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I am using magento for sending mail with condition,

My code:

class Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer {
    public function merchantremainder($Observer) {
       $order = $Observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
       $order_details = $order->getAllVisibleItems();

       $itemData = array();
       foreach ($order_details as $list) {
          $incrementid = $order->getIncrementId();
          $sku = $list->getsku();
          $name = $list->getName();
          $price = $list->getPrice();
          $Qty = $list->getQtyOrdered();
          $extra = $order->getIncrementId();
          $message = 

          <!-- <td>$incrementid</td> -->

          $itemData[$list->getId()] = $message;

      $finalMessage =  "
      <p>Order Id : $incrementid</p>
      <table border='1'>

      <!-- <th>Id</th> -->
      <th>Product name</th>
      <th>Qty Ordered</th>
      if (!empty($itemData)) {
          foreach ($itemData as $data) {
             $finalMessage .= $data;

         $finalMessage .= "</table>";


 public function sendMail($message) {
   $body ="$message";
   $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
   $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");
   $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');




Output :



If order placed mail send to [email protected].
How to set email sender based on SKU $sku from order.

I want :

1) If SKU starts with 2, email should go to the mail id [email protected],
screenshot :



2) If SKU starts with 3, email should go to the mail id [email protected],
screenshot :



3) If SKU starts with 4, email should go to the mail id [email protected],
screenshot :



FYI - If an order contains 10 items email should go separately based on SKU. But an order id the same must include all the emails.





















1 hour ago, aveeva said:

PHP mail function how to set recipient mail id based on if condition?

Oh, I saw a thread about that a second ago...

Here. That looks like it talks about your question exactly.

Seems like you need a couple of things

1 ) An array of email addresses (index = first digit of sku)

$addys = [ 2 => '[email protected]',
           3 => '[email protected]',
           4 => '[email protected]'


2 ) Alter the structure of your $itemData array to add the first digit of sku as a sub-index to separate each order into 3 groups

$itemData[$orderNo][$skuFirst] = $message;


Any help with my error,

Code :


class Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer {
  public function merchantremainder($Observer) {
    $order = $Observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
    $order_details = $order->getAllVisibleItems();

    $itemData = array();
    foreach ($order_details as $list) {
      $incrementid = $order->getIncrementId();
      $sku = $list->getsku();
      $name = $list->getName();
      $price = $list->getPrice();
      $Qty = $list->getQtyOrdered();


      $message = "<tr>
      <!-- <td>$incrementid</td> -->

      $itemData[$list->getId()] = $message;


    $finalMessage = "
    <p>Order Id : $incrementid</p>
    <table border='1'>
    <!-- <th>Id</th> -->
    <th>Product name</th>
    <th>Qty Ordered</th>

    if (!empty($itemData)) {
      foreach ($itemData as $data) {
        $finalMessage .= $data;

      $finalMessage .= "</table>";




  public function sendMail($message) {

    $body = "$message";
    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
    $emailTemplate->setFromName('Test mail');
    $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");
// $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    if($sku == '2')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    elseif($sku == '3')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

    elseif($sku == '4')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');



  public function sendMailbasedOnSku($sku)

// sku is 22302

    $chk_sku=(int)substr($sku, 0, 1);

    if($chk_sku == '2')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    elseif($chk_sku == '3')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

    elseif($chk_sku == '4')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    return $emailTemplate->send();
    Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addSuccess('Your request has been sent');

  catch (Exception $e) {





error :


[09-Jan-2020 04:53:42 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function setToEmail() on null in C:\wamp64\www\magento\app\code\local\Gta\MerchantNotification\Model\Observer.php:99 Stack trace: #0 C:\wamp64\www\magento\app\code\local\Gta\MerchantNotification\Model\Observer.php(15): Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer->sendMailbasedOnSku('22') #1 C:\wamp64\www\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\App.php(1358): Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer->merchantremainder(Object(Varien_Event_Observer)) #2 C:\wamp64\www\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\App.php(1337): Mage_Core_Model_App->_callObserverMethod(Object(Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer), 'merchantremaind...', Object(Varien_Event_Observer)) #3 C:\wamp64\www\magento\app\Mage.php(448): Mage_Core_Model_App->dispatchEvent('checkout_submit...', Array) #4 C:\wamp64\www\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Checkout\Model\Type\Onepage.php(872): Mage::dispatchEvent('checkout_submit...', Array) #5 C:\wamp64\www\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Checkout\controllers\OnepageController.php(579): M in C:\wamp64\www\magento\app\code\local\Gta\MerchantNotification\Model\Observer.php on line 99

@Barand After added $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');  mail working, but if condition not working. As per my condition if sku start with 2 mail should go to [email protected] but here mail received [email protected] (Final email id in my if condition). How to correct my script?

Final code :


class Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer {
  public function merchantremainder($Observer) {
    $order = $Observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
    $order_details = $order->getAllVisibleItems();

    $itemData = array();
    foreach ($order_details as $list) {
      $incrementid = $order->getIncrementId();
      $sku = $list->getsku();
      $name = $list->getName();
      $price = $list->getPrice();
      $Qty = $list->getQtyOrdered();


      $message = "<tr>
      <!-- <td>$incrementid</td> -->

      $itemData[$list->getId()] = $message;


    $finalMessage = "
    <p>Order Id : $incrementid</p>
    <table border='1'>
    <!-- <th>Id</th> -->
    <th>Product name</th>
    <th>Qty Ordered</th>

    if (!empty($itemData)) {
      foreach ($itemData as $data) {
        $finalMessage .= $data;

      $finalMessage .= "</table>";




  public function sendMail($message) {

    $body = "$message";
    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
    $emailTemplate->setFromName('Test mail');
    $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");
    // $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    if($sku == '2')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    elseif($sku == '3')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

    elseif($sku == '4')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');



  public function sendMailbasedOnSku($sku)

    $chk_sku=(int)substr($sku, 0, 1);

    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');

    if($chk_sku == '2')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    elseif($chk_sku == '3')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

    elseif($chk_sku == '4')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    return $emailTemplate->send();
    Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addSuccess('Success message');
  }catch (Exception $e)





I suggested the $addys array to save you a lot of repetitive ifelse coding. Getting the email address to use becomes

$chk_sku=substr($sku, 0, 1);   
$sendTo = $addys[$chk_sku] ?? '[email protected]';



Updated Code :


class Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer {
  public function merchantremainder($Observer) {
    $order = $Observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
    $order_details = $order->getAllVisibleItems();

    $itemData = array();
    foreach ($order_details as $list) {
      $incrementid = $order->getIncrementId();
      $sku = $list->getsku();
      $name = $list->getName();
      $price = $list->getPrice();
      $Qty = $list->getQtyOrdered();


      $message = "<tr>
      <!-- <td>$incrementid</td> -->

      $itemData[$list->getId()] = $message;


    $finalMessage = "
    <p>Order Id : $incrementid</p>
    <table border='1'>
    <!-- <th>Id</th> -->
    <th>Product name</th>
    <th>Qty Ordered</th>

    if (!empty($itemData)) {
      foreach ($itemData as $data) {
        $finalMessage .= $data;

      $finalMessage .= "</table>";




  public function sendMailbasedOnSku($message)
    $body = "$message";
    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
    $emailTemplate->setFromName('Test mail');
    $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");

    $chk_sku=(int)substr($sku, 0, 1);

    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');

    if($chk_sku == '2')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    elseif($chk_sku == '3')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

    elseif($chk_sku == '4')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

      Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addSuccess('Success message');
    }catch (Exception $e)


Anything wrong?

Edited by aveeva
                            |                     |           Yes       
                            |    DOES IT WORK?    +-----------------------+
                            |                     |                       |
                            +----------+----------+                       |
                                       |                                  |
                                       |                                  |
                                       |  No                              |
                                       |                                  |
                                       |                                  |
                                       |                                  |
                            +---------------------+              +----------------+
                            |                     |              |                |
                            |  SOMETHING'S WRONG  |              |   PROBABLY OK  |
                            |                     |              |                |
                            +---------------------+              +----------------+


getting error,


class Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer {
  public function merchantremainder($Observer) {

    $order = $Observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
    $order_details = $order->getAllVisibleItems();

    $itemData = array();

    foreach ($order_details as $list) {
      $incrementid = $order->getIncrementId();
      $sku = $list->getsku();
      $name = $list->getName();
      $price = $list->getPrice();
      $Qty = $list->getQtyOrdered();


      $message = 
          <!-- <td>$incrementid</td> -->

      // $itemData[$list->getId()] = $message;
      $itemData[$orderNo][$skuFirst] = $message;


    $finalMessage = 
      "<p>Order Id : $incrementid</p>
        <table border='1'>
          <!-- <th>Id</th> -->
          <th>Product name</th>
          <th>Qty Ordered</th>

    if (!empty($itemData)) {
      foreach ($itemData as $data) {
        $finalMessage .= $data;
      $finalMessage .= "</table>";




  public function sendMailbasedOnSku($message)

    $body = "$message";
    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
    $emailTemplate->setFromName('GIRI Test mail');
    $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");

   $addys = [ 
          2 => '[email protected]',
          3 => '[email protected]',
          4 => '[email protected]'


    $chk_sku=(int)substr($sku, 0, 1);

    if($chk_sku == '2')
      $sendTo = $addys[$chk_sku] ?? '[email protected]';

    elseif($chk_sku == '3')
      $sendTo = $addys[$chk_sku] ?? '[email protected]';   

    elseif($chk_sku == '4')
      $sendTo = $addys[$chk_sku] ?? '[email protected]'; 


      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');
      return $emailTemplate->send();




Could you help me with above script.

$addys = [ 
          2 => '[email protected]',
          3 => '[email protected]',
          4 => '[email protected]'

$chk_sku=(int)substr($sku, 0, 1);
$sendTo = $addys[$chk_sku] ?? '[email protected]';
return $emailTemplate->send();



code :


class Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer {
  public function merchantremainder($Observer) {

    $order = $Observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
    $order_details = $order->getAllVisibleItems();

    $itemData = array();

    foreach ($order_details as $list) {
      $incrementid = $order->getIncrementId();
      $sku = $list->getsku();
      $name = $list->getName();
      $price = $list->getPrice();
      $Qty = $list->getQtyOrdered();


      $message = 
          <!-- <td>$incrementid</td> -->

      // $itemData[$list->getId()] = $message;
      $itemData[$orderNo][$skuFirst] = $message;


    $finalMessage = 
      "<p>Order Id : $incrementid</p>
        <table border='1'>
          <!-- <th>Id</th> -->
          <th>Product name</th>
          <th>Qty Ordered</th>

    if (!empty($itemData)) {
      foreach ($itemData as $data) {
        $finalMessage .= $data;
      $finalMessage .= "</table>";




  public function sendMailbasedOnSku($message)

    $body = "$message";
    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
    $emailTemplate->setFromName(' Test mail');
    $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");

   $addys = [ 
          2 => '[email protected]',
          3 => '[email protected]',
          4 => '[email protected]'


    $chk_sku=(int)substr($sku, 0, 1);

    if($chk_sku == '2')
      $sendTo = $addys[$chk_sku] ?? '[email protected]';

    elseif($chk_sku == '3')
      $sendTo = $addys[$chk_sku] ?? '[email protected]';   

    elseif($chk_sku == '4')
      $sendTo = $addys[$chk_sku] ?? '[email protected]'; 


      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');
      return $emailTemplate->send();




order not placed.

Finally done with below script :

class Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer {
  public function merchantremainder($Observer) {

    $order = $Observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
    $order_details = $order->getAllVisibleItems();

    $itemData = array();

    foreach ($order_details as $list) {
      $incrementid = $order->getIncrementId();
      $sku = $list->getsku();
      $name = $list->getName();
      $price = $list->getPrice();
      $Qty = $list->getQtyOrdered();

      // $this->sendMailbasedOnSku($sku);

      $message = 
          <!-- <td>$incrementid</td> -->

      $itemData[$list->getId()] = $message;


    $finalMessage = 
      "<p>Order Id : $incrementid</p>
        <table border='1'>
          <!-- <th>Id</th> -->
          <th>Product name</th>
          <th>Qty Ordered</th>

    if (!empty($itemData)) {
      foreach ($itemData as $data) {
        $finalMessage .= $data;

      $finalMessage .= "</table>";

      // $this->sendMail($finalMessage);




  public function sendMail($message) {

    $body = "$message";
    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
    $emailTemplate->setFromName('Test mail');
    $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");
    // $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    if($sku == '2')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    elseif($sku == '3')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');  

    elseif($sku == '4')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');   

      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');


  public function sendMailbasedOnSku($message, $sku)

    $body = "$message";
    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
    $emailTemplate->setFromName('Giri Test mail');
    $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");

    $chk_sku=(int)substr($sku, 0, 1);

    if($chk_sku == '2')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');

    elseif($chk_sku == '3')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

    elseif($chk_sku == '4')
      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');    

      $emailTemplate->setToEmail('[email protected]');
      return $emailTemplate->send();

    // try{
    //   return $emailTemplate->send();
    //   Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addSuccess('Success message');
    // }catch (Exception $e)
    // {
    //   Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addError($e->getMessage());
    // }



But few correction are there, how to solve below logic,

eg: If an order contains,  2 series of sku and 3 series of sku order mail received only by 3 series of sku mail not received 2 series of sku mail.

another eg. If order placed with 3 products,  sku- 22 ([email protected]),  sku - 33 ([email protected]), sku -44 ([email protected]) order received only [email protected]

My condition, if the order contains 2 products means to send a separate mail.



2 series of sku :



3 series of sku :



4 Series of sku :



now order received highest value of sku,




Your problems are mainly because you are trying to write code before you have learnt to read.

In my first post I said you needed 2 things.

  • The first you have totally disregarded despite my spoonfeeding you the required code.
  • The second addresses the problem you are now having and has also been ignored.

Good luck and goodbye.

  • Like 1

One more attempt. Here's a script which puts the hints I gave you into practice. As you can see, it splits the ordered items into separate order depending on the SKU group



Code (read, understand what's going on and learn. Refer to php.net manual if you don't know what something does.)

(Not an elseif()..elseif() to be found!)

const HOST     = 'localhost';                                                                  #
const USERNAME = '????';                                                                       #
const PASSWORD = '????';                                                                       #
const DATABASE = '????';                                                                       #     These lines would
function pdoConnect($dbname=DATABASE)                                                          #     normally be in
{                                                                                              #
    $db = new PDO("mysql:host=".HOST.";dbname=$dbname;charset=utf8",USERNAME,PASSWORD);        #     an included file
    $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);                              #
    $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);                         #
    $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);                                      #
    return $db;                                                                                #
}                                                                                              #

$pdo = pdoConnect();

//  CREATE TEST DATA USED BY THIS EXAMPLE                                    
$pdo->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS aveeva (
                id int not null auto_increment primary key,
                order_no int,
                sku int,
                product varchar(50),
                qty int
$pdo->exec("REPLACE INTO aveeva (id, order_no, sku, product, qty) VALUES
                (1,1020345, 12345, 'Pair of left-footed socks', 2),
                (2,1020345, 35547, 'Square Hula hoop', 1),
                (3,1020345, 12346, 'Pair of right-footed socks', 2),
                (4,1020345, 62347, 'Pair of three-legged tights', 5),
                (5,1020345, 45501, 'String vest', 1),
                (6,1020345, 45501, 'Thermal long johns (red)', 2),
                (7,1020345, 22105, 'Staffordshire pot dog', 2),
                (8,1020345, 38962, '250 Kg dumbell set', 1),
                (9,1020345, 23176, 'Ming vase', 1),
                (10,1020345, 23194, 'Porcelain elephant', 1),
                (11,1020345, 38547, '0.5 metre yoga mat', 1)

                class Magee                  
                    private $fromName;
                    private $body;
                    private $subject;
                    private $type;
                    private $sendTo;
                    public function __construct()
                    public function setFromName($str)
                        $this->fromName = $str;
                    public function setBody($str)
                        $this->body = $str;
                    public function setSubject($str)
                        $this->subject = $str;
                    public function setType($str)
                        $this->type = $str;
                    public function setToEmail($str)
                        $this->sendTo = $str;
                    public function send()
                        //  Instead of sending emails
                        //  we just build content
                        //  for demonstration output
                        $out = "<fieldset><legend>TO: {$this->sendTo}</legend>
                        $out .= "</fieldset>";
                        return $out;
                } #Magee

// define email addresses for the sku groups
const DEFAULT_ADDY = '[email protected]';
$addys = [ 
          2 => '[email protected]',
          3 => '[email protected]',
          4 => '[email protected]'

$res = $pdo->query("SELECT sku
                         , product
                         , qty
                         , order_no 
                    FROM aveeva
                    ORDER BY order_no, sku     
$orders = [];
//  Split the items for each order 
//  into groups depending the first
//  digit of their SKU
foreach ($res as $r) {
    $ono = array_pop($r);
    $sku1 = substr($r['sku'], 0, 1);
    if (!isset($addys[$sku1])) {
        $sku1 = 0;
    $orders[$ono][$sku1][] = $r;

//  Build the email bodies from the array data
$emailsSent = '';
foreach ($orders as $ono => $odata) {
    foreach ($odata as $sku1 => $sdata) {
        $message = "<table border='1'>
                    <caption>Order No: $ono</caption>
        foreach ($sdata as $item) {
            $message .= "<tr><td>" . join("</td><td>", $item) . "</td></tr>\n";
        $message .= "</table>\n";
        $emailsSent .= sendMailbasedOnSku($message, $addys, $sku1);

function sendMailbasedOnSku($message, $addys, $sku1)
    $emailTemplate = new Magee;
    $emailTemplate->setFromName('GIRI Test mail');
    $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");

    $sendTo = $addys[$sku1] ?? DEFAULT_ADDY;
    // USE IT
    return $emailTemplate->send();
<style type='text/css'>
    body     { font-family: clibri, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt;}
    fieldset { width: 70%; margin: 16px auto; padding: 16px;}
    legend   { background-color: black; color: white; padding: 4px;}
    label    { display: inline-block; width: 120px; font-weight: 600;}
    table    { width: 50%; margin: 16px auto; border-collapse: collapse;}
    th       { background-color: black; color: white; padding: 8px;}
    td       { padding: 4px 8px;} 


  • Thanks 1
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