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Integration with Facebook (Facebook Connect)

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You'd have to take that up with the creators of SMF (the forum software this forum runs on). Whilst it could be integrated into the login of the site (which is separate to the forum), this would be pretty pointless as very few people log into the site as there is little point.

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PHPFreaks has "other developers", pahahaha. 


Please, don't implement Facebook Connect: if folks find username/password (with "remember me"!) too much like hard work then what on earth are they doing on a developer forum?

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The point, of the first paragraph at least, was to troll.  There isn't a team of developers here, at least nothing that those who manage the site know anything about. 


My second paragraph still stands. I see absolutely no benefit in integrating Facebook Connect with this site. Indeed, in a recent post made by yourself, you bemoan those large, social networking sites as screwing the little guys like us.


Don't get me started on having the ability to "like" threads here.

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