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What Is The Problem About This Code?


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Dear all,


Can somebody tell me what the problem is from this results!






if(isset($_COOKIE['popup']) && $_COOKIE['popup'] == "Infobox")


$boxscript = "";




$boxscript = "


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var agreewin=dhtmlmodal.open(\"agreebox\", \"iframe\", \".....\", \" .... \", \"width=650px,height=470px,center=1,resize=1,scrolling=0\", \"recal\")


self.opener.location = url;






setcookie("popup", "Infobox");








// Check if install DIR still exists, if yes, ask to remove the DIR

if(is_dir('install')) {

// Check if database is installed

$table_installed = true;

$db_tables = array('....._adv_abo', '......_adv_categorie', '....._adv_gegevens', '....._adv_setting', '....._nieuwsbrief', '......_setting', '......._user');

foreach ($db_tables as $k=>$v) {

if(table_exists($v)) {


else {

$table_installed = false;



if(!$table_installed) header("Location: install/index.php");

// End check database


// End check install DIR


if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {

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foreach ($types_to_register as $type) {

if (@count(${'HTTP_' . $type . '_VARS'}) > 0) {

extract(${'HTTP_' . $type . '_VARS'}, EXTR_OVERWRITE);











$getaa=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ....._adv_gegevens WHERE id='".$id."'");



<title><? echo $website_titel ?> - <? echo $geta['titel'] ?> - <? echo $geta['kat'] ?></title>


<title><? echo $website_titel ?> - <? echo $website_sub_titel ?></title>


<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; iso-8859-1">


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$getaa=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM _adv_gegevens WHERE id='".$id."'");



<META NAME="description" CONTENT="<? echo $META_NAME_DESCRIPTION ?> - <? echo $geta['titel'] ?>, <? echo $geta['kat'] ?>">

<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="<? echo $geta['titel'] ?>, <? echo $geta['kat'] ?>, <? echo $geta['keyword'] ?>">

<? }else{ ?>

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="<? echo $META_NAME_DESCRIPTION ?>">

<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="<? echo $META_NAME_KEYWORDS ?>, <? $result_meta = mysql_query("SELECT titel FROM escort_adv_gegevens LIMIT 6"); while ($row_meta = mysql_fetch_array($result_meta)) { echo $row_meta['titel']?>, <? }?>">

<? } ?>

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<link rel=stylesheet href=style.css type=text/css>


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

<!-- //

function videolaunch(myUrl) {

myTarget = 'teilnahme';

myArgs = 'width=400,height=300,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,titlebar=1,toolbar=0,hotkeys=0,screenx=0,screeny=0,left=0,top=0,dependent=yes';

window.open( myUrl, myTarget, myArgs );


// -->



<script type=text/javascript src=core.js.php></script>

<script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js></script>

<script type=text/javascript src=jquery.lightbox.js></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />


<script language="Javascript">

<!-- Begin

function submitForm(s) {

s.value = "Een ogenblikje...";


document.getElementById("ladebalken").style.display = "block";


return true;


// End -->




<script type="text/javascript" src="script/dhtmlwindow.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="script/modal.js"></script>


<script language="Javascript">

function isEmail(string) {

if (string.search(/^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) != -1)

return true;


return false;



function formCheck(formobj){

// bericht

var alertMsg = "De volgende handeling moet uitgevoerd worden:\n\n";

var l_Msg = alertMsg.length;

var obj = formobj.elements['Email'];

if (!isEmail(obj.value)){

alertMsg += " - Gelieve een geldig e-mail adres in te vullen\n";


if (alertMsg.length == l_Msg){

return true;



return false;



// -->





<? if(empty($d)){ ?>

<body onload="start();">


<body onload="start();">



<? echo $boxscript; ?>


<center><div style=width:850px;text-align:left;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:0px;background: #ffffff;text-align:center>

<a href=http://<?php echo $website_link; ?> target=_top><img src=images/logo.gif border=0></a>












if(file_exists($d.".inc.php")==1) include($d.".inc.php");

else include("home.inc.php");








<tr><td align=center><div style=width:850;height:1px;background-color:red><img src=images/space.gif width=1 height=1></div></td></tr>


<style type="text/css">

A:link { TEXT-DECORATION: none }

A:visited { TEXT-DECORATION: none }

a:hover { color : red; font-width : bold; text-decoration : none; }

a { font-size : 12px; line-height : 12pt; font-family : Arial; font-weight : bold; text-decoration : none; color : #000000; }

.text { font-size : 12px; line-height : 12pt; font-family : Arial; font-weight : normal; text-decoration : none; color : #000000; }




<span class=textyellow><script language="javascript" src="online.php"></script><b> bezoekers online</b>   |   <a href=<?php echo genURL($modrw,'index.html','index.php?d=index'); ?> class=textyellow>Home</a>   |  <span class=textyellow><a href=<?php echo genURL($modrw,'lijst1.html','index.php?d=lijst1'); ?> class=textyellow>Alle advertenties</a>  |  <span class=textyellow><a href=<?php echo genURL($modrw,'nieuwsbrief.html','index.php?d=nieuwsbrief'); ?> <span class=textyellow>Nieuwsbrief</a></span>  |   <a href=<?php echo genURL($modrw,'overons.html','index.php?d=overons'); ?> class=textyellow>Over ons</a>   |   <a href=voorwaarden.htm target="detail" onclick="javascript:window.open('','detail','width=750, height=500, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')" class=textyellow><span>Algemene voorwaarden</a>   |   <span class=textyellow><a href="contact.inc.php" target="detail" onclick="javascript:window.open('','detail','width=750, height=600, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')"><span class=textyellow><b>Contact</b></a>   |   <a href=<?php echo genURL($modrw,'zoeken.html','index.php?d=zoeken'); ?> class=textyellow>Uitgebreid zoeken</a>   |   <a href=<?php echo genURL($modrw,'aanmelden.html','index.php?d=aanmelden'); ?> class=textyellow>Aanmelden</a><br>



<span class=textyellow>Copyright 2010 © <?php echo $website_titel; ?></span></center><br><br>









And my result if i want it load in my browser: Just look here!!







Maby is it a stupid ask but i sitting on this moment stuck..


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Php is a SERVER-side scripting language. It requires a web server to invoke php to parse/tokenize/interpret the php code. You cannot browse directly to the .php file through your browser/operating system and get it to work.


You must use a URL in your browser, something like http://localhost/your_file.php

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Also if you don't have asp tags turned on in the php config then using <? ?> won't work. You have to use <?php ?> if your asp tags are disabled. I always use <?php ?> just in case I write some code that goes on a server that has the asp tags turned off.


You will need to install a local server (google wamp) or upload the code to a host (google knows where lots of free hosts are) and point your browser at which ever server you chose to go with.


If you go the route of wamp, copy your script(s) to C:\wamp\www, assuming you use all the defaults for wamp installation, and point your browser to http://localhost/your_file.php, as PFMaBiSmAd said, changing your_file.php for the actual name of your script.


If you choose an online host they typically have an FAQ with the specific instructions for uploading to their server and how to reach the page once you upload it (IE. the url of your new file(s)).

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