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3d z-index layers...


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aaah I guess chrome doesn't have it.  I did find it in FireFox...pretty cool



+1 for Chrome here, and you can get addons with Chrome, and the developer console (Ctrl+Shift+J) is pretty much the same as firebug from where I'm standing. IE sucks donkey boll0ks but google have developed a plug-in called chrome frame, it's a 1 click install, activated via a meta tag and identified via the user agent string



<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1" > 



Simple as that, rounded corners, proper opacity and V8 engine in IE.

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Meh... i can't really spot the differences between Chrome and Firefox.. sometimes I'll make some complex javascript animation and it will might run a little smoother in Chrome, but then i try the same animation on a different size screen and it seems smoother in Firefox... half a dozen of one a 6 of the other in my eyes...


Chrome is google's and they already rule the roost on a lot of the WWW thats why I prefer to use Firefox. We've seen already what happens when one company pretty much has a complete monopoly... not to say that IE isn't absolutely amazing of course.. :thumb-up:

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I've always wondered what addons people use that tie them to a browser.  I've never really used anything beyond a few web-dev addons which have mostly been replaced by the browser's dev consoles these days.


Ever since my last format I've been using chrome pretty much exclusively.  I still have firefox around for the occasional testing but only pull it up once a week or so (less still with ie).


That new 3d view feature is kind of nifty though. Gives a good picture of how the site is put together.


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Currently, I have:

Adblock Plus


Cookies Manager

DOM Inspector


Execute JS

Extended Statusbar







Image Zoom

Live HTTP Headers


Regular Expressions Tester


Tab Mix Plus

Tamper Data

User Agent Switcher

Web Developer Toolbar



I could probably live without a few, but I use the majority quite a bit. I haven't really looked if there are Chrome equivalents because I honestly don't care that much.

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Also, the chrome version of the web developer addon isn't as robust as FF's

You just don't know how to use it right. I know, because I've watched you use it :P


no i'm talking about the actual web developer addon, not the built-in web developer tools stuff.


But yes I do readily admit I'm not pro at the built-in chrome developer tools quite yet...It wasn't all *that* long ago since I finally gave in to you bugging me about using chrome more!

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