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Website was thrown together in a few days.

Basically has a news page so I can tell people when I make new things, there's a scripts page so that I can make scripts and release them (for free) to show people my coding style, users can register and login and comment on news articles and scripts.

Site's basically to help get me freelance php work.


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- The feel is too bland IMO.  You should find a good color scheme, there are tools to help you.

- Get rid of the PHP, JQuery, etc. images at the bottom.  If anything, scale them down, they're way too big.

- Why do you have the PHP logo as the banner for you site?  Replace it with something more relevant.

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Thank you for your input,

- I was going for simple but yeah it's a little bland, I'm trying to get in touch with a designer to make another layout.

- The images at the bottom are there because those are the tools I use most. I may take your advice and scale them down a bit.

- It's a site representing a php freelancer, a php logo is pretty relevant.

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- It's a site representing a php freelancer, a php logo is pretty relevant.

Maybe relevant was a poor choice of word, replace it with something more appropriate.  I would recommend coming up with some sort of branding/look/feel for your site & freelance business.

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You summarize what you can produce in 3 sentences, then have a whole paragraph about how little you charge in which you start cheap, talk yourself down 25%, and then add in that you'll go even lower if someone asks you to.  Trying to land clients definitely isn't all about price, but that seems to be the biggest focus of your site.

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Changed it to:

I charge based on the project, I attempt to estimate how long the project will take and then multiply it by $20 ($20 an hour). This is very cheap for a freelance programmer. I'll explain to you what made me estimate that length of time also. I normally request a deposit just to ensure I don't do it and then not get paid or you back out.[/Quote]


Thank you for your feedback. I think you guys should have a more open mind about the get what you pay for thing. Cheap doesn't always mean bad.

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It still sounds awful. The word 'cheap' sounds, well, cheap. And you already sound as though you feel you have to justify everything in advance. Also has an air of "I don't trust customers, so pay me up front." You should just remove the paragraph in its entirety.

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Didn't really think of it like that, thanks. Most php freelancers charge a lot. I was trying to advertise reasonably priced work. Thanks for showing me how in came across. As far as getting what you pay for: I can prove it isn't like that.


The site doesn't prove it. You need to either show working examples of your skill, or get certifications proving your skill. And if you still think cheap has good connotations, go read this: http://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0&q=define%3A+cheap


Freelancers charge a lot because either they're worth it, or they've fooled someone into thinking they're worth it. Not to mention, freelancing is expensive to the programmer. You have to pay your own health insurance, taxes aren't included in that price (so it ends up being good to hire an accountant, which costs money up front but if you're making enough $ saves you in the end [mine saved me 7k in taxes in 2010, cost me $950 to hire per year.]), you have to have speedy internet, a cell phone preferably a smartphone. You have to have your own office which for your health and sanity means a good chair and desk, good lighting, not to mention a separate ROOM you have to pay rent on.

You usually work crappy hours unless you get a good contract (like I did this year). It's not steady so you have to learn how to save & budget for the dry times. You have to continue your education and fund it yourself. Until you learn how to weed out bad clients and take on the right jobs, you'll get screwed a few times and lose money. If you can't design, you need to find and make contacts with good designers. And from your site - you're not a designer.


Being your own boss is more responsibility and stress than fun. When I started freelancing, my first few years I made so little money, and I was charging more than you are. After a few years my skills were enough that I could charge more. MOST of my contracts end up being clean-ups - fixing what "cheap" programmers have done poorly.


Being cheap is not a good thing. If you're simply not worth the money yet, don't advertise it.

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Alright, I've taken out majority of the paragraph besides what I estimate it to be at $20/hr.

I get what you guys are saying about the word cheap but it wasn't meant as far as quality of product, just the price of product. There is a difference and most people should have the ability to separate but I took it out anyways.

I get what you're saying as far as why they charge so much in most cases but not everyone can afford that and there is a market for that (which I'm trying to get at). I have no intentions of trying to make a 6 figure salary. Just want like a project a week. I'm a college student and just want to make some extra money doing something I can do, and have a decent time doing in my spare time.

Thanks for your critique.

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