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I have a need to create a form that will get info from a mysql table, show that info, two fields one of which I want to be a checkbox that will need to update the table with either a 0 or a 1.  I will later use that info.  I have searched all over and haven't found what I am looking for.  I can find tutorials for creating checkboxes but nothing what I need / want


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I do have some code.  

$sql = "select * from extensions";
$result = mysqli_query($link,$sql) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<table border='3'>
        <th>Extension #</th>

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>" . $row['extension'] . "</td>";
    echo "<td>'."<input type='checkbox' class='form' value='1' name='checkbox[" . $row['reset'] . "]' />".'</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

I want to a.  show the current value of the row reset and b. to have the ability to check the checkbox and change the value in the mysql table.  I know I need to make the whole thing a form so that it can update the DB

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You are putting a value of '1' in every checkbox/row currently.  Why not the reset value as the 'value' attribute instead?  Then you could compare the value submitted against the original reset value (in a hidden array field)for each checkbox to see if they still match and if not use the new value in an update query.  You will need to 'hide' the key of each record in a hidden input field using it as part of the name of that field such as "name='rowkey[]' " and probably rename the name of the checkbox to be 'rowreset[]' that both use the primary key as the index for each.

I hope I'm clear - thinking on the fly here.

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You could also do this with a separate form embedded into each row of the html table.  Then you could skip the arrays and just use the same names on all rows with a submit button for each.  That is if you wanted to do the updates on each row as they occur and not wait for the user to update everything... (which would NOT work in that case).

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  On 3/1/2019 at 10:40 PM, ginerjm said:

You could also do this with a separate form embedded into each row of the html table.  Then you could skip the arrays and just use the same names on all rows with a submit button for each.  That is if you wanted to do the updates on each row as they occur and not wait for the user to update everything... (which would NOT work in that case).


Instead of a submit button could a checkbox work?  What about a Yes/No  dropdown? I want to select the phones I want to restart, update a DB table and then use a submit button to go to another page that will run a query to reset the phones.

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  On 3/4/2019 at 3:28 PM, ginerjm said:

Just use a form for each row with a submit button to update that row only.  Then have a separate form from all the others (outside of the html table?) that has a submit to do your next task.


Ah I think I understand now

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PS - using a checkbox (or something resembling one) does not make a good presentation for the user IMHO.  A "submit" action should be some kind of button or link that the user is familiar with and recognizes as his course of action.  A checkbox is just that  - a check that should have an accompanying label indicating what the user is "checking" or "selecting" on.  Certainly not a "form submittal".

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  On 3/4/2019 at 5:30 PM, ginerjm said:


PS - using a checkbox (or something resembling one) does not make a good presentation for the user IMHO.  A "submit" action should be some kind of button or link that the user is familiar with and recognizes as his course of action.  A checkbox is just that  - a check that should have an accompanying label indicating what the user is "checking" or "selecting" on.  Certainly not a "form submittal".


got it.  I originally envisioned a bunch or rows with a checkbox on the end.  check all the boxes you want, click a submit button to update the DB and run another page to reboot the phones.  If I misspoke and indicated that I wanted to use the checkbox as a submit type of operation I apologize, not what I meant.  I haven't had anytime to work on this at all today, maybe tomorrow


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  On 3/4/2019 at 9:57 PM, elentz said:

I originally envisioned a bunch or rows with a checkbox on the end.  check all the boxes you want, click a submit button to update the DB


This does it with a single form

    $updt = $db->prepare("UPDATE extensions
                          SET reset = ?
                          WHERE id = ?
    foreach ($_POST['extid'] as $id) {
        $reset = $_POST['reset'][$id] ?? 0;          // if checkbox wasn't posted then it is "0"
        $updt->execute( [ $reset, $id ] );

$exdata = '';
$res = $db->query("SELECT id
                        , extension
                        , reset
                    FROM extensions
foreach ($res as $r) {
    $chk = $r['reset']==1 ? 'checked':'';
    $exdata .= "<tr><td>{$r['extension']}</td>
                        <input type='hidden' name='extid[]' value='{$r['id']}'>
                        <input type='checkbox' name='reset[{$r['id']}]' value='1' $chk>
<meta name="generator" content="PhpED 18.0 (Build 18044, 64bit)">
<form method='post'>
<input type='submit' name='btnSub' value='Submit'>



Edited by Barand
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I have the script retrieving the info from the table so the connection is correct.  The submit doesn't update the table.  In the logs I am getting this:

mysqli_stmt::execute() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given   on line 20

$updt->execute( [ $reset, $id ] );

I also have to comment out this line in order for the page to work as above

$reset = $_POST['reset'][$id] ?? 0;          // if checkbox wasn't posted then it is "0"



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got it, no errors now..  I didn't correctly connect to Mysql either.  Had to fix that.   No update to the DB yet  It reads the table contents.  Just to show what I am working with, mostly from barand.

I do get the echo connected successfully


// Create connection
try {
    $db = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);
    // set the PDO error mode to exception
    echo "Connected successfully"; 
catch(PDOException $e)
    echo "Connection failed: " . $e->getMessage();

    }if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') {
    $updt = $db->prepare("UPDATE extensions
                          SET reset = ?
                          WHERE id = ?
    foreach ($_POST['extid'] as $id) {
        //$reset = isset($_POST['reset'][$id]) ? $_POST['reset'][$id] : 0; // if checkbox wasn't posted then it is "0"


// Check connection
if ($db->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $db->connect_error);
$exdata = '';
$res = $db->query("SELECT id
                        , extension
                        , reset
                    FROM extensions
foreach ($res as $r) {
    $chk = $r['reset']==1 ? 'checked':'';
    $exdata .= "<tr><td>{$r['extension']}</td>
                        <input type='hidden' name='extid[]' value='{$r['id']}'>
                        <input type='checkbox' name='reset[{$r['id']}]' value='1' $chk>
<meta name="generator" content="PhpED 18.0 (Build 18044, 64bit)">
<title>Reboot Phones</title>
<form method='post'>
<input type='submit' name='btnSub' value='Submit'>
<button type="button"><a href="restart.php">Click to reboot the phones</a></button>


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