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Hi Guys,


I have an array that looks like this:




[0] => Array
[0] => Header1
[1] => Header2
[2] => Header3
[3] => Header4
[4] => Header5
[5] => Header6
[6] => Header7


[1] => Array
[0] =>value1
[1] =>Value2
[2] =>Value3
[3] => Value4
[4] => Value5
[5] => Value6
[6] =>Value7


[2] => Array
[0] =>value1
[1] =>Value2
[2] =>Value3
[3] => Value3
[4] => Value4
[5] => Value5
[6] => Value6



It has come from a CSV file. Basically, I only need to use some of the columns, the rest can be unset/deleted. Is there a way that I can easily make an array that just has for example "header1" and "header5" and the corresponding values "value1" and "value5"?


I don't know what order the columns are going to be in, so I need to somehow do it by name. I think I know the concept of what to do, I just lack the php knowledge to actually do it!


I think I need to:


Step 1:
Loop through the array and get the array keys that match up to the headers above


Step 2:
reload through the array unsetting based on the array keys found in step 1


I've tried looking into array_intersect and array_diff but I can't work out how these would help.


Thanks for reading!





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If you don't need them, don't put them into the array in the first place. I agree with the above, too. What's the real problem you're trying to solve / system you're trying to create? Maybe there's a better way to do this from the very start.



Edited by Sepodati

I wanted to see code first but if this is how the thread is going,

$csv = array(
	explode(",", "h2,h4,h1,h3"),
	explode(",", "r1c2,r1c4,r1c1,r1c3"),
	explode(",", "r2c2,r2c4,r2c1,r2c3"),
	explode(",", "r3c2,r3c4,r3c1,r3c3")

/* $h = fopen("file.csv", "rt"); */
/* $header = fgetcsv($h);        */ $header = array_shift($csv);

/* while (!feof($h)) {           */
/*	$row = fgetcsv($h);      */ foreach ($csv as $row) {

	$hrow = array_combine($header, $row);
	echo "c1 = ", $hrow["h1"], "\n";


Hi All,


Thanks for the response so far. This is from a file that built about a year ago, I've come to update it. The original code uploaded the file, put it into an array, and then deleted the file. The more I think about it, the more I think that's a pointless step? The CSV sent from a previous page.


The aim of the code is to take the data from a .csv file, extract the columns that I want, and store them into a database, for retrieval later. I know the names of the columns that I want to keep, but the maker of the software version keeps updating how they export the data, and adding columns which I can ignore. My current upload code is below. I think it was taken from a tutorial that I found ages ago. Now that I know a little bit more about PHP(!) I'm trying to understand more efficient ways of working!



$target_dir = "csv/";

$target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]);

$uploadOk = 1;

$imageFileType = pathinfo($target_file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

// Check if image file is a actual or fake image


if(isset($_FILES["fileToUpload"])) {

// Check file size

if ($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["size"] > 500000) {

exit ("Sorry, your file is too large.");

$uploadOk = 0;


// Allow certain file formats

if($imageFileType != "csv" ) {

exit ("Sorry, only CSV files are allowed.");

$uploadOk = 0;


// Check if $uploadOk is set to 0 by an error

if ($uploadOk == 0) {

exit ("Sorry, your file was not uploaded.");

// if everything is ok, try to upload file

} else {

if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {

echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]). " has been uploaded.";

$file = basename($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]);

} else {

exit ("Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.");




ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', TRUE);

$rows = array_map('str_getcsv', file('csv/'.$file));


echo "<pre>";


echo "</pre>";

$header = array_shift($rows); // Strip out the colum headers from the CSV

$csv = array();




foreach ($rows as $row) {

//loop through, manually unset the rows that I don't want, and format, and assign variables to the rows that I want to keep


Once again- Thanks!

Instead of the file+array_map, do a normal fopen/fgetcsv/fclose loop - which also replaces the foreach. And there's another way to get values that might work better for you.

$h = fopen('csv/'.$file, 'rt');
$header = array_flip(fgetcsv($h)); 0=>header1 becomes header1=>0
while (!feof($h)) {
	$line = fgetcsv($h);
	$value1 = $line[$header["header1"]];
	$value3 = $line[$header["header3"]];
	// etc

Hi Lazy Administrator,


Thanks for your help (and patience!) so far. The code you posted doesn't seem to work for me. If I Print_R the $header array, that contains all of the headers, and looks as I expect it should. However, when I Print_R the $line array, the keys are numbered, they don't have the same titles as the header array, so therefore the:




$value1 = $line[$header["header1"]];


comes back with an undefined index error. I thought that I could use array_combine to put the headers back into where I think they should be:



$h = fopen('csv/'.$file, 'rt');

$header = fgetcsv($h);

$flip_header = array_flip(fgetcsv($h)); //0=>header1 becomes header1=>0


while (!feof($h)) {

$line = fgetcsv($h);


$new = array_combine($header,$line);



$unit = $new[$flip_header["Unit"]];






Now the array looks how I think it should but still doesn't work. Therefore I clearly don't understand how it should look/work!



Well with that code, you would have to do

$unit = $line[$flip_header["Unit"]];
The alternative with array_combine would be to ignore $flip_header entirely (it turns names into numbers) and

$unit = $new["Unit"];
But I recommend the $flip_header one.

Hi Lazy Administrator,


I'm still struggling with this one! I'm onto about my 10th generation of code which looks like this:



$h = fopen('csv/'.$file, 'rt');

$header =fgetcsv($h); //0=>header1 becomes header1=>0

while (!feof($h)) {

$line = fgetcsv($h);

$new_arr = array_combine($header,$line);



echo $new_arr["Unit"];







That gives me the following output:




The Array key "Unit" exists, but for some reason doesn't seem to get found. I tried running  print_r(array_keys($new_array) to try and investigate the array keys a bit further, with this result 




I've played about with adding some spaces to the word Unit to see if that would help, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. It's getting late here, and I'm getting the feeling I've done something that's super simple, but stupid!

That output did not come from print_r(array_keys($new_arr)).


What does var_dump($new_arr) show?



The bottom screenshot clearly doesn't! I must have uploaded the wrong file. I'll leave it there to keep the thread complete. Here is the ACTUAL output, and the the Var_dump afterwards. There's weird characters being exported in the channel column, but as far as I can tell, that's the only key that's effected. I should be able to clean that up easy enough. Any ideas?








Many thanks

Take a look at some of those values:

string(1) ""
string(7) "O/W"
string(3) "0"
Weird, right?


What is the file encoding of the CSV?


What does

print_r(array_combine($header, array_map("bin2hex", $header)));
output? And please, don't take a screenshot: do a View Source of the page and copy/paste the formatted text into a [code] code.png in a post.

Assuming you're using UTF-8 in the rest of your application then yes.


Try adding

stream_filter_append($h, "convert.iconv.utf-16.utf-8");
after the fopen().


Does it work now? Does the first header "Channel" still have the two >s (the UTF-16 BOM)?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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