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This is the method from the picture model.

public function fetchAlbumPics($user_id, $city_id, $cat_id){
	if($cat_id == 0 && $user_id != 0 && $city_id != 0)
		$query = 'SELECT * FROM sc_pics WHERE user_id="' . $user_id . '" AND city_id="' . $city_id . '"';
	if($cat_id != 0 && $city_id != 0 && $user_id != 0)
		$query = 'SELECT * FROM sc_pics WHERE user_id="' . $user_id . '" AND city_id="' . $city_id . '" AND cat_id="' . $cat_id . '"';

	$result = $this -> db -> query($query);
	$return = $result -> num_rows ? $result : false;
	return $return;

This is where it's being called.

$fetch = $pic -> fetchAlbumPics($user_id, $city_id, $cat_id);
		if($fetch !== false){
			$this -> registry -> template -> pics = $fetch;


This is the view where it's being outputted:


                        echo $pics -> num_rows;
		while($fetch = $pics -> fetch_array()){
			$description = $fetch['description'] == '' ? 'No Description' : $fetch['description'];
			<div class="element item">

				<a class="item_link" href="/photo/view/<?php echo $fetch['pic_id'] ?>">
					<img class="img" src="/thumb.php?pic=content/pics/<?php echo $fetch['user_id'] . $fetch['src'] ?>&h=250&w=250"/>





Result: mysql_num_rows returns 3 results, the script outputs only 2 results/pictures.


SQL query in PHPMYADMIN outputs 3 results... This loops only 2 results, I don't know why. There's no bug inside the loop, since I've tried only echoing number 0 instead of outputting information. Only outputs 2 times. I don't know how to fix this for now.


And the problem is NOT in the query, the query has been tested.

After a more thorough look through your code, I still don't see anything that could explain this problem.


You do have a problem with a BOM and the wrong charset being sent in the HTTP header, but nothing of this should have any significance on the loop. The only thing I can think of, is that fetch_array () must (somehow) be returning something that evaluates to false.

Either put 3x var_dump ($result->fetch_array()) after retrieving the data from the database, or directly in front of the loop, or use a debugger to run through a step-by-step process until you find the actual problem.

Unfortunately that doesn't help me at all, but it did highlight another possibility: There's a rogue fetch_array () (or similar) in your script somewhere.

This only underlines the need of a proper debugger, so that you can step through the code line by line. Only then will you be able to accurately, and quickly, find where the error occurs. Nothing further I, nor anyone else, can do without full access to your development system.


Jazzman1: That's not the problem, I verified with the HTML code that there are indeed only 2 blocks generated.


Hm...... that's  truth, there is no generated html code coming from php/mysql script  :(

As Christian mentioned use var_dump function.

Put in this piece of code immediately after while loop and post out the result.

Put curly brackets in your if statements, too ....

echo '<pre>'.var_dump($fetch).'</pre>'; exit;


Sorry, I meant inside in the beginning in the while loop .


while($fetch = $pics -> fetch_array()){
echo '<pre>'.var_dump($fetch).'</pre>'; exit;
			$description = $fetch['description'] == '' ? 'No Description' : $fetch['description'];
			<div class="element item"> etc......

Jazzman1: That won't help, as it won't be triggered for the missing element. If it was, then there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

Step-by-step debugging is the only (efficient) manner in which this problem can be found and solved.


Jazzman1: That won't help, as it won't be triggered for the missing element. If it was, then there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

Step-by-step debugging is the only (efficient) manner in which this problem can be found and solved.




What happens if you replace

echo $pics -> num_rows;
		while($fetch = $pics -> fetch_array()){

With a for loop?


for(i=0; $i<$pics -> num_rows; $i++){
$fetch = $pics -> fetch_array();


The fetch array is always the first row.

jesirose: From what I can see, and assume, it is a MySQLi object. Though, fair question as you never know...

As for it not making any sense, thus my comment about stepping through the code with a debugger. I'm almost positive there's some hidden gotcha in the code somewhere.

Hey guys I solved the error. However, I still don't understand it. May be a bug in the MySQLi extension itself..


Instead of:


$fetch = $pic -> fetchAlbumPics($user_id, $city_id, $cat_id);
if($fetch !== false){
$this -> registry -> template -> result = $fetch;


I've put.


$fetch = $pic -> fetchAlbumPics($user_id, $city_id, $cat_id);
if($fetch !== false){
$this -> registry -> template -> result = $pic -> fetchAlbumPics($user_id, $city_id, $cat_id);


Still, don't know why this was the problem.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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