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9 minutes ago, dodgeitorelse3 said:

With the given information I would guess that you need to make sure the survey script has been written to verify that the fields are filled.

After careful analysis and deliberation of the original post I would tend to agree. 🙂

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   * @package jQuery PHP Poll and Survey
   * @author NETCSHOP.COM
   * @copyright 2018
   * @version v1.0.0
/* ---------------------- Email Settings ---------------------- */
$to = '[email protected]'; 	// Specifies the receiver email address to send survey report
$subject = 'My subject'; 			// Specifies the subject of the email
$from = '[email protected]';	// Optional: Specifies additional headers, like From, Cs or Bcc

$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

$headers .= 'From: '.$from."\r\n".
'Reply-To: '.$from."\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

/*-------- SAMPLE DATA --------*/

$questions['1']['status'] = 'enabled';
$questions['1']['info'] = 'Tooltip for question 1';
$questions['1']['type'] = 'text';
$questions['1']['ques'] = 'What is your email address?';

$questions['2']['status'] = 'enabled';
$questions['2']['info'] = 'Tooltip for question 2';
$questions['2']['type'] = 'radio';
$questions['2']['ques'] = 'What is your gender?';
$questions['2']['opts'][] = 'Male';
$questions['2']['opts'][] = 'Female';

$questions['3']['status'] = 'enabled';
$questions['3']['info'] = 'Tooltip for question 3';
$questions['3']['type'] = 'checkbox';
$questions['3']['ques'] = 'What is your favorite search engine?';
$questions['3']['opts'][] = 'Google';
$questions['3']['opts'][] = 'Bing';
$questions['3']['opts'][] = 'Yahoo';
$questions['3']['opts'][] = 'DuckDuckGo';

$questions['4']['status'] = 'enabled';
$questions['4']['info'] = 'Tooltip for question 4';
$questions['4']['type'] = 'select';
$questions['4']['ques'] = 'What is your favorite color?';
$questions['4']['opts'][] = 'Red';
$questions['4']['opts'][] = 'Orange';
$questions['4']['opts'][] = 'Yellow';
$questions['4']['opts'][] = 'Green';
$questions['4']['opts'][] = 'Blue';
$questions['4']['opts'][] = 'Purple';
$questions['4']['opts'][] = 'Brown';
$questions['4']['opts'][] = 'Black';
$questions['4']['opts'][] = 'White';

$questions['5']['status'] = 'enabled';
$questions['5']['info'] = 'Tooltip for question 5';
$questions['5']['type'] = 'textarea';
$questions['5']['ques'] = 'Please share your opinion:';
$questions['5']['placeholder'] = 'Write your feedback here';
$questions['5']['rows'] = '7';
$questions['5']['cols'] = '106';

$questions['6']['status'] = 'enabled';
$questions['6']['info'] = 'Tool for question 6';
$questions['6']['type'] = 'rate';
$questions['6']['ques'] = 'Please rate your overall satisfaction:';
$questions['6']['opts'][] = 'Very Poor';
$questions['6']['opts'][] = 'Poor';
$questions['6']['opts'][] = 'Average';
$questions['6']['opts'][] = 'Good';
$questions['6']['opts'][] = 'Very Good';
$questions['6']['opts'][] = 'Excellent';

$questions['7']['status'] = 'enabled';
$questions['7']['optional'] = 'yes';
$questions['7']['info'] = 'Tooltip for question 7';
$questions['7']['type'] = 'radio';
$questions['7']['ques'] = 'Was your original question answered?';
$questions['7']['opts'][] = 'Yes';
$questions['7']['opts'][] = 'No';

$questions['8']['status'] = 'disabled';
$questions['8']['optional'] = 'yes';
$questions['8']['info'] = 'Tooltip for question 8';
$questions['8']['type'] = 'radio';
$questions['8']['ques'] = 'Do you like survey tools?';
$questions['8']['opts'][] = 'Yes';
$questions['8']['opts'][] = 'No';
	$msg = "<html><body>";
	$msg .= "<table>";
	$i = 1;
	foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
		if($key != 'submit')
			$msg .= "<tr><td>Q ".$i.": </td><td>".$questions[$key]['ques']."</td></tr>";
			$msg .= "<tr><td>A ".$i.": </td><td>".$value."</td></tr>";
	$msg .= "</table>";
	$msg .= "</html></body>";
	if(mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers)){
		echo 'Thanks for taking this survey, your answers has been sent successfully.';
	} else{
		echo 'Unable to send email. Please try again.';
	print "<div class=\"loader\"></div>";
	print "<form method=\"POST\">";
	foreach($questions as $key => $value)
		$status = $questions[$key]['status'];
		$type = $questions[$key]['type'];
		$opts = $questions[$key]['opts'];
		$info = $questions[$key]['info'];
		if($type == 'text' && $status == 'enabled')
			print "<div class=\"field\">";
			print "<p>".$questions[$key]['ques']." <img src=\"assets/icons/info.png\" title='".$info."' alt=\"Survey\" /></p>";
			print "<input type=\"text\" name=".$key." />";
			print "</div>";
		if($type == 'radio' && $status == 'enabled')
			print "<div class=\"field\">";
			print "<p>".$questions[$key]['ques']." <img src=\"assets/icons/info.png\" title='".$info."' alt=\"Survey\" /></p>";
			foreach($opts as $op_key => $op_value)
				print "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=".$key." value=".$op_value." />".$op_value."</label>";
			print "</div>";
		if($type == 'checkbox' && $status == 'enabled')
			print "<div class=\"field\">";
			print "<p>".$questions[$key]['ques']." <img src=\"assets/icons/info.png\" title='".$info."' alt=\"Survey\" /></p>";
			foreach($opts as $op_key => $op_value)
				print "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=".$key." value=".$op_value." />".$op_value."</label>";
			print "</div>";
		if($type == 'select' && $status == 'enabled')
			print "<div class=\"field\">";
			print "<p>".$questions[$key]['ques']." <img src=\"assets/icons/info.png\" title='".$info."' alt=\"Survey\" /></p>";
			print "<select name=".$key.">";
			print "<option value=\"0\">Choose...</option>";
			foreach($opts as $op_key => $op_value)
				print "<option value=".$op_value." />".$op_value."</option>";
			print "</select>";
			print "</div>";
		if($type == 'textarea' && $status == 'enabled')
			print "<div class=\"field\">";
			print "<p>".$questions[$key]['ques']." <img src=\"assets/icons/info.png\" title='".$info."' alt=\"Survey\" /></span></p>";
			print "<textarea rows=".$questions[$key]['rows']." cols=".$questions[$key]['cols']." name=".$key."></textarea>";
			print "</div>";
		if($type == 'rate' && $status == 'enabled')
			print "<div class=\"field\">";
			print "<p>".$questions[$key]['ques']." <img src=\"assets/icons/info.png\" title='".$info."' alt=\"Survey\" /></p>";
			foreach($opts as $rate_key => $rate_value)
				print "<input type=\"radio\" name='".$key."' value='".$rate_value."' /><img src=\"assets/images/stars-".$rate_key."\" /> ".$rate_value."<br>\n";
			print "</div>";
	print "<div class=\"field\">";
	print "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"BtnSend\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send\">\n";
	print "</form></div>";

Thanks. This is the code.

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You are correct, it doesn't check for required fields. The most user friendly way to do that is with a javascript before the form is submitted. That way the user does not get frustrated when inadvertently missing a field and not knowing it until the server responds after the submit. That being said you should check again in PHP before using the fields in case someone is messing with your form.

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