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Echo external websites HTML source code


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i dont see how it gets the source.


Did you read the manual?  It explains how it works and gives you multiple examples of how to use it.  There are other options depending on exactly what you want to do.

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$homepage = file_get_contents('http://www.example.com/');

echo $homepage;



that doesnt work... i actually want the source code displayed not the html.


what im expecting is lines of html code.



$homepage = file_get_contents('http://www.google.com/');
echo $homepage;


shows the search bar and buttons, but what i wanna see is the source, the inputs etc

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that doesnt work... i actually want the source code displayed not the html.


what im expecting is lines of html code.


You just contradicted yourself.  What exactly are you trying to see?  You cannot see server side code, only client side.

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$addr = 'http://google.com';
$fp   = file_get_contents($addr);

echo stripslashes(htmlentities($fp, ENT_QUOTES));



thats working brilliantly, now i need help with one more thing.


i want to search for 2 things inside the source code.


first thing is a image... i was thinking of somehow making a search for starting in http:// and ending in .jpg


second i need to find the same thing for a .avi file


starting in http:// and ending in .avi


they need to then be set as variables to i can use them with my db.

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the only reason "that works brilliantly" is that you can now see the HTML-formatted HTML in your browser. however, what you are seeing is no longer the same as the source code you see on the website. Maq is correct: the previous code is what you want.


for some reason the other code didn't show the source, the current code may not show the true source but it does show the part of the code I need.


now i just gotta search for the two links in the code.


what would be the most efficient way of doing this?

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