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Setting up Mod-re-write


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I have contacted my server provider about mod re-write and they say i need to configure (or re-install) apache with the relevant stuff on it.


I am using SSH and while I know basic commands to change directory and list things, I am at a loss to work out how to upload the files to the server using SSH from my local machine, where to upload them to and anything else that is likely to destroy my server in the meantime.


I need some (pretty basic) tutorial or a friendly forum co-user to help me out on this one.



Thanks in advance.

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I have contacted my server provider about mod re-write and they say i need to configure (or re-install) apache with the relevant stuff on it.


Its trivial to enable mod re-write.


What OS are you using. I gather its linux, but which distro?

Do you have root access on the server?

What version of Apache are you using?


On ubuntu/debian its just a case of going:

a2enmod rewrite

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart



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yeah, the server owner (not me) said that it's not installed by default and I'm not really sure what release.. I'm using WHM from CPanel to control the server itself.


I have full root access but have been advised to SSH into it.


The main issue is getting the right files into the right place. I even know how to edit the httpd.conf file, but it doesn't have the option I want - presumably because Apache doesn't include the files required...



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Ok, its been a long while since Ive used a CentOS system but mod_rewrite should be installed by default. You may need to enable it though.


Can you grep your httpd.conf file for the include directive and show us what the output is?


Something like....


grep include /etc/apache/httpd.conf


You may need to change the path to your httpd.conf file.

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you're going to love this one! (especially thorpe who spent a good deal of his time this morning (thanks very much for that) trying to sort out the issue...

The web host provider now say that it IS installed and IS enabled...

It makes you want to swear a lot, doesn't it...?


Needless to say that now I'm looking for an issue that DOES exist, I solved it within minutes!


Thanks to everyone.

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