framework is not an big deal to consider while selecting an framework.





In my opinion frameworks are not exactly tools, but rather toolboxes. There are of course differences, but as pointed out by another user (in this post), they all have the same purpose; to render a site.


I think you're somewhat wrong on that "each framework for each thing". Why? A framework is often not something you get used to over night. It's not much helpful using frameworks if you have to read up on them all the time. Besides it takes time to master a framework completely.


And then we have Zend Framework. I honestly don't get it. I've tried it out and I really didn't like it. It does definitely not speed up your development process. There is too much work to do. Work that really shouldn't be necessary. Sure, it might be flexibel and all, but it's kind of stupid using that much time on it.


I'm currently not really sure on what framework to choose though. I like CodeIgniter because it's so easy to get started on and can be extended rather easy. It's not bloated and does what it should do. An ORM would be nice, but it should be possible hooking it up to Doctrine or something similar.


CakePHP seems alright as well, although it seems like it takes time to really understand (yey for lazyness.)


Right now I'm going for my own framework though. There is always some stuff I hate about frameworks. That won't be a problem using my own. In the end it really just comes down to preferences. Have a look at various frameworks, check out if you like the idea and if it's still being updated (nobody wants something thats suddenly full of security holes and alike.)

I have only tried Kohana and CodeIgniter, and I like CodeIgniter better. Kohana's docs are outdated compared to the current version (which is really bad when trying to learn), and the community is slow to respond to simple questions. CodeIgniter seems to work great, it has great docs, and the community is awesome. CI seems to run faster too. I'd be willing to check out other frameworks, but I'd really need a reason, and right now I don't have any.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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