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Unable To Get Class Output


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how to get the output of this code


class KeywordsGenerator{
   public function generateKeywords($string = '', $min_word_char = 4, $keyword_amount = 15,  $exclude_words = ''){
       return self::calculateKeywords($string, $min_word_char, $keyword_amount,  $exclude_words);
   private function calculateKeywords($string = '', $min_word_char = 3, $keyword_amount = 15,  $exclude_words = '' ) {        
       $exclude_words = explode(", ", $exclude_words);
       //add space before br tags so words aren't concatenated when tags are stripped
       $string = preg_replace('/\<br(\s*)?\/?\>/i', " ", $string);
       // get rid off the htmltags
       $string = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($string), ENT_NOQUOTES , 'UTF-8');        
       // count all words with str_word_count_utf8
       $initial_words_array  = self::str_word_count_utf8($string, 1);
       $total_words = sizeof($initial_words_array);        
       $new_string = $string;        
       //convert to lower case
       $new_string = mb_convert_case($new_string, MB_CASE_LOWER, "UTF-8");        
       // strip excluded words
       foreach($exclude_words as $filter_word)    {
           $new_string = preg_replace("/\b".$filter_word."\b/i", "", $new_string);
       // calculate words again without the excluded words using str_word_count_utf8
       $words_array = self::str_word_count_utf8($new_string, 1);
       $words_array = array_filter($words_array, create_function('$var', 'return (strlen($var) >= '.$min_word_char.');'));
       $popularity = array();
       $unique_words_array = array_unique($words_array);        
       // create density array
       foreach($unique_words_array as  $key => $word)    {
           preg_match_all('/\b'.$word.'\b/i', $string, $out);
           $count = count($out[0]);    
           $popularity[$key]['count'] = $count;
           $popularity[$key]['word'] = $word;            
       usort($popularity, array('MetaGenerator','cmp'));        
       // sort array form higher to lower
       // create keyword array with only words
       $keywords = array();
       foreach($popularity as $value){
           $keywords[] = $value['word'];
       // glue keywords to string seperated by comma, maximum 15 words
       $keystring =  implode(', ', array_slice($keywords, 0, $keyword_amount));        
       // return the keywords
       return $keystring;
    * Sort array by count value
   private static function cmp($a, $B) {
       return ($a['count'] > $b['count']) ? +1 : -1;
   /** Word count for UTF8
   /* Found in: http://www.php.net/%20str_word_count#85592
   /* The original mask contained the apostrophe, not good for Meta keywords:
   /* "/\p{L}[\p{L}\p{Mn}\p{Pd}'\x{2019}..."
   private static function str_word_count_utf8($string, $format = 0) {
    switch ($format) {
    case 1:
	    preg_match_all("/\p{L}[\p{L}\p{Mn}\p{Pd}]*/u", $string, $matches);
	    return $matches[0];
    case 2:
	    preg_match_all("/\p{L}[\p{L}\p{Mn}\p{Pd}]*/u", $string, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
	    $result = array();
	    foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
		    $result[$match[1]] = $match[0];
	    return $result;
    return preg_match_all("/\p{L}[\p{L}\p{Mn}\p{Pd}]*/u", $string, $matches);
$text = "As you probably know, having great content is only part of the equation if you want to rank well in Google and receive organic traffic. The other part is promotion and backlinks.
Here are some methods you can use to promote each of your pages/posts once you publish them:
   * Email the URL of your page to bloggers in your niche saying they might find it interesting. And I don’t mean five or six of them. I mean email it to 100 bloggers and website owners. If you can’t find 100 in websites your niche, you aren’t trying hard enough.
   * Guest post on other blogs and, instead of linking to your homepage on the byline, link to the page you are trying to promote. Again, I am not talking about one or two guest posts, but ten or 20 for each page you publish targeting a long tail keyword.
   * Leverage social networks like Twitter and Facebook to promote the page, and perhaps create a contest to encourage people to share the page with their friends.
   * Post about your page on online forums, Q and A sites, social bookmarking sites, you name it. ";
echo KeywordsGenerator("$text");

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It will still return an array...


:touche: -- didn't look at that close enough.



$array = $generator->generateKeywords($text);
// print_r or foreach through your array

Edited by TOA
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