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Web 3.0 Trends?


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What are the next possible web 3.0 trends, in your opinion?


I like building web application, but I am also interested in building profitable ones.


Thus I think, in my opinion, it is best to do this by taking advantage of the next trend when web 3.0 becomes official.


What are your thoughts?

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I can see some changes, especially if webgl becomes common usage.

See just some examples in 3d

Some of these are very cool.





I have mixed emotions about the new html5.

Interactive webpages are cool, but not when you don't want to load a pile of stuff you do not want to see.

Waiting for webpages to load will truly suck, it will be like when people started making flash based sites.

Just because people have faster connections doesn't mean they should have to use it just to view a webpage.


The usage of <video></video> and <audio></audio> tags can be useful, among the other ones.


I guess if want to make something profitable..a plugin to fix all the broken websites there will be, and currently is?

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I believe the trends are moving more towards fully AJAX/Javascript driven applications.


I foresee lots of round corners, dropshadows, outer glows and animations becoming super popular as more people adapt to HTML5+CSS3.


Web 3.0 is when the web becomes your personal assistant. You ask it: I'm in the mood for a good action movie released in the last 5 years with an IMDB rating of no less than 7 and got great reviews and I'm also out of popcorn where can I get some?


And the web would reply with good action movies with an IMDB rating of no less than 7 that got great reviews and on which channels they play and when, and it also points me to a store where they have popcorn in stock! That may also just be my imagination toying with me when I read that memo :P It may also have been an april fools but it stuck with me :D


Web n.0 is not colors, rounded corners, or some other techno gizmo. Web 2.0 was/is social publishing for example (in other words: people with no clue can publish stuff on the internet). Web 1.0 is when only those gifted with the knowledge of HTML could publish stuff on the internet.

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