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THANK YOU Auto-solving!

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Your welcome!


And to those who are wondering what this is all about...


We at PHP Freaks have been hard at work creating a system that can parse posts you make and attempt to automatically solve them. 


Some key features and points:

  • No need to worry about posting in perfect English! Our advanced natural language parser can handle even the leetist of leetspeak, lolspeak, lrn2readspeak, etc...
  • No need to worry about correctly using bbcode tags, like wrapping code in code tags! They will automatically be detected!
  • Cutting edge heuristic methods give us a 98% level of confidence of answering your question!
  • We are so confident in this new system that if it cannot automatically solve your problem, the server immediately notifies a team of experts on standby who's sole purpose in life is to answer your question!

Where is this magic button, you ask?  It's right next to the post button! Just start a new thread like normal, post your question in the text area, and down by the "Post" and "Preview" buttons, you will now see a third button "Auto Solve!" Click it and marvel at its awesomeness!


Still not convinced?  Point in fact, this post was generated automatically!

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