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Not a bad design, nice and clean. There are a few things to pick up on...


- Validation, easy stuff. A div id can only be used once, and a div class can be used more than once.

- Typography. I looked in your CSS and I see that you use 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' for all of your content. Use one font for headings, another for body text. This is a suggestion by the way.

- The question textarea box has a green border, but other input fields have a grey one, so you might need to change that green to grey. Also sort the email input field so it matches the width of all the others.

- Spacing...let some content within the boxes breathe.

- You could possibly (just a suggestion), move the login box to the right with the other ones, make all of them wider and then have a wider main box. But you would have to have more content on the main page for this.


Just a few things to pick up on, but all in all...great job.

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That's ok.


I also forgot to mention about the login. You could make it so it validates the login on the same page, rather than going to a page with just some text...it makes for some nicer viewing and you don't have to click the back button in your browser to try and login again.

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Unfortunately I haven't got it installed right now, but you might want to look at getting ietester, it allows you to check websites in IE8, IE7 IE 6 and IE5.5 on Windows 7, Vista and XP. Very usefull for developers.

There is an even better one called browsershots that has loads more variety to test on.

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There is an even better one called browsershots that has loads more variety to test on.

I don't see how it's better. Browsershots is a different kettle of fish altogther. It simply generates an image of a single page as it would appear in dozens of different browsers. That is (IMHO) in no way the same as ietester, which is an actual functioning browser that allows you to change 'compatibility mode' between different versions of IE.

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Unfortunately I haven't got it installed right now, but you might want to look at getting ietester, it allows you to check websites in IE8, IE7 IE 6 and IE5.5 on Windows 7, Vista and XP. Very usefull for developers.

There is an even better one called browsershots that has loads more variety to test on.


"Better", I disagree. Sure you can view more browsers, but it offers no user interaction. Also considering the majority of the popular browsers can be downloaded onto the PC (IE [ietester], Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera), the ability to properly test a site in a real environment is not too difficult.

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When I land on the index page there is absolutely nothing telling me what this site is about. I haven't got a clue what you do, what services you offer and how it will help me. There is no close of sale i.e telephone number, contact link, etc. I am distracted by the massive header graphic which also means nothing.

I would click away instantly.

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