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One Million visitors in one Year

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Hi all


I am developing my own website. The plan of the website is to have 40 sections in its menu (somehow like Yahoo). And expect to have 1000000 (1 Million) visitors in the first year. And you know each one will make a number of hits in his visit.


My concern is that: Is one server enough to handle my application and the expected number of visitors?

Do I need a servers cluster?

What server specifications do I need?




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Well - good luck with that goal.. it is set pretty high ;)


It's all about how well the application is designed & applied. It's really a case by case topic, and you'll know when you need to add another server to your rack. With 1m visitors, I'd imagine you'd need a couple of servers for sure. Once you get to the point where you go beyond one server, you'll need to look into load balancing (either hardware or software, both have their pros/cons), other server software/OSs (lighttpd, nginx, etc) to fit your needs. And when in doubt, hire a server management company to help you out, especially with an aggressive goal with such rapid growth.

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What do you mean by 1 mil visitors?  As in 1 million unique visitors?  1 mil unique hits?  1 mil hits of any kind?  1 mil users on at any given time (good luck).


How many actual hits would you expect in a year?  What's the number of hits/second that you would expect per peak time?



On a realistic note, I would wait until you need to scale to scale.  Perhaps code the site so that it would be easy to add another server or whatever later, but don't waste the money right now on hardware overkill.

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I would start with a VPS or similar, code the site, launch it, and track performance.


When your memory, cpu, or hard drive are approaching their limits you need to profile the code to figure out why and update bottlenecked sections of code.


At that point you'd also want to start playing with indexes on queries and making sure all of that is optimal.


When there's nothing left you can do config or programming wise, then it's time to invest in better or multiple servers.

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Lets break the solutions down:



server management company 

Would you guide me to some top line companies.



What's the number of hits/second that you would expect per peak time ?

Lets say 2000 http requests + 2000 sql queries


Perhaps code the site so that it would be easy to add another server or whatever later

Would you elaborate more. What code strategies should I follow?



track performance

What is the top line software that I can use for this purpose?



1-In case I got a dedicated server. Don't I need to check their network setup (switches and routers...etc) .


thanks for your interaction.

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2000 HTTP requests per second?



Yeah...  Errr....  You won't reach that overnight.  Or even in a year (unless your site catches on like youtube did or facebook).  172.8 mil hits per day is quite a beastly load.



Basically I would say roopurt offered the best advice.  Scale as needed: don't waste money.  (From what you said though, I gather that you got a dedi server.)



As for performance monitoring tools, there are quite a few free ones if you're under linux.  http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/top-linux-monitoring-tools.html goes over a few of the basic ones.  As for more indepth ones, I've no idea.

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