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Sorry for the bump.  Just saw this post.


My name is Juan Hernandez aka JayBachatero or Jay The Code Monkey.  I started messing with PHP almost a year and a half ago.  I used to modify stuff here and there.  Almost a year ago I became a Support Specialist over at SMF.  There I got more interested in PHP and started actually writting my own mods.  Not too long ago I changed to the Mod Team and currently I'm just writing mods and in charge of writing converters.


For those of you that are wondering what SMF is, it's the forum that this site uses.

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My name is Eric Jun, male, 21 years old, Japanese blood, politically Brazilian.


The first language I learnt was VB3, with my father, about ten years ago, for fun.

The second language was Flash´s action script, about six years ago, just for fun.

And now I program in PHP, I started about one year ago, to work...


I love PHP, but making forms and such, is too boooooooring.


I´d like to develop something related to physics, biometrics, AI... and such




You are asking about our biological sex or our sexual orientation? lol

You would make a sexual orientation poll, It would be interesting.

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You would make a sexual orientation poll, It would be interesting.


If that doesn't spark a controversy, I don't know what will... let's leave that one in the personal category.


And if you're interested in developing something for physics or biometrics, PHP isn't the language for you. You may want to take a look at C or C++, they're much more powerful for that type of thing.

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Name: Kevin

Gender: Male (don't know too many female Kevin's....)

Age: 26


I remember 'programming' on my Commodore VIC-20 when I was a little kid.  Basically, we -- my brothers and I -- would just copy the instructions from one of the books we had of fun things to do with Basic.  It was pretty cool making rockets out of *'s and watch them move up the screen.  And, btw, Gorf and Radar Rat Race still own.


I went to UNH to get my CS degree.  I did alright until I got to assembly, and basically was stuck for two years before I figured I should at least get some sort of degree from there.  So I went from Hell's Kitchen to Easy Bake Oven -- a communication degree.  Gotta love liberal arts.


Virtually all of my web development knowledge has been self-taught, either by me going to message boards like this one or by buying books and learning that way.  I'm still a newb, but I'm making relatively steady progress.  My university experience with C++ has helped in that regard, so variables, arrays, dynamic structures (lists, queues, stacks), and even simple objects are familiar territory.  It's just a matter of learning how to implement them and when to use them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...


Mithun, 21, Male



I started programming BASIC when I was 12 and I now 21 working as a Software Engineer

I have been working with

C, C++, Java/JEE,


XHTML, CSS, JavaScript,

Linux Kernel programming..


I started coding PHP only a couple of months before.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive just seen this so here it goes,


My name is Simon and I work in a bank giving people money when they want it from there accounts and adding up lose change of peoples and giving it as cash etc I live in England in Surrey and on my own. I love listing to music such as Kevin Federline,Snoop Dogg etc PHP is a very good thing for learning skills on a computer I think because it can be very hard at your first look at it.


Oh and I am male!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Luke.

Age: 15.

Country: Australia.

Languages: PHP, Javascript, Html, Xhtml, Xml, Vbscript.

About me: I started web design and html at about 14 and slowly became interested in web programming but I've only been seriously been into for about a year, I also enjoy skateboarding, soccer, futsal(indoor soccer.) and fingerboarding(skateboarding done with miniture skateboards using your fingers, kinda like tech decks.). I actually got into web design because of my hobby of fingerboarding cause people make web sites and sell minature skateboards and products online which proberly seems weird to you but I really enjoy it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I started learning html pretty early, but after I found php coding, everything went more complicated. I started to contact with computers when I was about 7 or 8, but never thought of programing, but now i guess i am really addicted... ;D, btw. i am 17 male. :-\, hope you dont get that disappointed.


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obviously there is a sarchasm between us. 


In other news,  I'm not sure if it's because it was exceptionally clever and I had to really think about it, or exceptionally stupid and I had to burn a few brain cells to think on that level; either way,  I am somewhat impressed by your quote of me.  It took me about 23 seconds to understand it.  That's fairly long in CV time.  To be fair though, I'm pretty damn tired.  It's way past my bedtime.  On that note, goodnight-night.

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LoL, I didn't think you were a girl.  I was being sarcastic, in response to you saying this:



btw. i am 17 male. Undecided, hope you dont get that disappointed.


Again, I say:


obviously there is a sarchasm between us. 


notice the added link.

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