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  • 4 weeks later...

well after a little over a weeks worth of solid coding I have restored ASF to most of it's former glory. Testing has been done, but only by me so i would appreciate it if someone could retest this new version.




Most of the modules and features are complete. The only ones that arent are moderator and admin functions.




People that had logins before will need to clear their domain cookies as those old cookies are associated with account that no longer exist hence the message. Alternatively you can visit http://www.asimpleforum.co.uk/clear_cookies.php to clear the cookies automatically.

Great, but i get a "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/asimplef/public_html/cache/profile_wall_tpl.php on line 10"

On visiting anyone's profile wall.


User center gives following error:

Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'AFRICA' in /home/asimplef/public_html/user_centre.php on line 347

Thanks for the reply. The parse error in the profile walls has been fixed with the new template system. The user center has been removed, though you can not change your timezones currently. Ive also fixed the error in the like system so hopefully everything should work now.

Cross Site Scripting (XSS):



The top right says I have 3 alerts, but http://asimpleforum.co.uk/user_centre#uc_alerts says "You have no alerts to display".


When you click "Mark Read" for alerts you get this error:



Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/asimplef/public_html/user_centre.php on line 266


Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/asimplef/public_html/user_centre.php on line 278

Your selected alerts have been marked read


When you click "Delete" for alerts you get this error:



Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/asimplef/public_html/user_centre.php on line 244


Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/asimplef/public_html/user_centre.php on line 255

Your selected alerts have been deleted


You get the following error when you click "Board Settings":

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/asimplef/public_html/cache/uc_board_settings_tpl.php on line 156


You get the following error when you click "Alert Settings":

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/asimplef/public_html/cache/uc_alert_settings_tpl.php on line 12


When I like a post it says "doddsey_65 likes this post". If I refresh it then says my username.


Using certain characters in the title messes up the post: http://asimpleforum.co.uk/t/%26amp%3B+Test.


Profiles do not save.

  • 3 weeks later...

You get an error when replying to threads.

The topic you are looking for does't exist


The quote BBCode messes up when there's multiple lines. Example: http://asimpleforum.co.uk/t/Testing+Quotes%7C56.


The code BBCode dosen't work.


Quick replies adds this to the input box:

{"content":"Attachment Test\n\nAttachment Test\n\nAttachment Test\n\nAttachment Test"}

You get an error when replying to threads.

The topic you are looking for does't exist


The quote BBCode messes up when there's multiple lines. Example: http://asimpleforum.co.uk/t/Testing+Quotes%7C56.


The code BBCode dosen't work.


Quick replies adds this to the input box:

{"content":"Attachment Test\n\nAttachment Test\n\nAttachment Test\n\nAttachment Test"}


What do you mean by


Quick replies adds this to the input box:

{"content":"Attachment Test\n\nAttachment Test\n\nAttachment Test\n\nAttachment Test"}


Ive added some test quick replies and they have worked fine.


The code tag is still in development.


What do you mean regarding the quote bbcode? I have added new lines between content within the quote tags and it displays as it should.

What do you mean by


Quick replies adds this to the input box:

{"content":"Attachment Test\n\nAttachment Test\n\nAttachment Test\n\nAttachment Test"}


Ive added some test quick replies and they have worked fine.


Sorry, I meant when you quote a post by pressing the Quote button.


What do you mean regarding the quote bbcode? I have added new lines between content within the quote tags and it displays as it should.


See here: http://asimpleforum.co.uk/t/Testing+Quotes%7C56 and here: http://asimpleforum.co.uk/t/Quotes%7C65.

Write multiple lines and then highlight them to use the quote box.


It does this this:

[quote]Line 1[/quote]
[quote]Line 2[/quote]
[quote]Line 3[/quote]
[quote]Line 4[/quote]
[quote]Line 5[/quote]
[quote]Line 6[/quote]

Ive fixed the quoting error, but I'm at a loss with the quote problem, where you type several lines, then highlight them and press a bbcode button. I'll see if I can get it sorted, but at the minute it's at the bottom of the list of priorities.

ok, it is 2am right now, but i will give you my 'work in progress' maybe you can debug this.


function $(id){//used to lower my bytes.
return document.getElementById(id);
function addGCodeToInput(prefix,sufix){
selection = window.getSelection();
selectionHolder = selection.toString();
selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(0);
node = selection.anchorNode.parentElement;
nodeA = selection.anchorNode.parentElement.parentElement;
	nodeA = selection.anchorNode.parentNode.parentNode;
	newNode = document.createTextNode(prefix+selectionHolder+sufix);


ps: $("gcode_input") == my textarea

  • 1 month later...

well it's been a while since I touched ASF due to work commitments but Ive started to do so today. I've done a mock redesign of the site to try and get a more appealing look whilst maintaining the professional aspect. Im also rewriting some code( mainly JS ) to try and make things work better.


Heres a little preview of the new design. Would love to hear what you think of it and what it's like in comparison to old ASF.




[attachment deleted by admin]

  • 2 weeks later...
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