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Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string


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Hi everyone. I am running a script that needs to convert a web page to a PDF file and then send it to Telegram contact. But I suck at this and I don't know what should I do? This is the mistake I received

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in C:\xampp\htdocs\Telg\vendor\dompdf\dompdf\src\Adapter\CPDF.php:908 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\Telg\vendor\dompdf\dompdf\src\Dompdf.php(869): Dompdf\Adapter\CPDF->stream('example.pdf', 'I') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\Telg\script.php(15): Dompdf\Dompdf->stream('example.pdf', 'I') #2 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\Telg\vendor\dompdf\dompdf\src\Adapter\CPDF.php on line 908

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 * @package dompdf
 * @link    https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html GNU Lesser General Public License

// FIXME: Need to sanity check inputs to this class
namespace Dompdf\Adapter;

use Dompdf\Canvas;
use Dompdf\Dompdf;
use Dompdf\Exception;
use Dompdf\FontMetrics;
use Dompdf\Helpers;
use Dompdf\Image\Cache;
use FontLib\Exception\FontNotFoundException;

 * PDF rendering interface
 * Dompdf\Adapter\CPDF provides a simple stateless interface to the stateful one
 * provided by the Cpdf class.
 * Unless otherwise mentioned, all dimensions are in points (1/72 in).  The
 * coordinate origin is in the top left corner, and y values increase
 * downwards.
 * See {@link http://www.ros.co.nz/pdf/} for more complete documentation
 * on the underlying {@link Cpdf} class.
 * @package dompdf
class CPDF implements Canvas

     * Dimensions of paper sizes in points
     * @var array
    static $PAPER_SIZES = [
        "4a0" => [0.0, 0.0, 4767.87, 6740.79],
        "2a0" => [0.0, 0.0, 3370.39, 4767.87],
        "a0" => [0.0, 0.0, 2383.94, 3370.39],
        "a1" => [0.0, 0.0, 1683.78, 2383.94],
        "a2" => [0.0, 0.0, 1190.55, 1683.78],
        "a3" => [0.0, 0.0, 841.89, 1190.55],
        "a4" => [0.0, 0.0, 595.28, 841.89],
        "a5" => [0.0, 0.0, 419.53, 595.28],
        "a6" => [0.0, 0.0, 297.64, 419.53],
        "a7" => [0.0, 0.0, 209.76, 297.64],
        "a8" => [0.0, 0.0, 147.40, 209.76],
        "a9" => [0.0, 0.0, 104.88, 147.40],
        "a10" => [0.0, 0.0, 73.70, 104.88],
        "b0" => [0.0, 0.0, 2834.65, 4008.19],
        "b1" => [0.0, 0.0, 2004.09, 2834.65],
        "b2" => [0.0, 0.0, 1417.32, 2004.09],
        "b3" => [0.0, 0.0, 1000.63, 1417.32],
        "b4" => [0.0, 0.0, 708.66, 1000.63],
        "b5" => [0.0, 0.0, 498.90, 708.66],
        "b6" => [0.0, 0.0, 354.33, 498.90],
        "b7" => [0.0, 0.0, 249.45, 354.33],
        "b8" => [0.0, 0.0, 175.75, 249.45],
        "b9" => [0.0, 0.0, 124.72, 175.75],
        "b10" => [0.0, 0.0, 87.87, 124.72],
        "c0" => [0.0, 0.0, 2599.37, 3676.54],
        "c1" => [0.0, 0.0, 1836.85, 2599.37],
        "c2" => [0.0, 0.0, 1298.27, 1836.85],
        "c3" => [0.0, 0.0, 918.43, 1298.27],
        "c4" => [0.0, 0.0, 649.13, 918.43],
        "c5" => [0.0, 0.0, 459.21, 649.13],
        "c6" => [0.0, 0.0, 323.15, 459.21],
        "c7" => [0.0, 0.0, 229.61, 323.15],
        "c8" => [0.0, 0.0, 161.57, 229.61],
        "c9" => [0.0, 0.0, 113.39, 161.57],
        "c10" => [0.0, 0.0, 79.37, 113.39],
        "ra0" => [0.0, 0.0, 2437.80, 3458.27],
        "ra1" => [0.0, 0.0, 1729.13, 2437.80],
        "ra2" => [0.0, 0.0, 1218.90, 1729.13],
        "ra3" => [0.0, 0.0, 864.57, 1218.90],
        "ra4" => [0.0, 0.0, 609.45, 864.57],
        "sra0" => [0.0, 0.0, 2551.18, 3628.35],
        "sra1" => [0.0, 0.0, 1814.17, 2551.18],
        "sra2" => [0.0, 0.0, 1275.59, 1814.17],
        "sra3" => [0.0, 0.0, 907.09, 1275.59],
        "sra4" => [0.0, 0.0, 637.80, 907.09],
        "letter" => [0.0, 0.0, 612.00, 792.00],
        "half-letter" => [0.0, 0.0, 396.00, 612.00],
        "legal" => [0.0, 0.0, 612.00, 1008.00],
        "ledger" => [0.0, 0.0, 1224.00, 792.00],
        "tabloid" => [0.0, 0.0, 792.00, 1224.00],
        "executive" => [0.0, 0.0, 521.86, 756.00],
        "folio" => [0.0, 0.0, 612.00, 936.00],
        "commercial #10 envelope" => [0.0, 0.0, 684.00, 297.00],
        "catalog #10 1/2 envelope" => [0.0, 0.0, 648.00, 864.00],
        "8.5x11" => [0.0, 0.0, 612.00, 792.00],
        "8.5x14" => [0.0, 0.0, 612.00, 1008.00],
        "11x17" => [0.0, 0.0, 792.00, 1224.00],

     * The Dompdf object
     * @var Dompdf
    protected $_dompdf;

     * Instance of Cpdf class
     * @var \Dompdf\Cpdf
    protected $_pdf;

     * PDF width, in points
     * @var float
    protected $_width;

     * PDF height, in points
     * @var float
    protected $_height;

     * Current page number
     * @var int
    protected $_page_number;

     * Total number of pages
     * @var int
    protected $_page_count;

     * Array of pages for accessing after rendering is initially complete
     * @var array
    protected $_pages;

     * Currently-applied opacity level (0 - 1)
     * @var float
    protected $_current_opacity = 1;

    public function __construct($paper = "letter", string $orientation = "portrait", ?Dompdf $dompdf = null)
        if (is_array($paper)) {
            $size = array_map("floatval", $paper);
        } else {
            $paper = strtolower($paper);
            $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES[$paper] ?? self::$PAPER_SIZES["letter"];

        if (strtolower($orientation) === "landscape") {
            [$size[2], $size[3]] = [$size[3], $size[2]];

        if ($dompdf === null) {
            $this->_dompdf = new Dompdf();
        } else {
            $this->_dompdf = $dompdf;

        $this->_pdf = new \Dompdf\Cpdf(

        $this->_pdf->addInfo("Producer", sprintf("%s + CPDF", $this->_dompdf->version));
        $time = substr_replace(date('YmdHisO'), '\'', -2, 0) . '\'';
        $this->_pdf->addInfo("CreationDate", "D:$time");
        $this->_pdf->addInfo("ModDate", "D:$time");

        $this->_width = $size[2] - $size[0];
        $this->_height = $size[3] - $size[1];

        $this->_page_number = $this->_page_count = 1;

        $this->_pages = [$this->_pdf->getFirstPageId()];

    public function get_dompdf()
        return $this->_dompdf;

     * Returns the Cpdf instance
     * @return \Dompdf\Cpdf
    public function get_cpdf()
        return $this->_pdf;

    public function add_info(string $label, string $value): void
        $this->_pdf->addInfo($label, $value);

     * Opens a new 'object'
     * While an object is open, all drawing actions are recorded in the object,
     * as opposed to being drawn on the current page.  Objects can be added
     * later to a specific page or to several pages.
     * The return value is an integer ID for the new object.
     * @see CPDF::close_object()
     * @see CPDF::add_object()
     * @return int
    public function open_object()
        $ret = $this->_pdf->openObject();
        return $ret;

     * Reopens an existing 'object'
     * @see CPDF::open_object()
     * @param int $object the ID of a previously opened object
    public function reopen_object($object)

     * Closes the current 'object'
     * @see CPDF::open_object()
    public function close_object()

     * Adds a specified 'object' to the document
     * $object int specifying an object created with {@link
     * CPDF::open_object()}.  $where can be one of:
     * - 'add' add to current page only
     * - 'all' add to every page from the current one onwards
     * - 'odd' add to all odd numbered pages from now on
     * - 'even' add to all even numbered pages from now on
     * - 'next' add the object to the next page only
     * - 'nextodd' add to all odd numbered pages from the next one
     * - 'nexteven' add to all even numbered pages from the next one
     * @see Cpdf::addObject()
     * @param int $object
     * @param string $where
    public function add_object($object, $where = 'all')
        $this->_pdf->addObject($object, $where);

     * Stops the specified 'object' from appearing in the document.
     * The object will stop being displayed on the page following the current
     * one.
     * @param int $object
    public function stop_object($object)

     * Serialize the pdf object's current state for retrieval later
    public function serialize_object($id)
        return $this->_pdf->serializeObject($id);

    public function reopen_serialized_object($obj)
        return $this->_pdf->restoreSerializedObject($obj);


    public function get_width()
        return $this->_width;

    public function get_height()
        return $this->_height;

    public function get_page_number()
        return $this->_page_number;

    public function get_page_count()
        return $this->_page_count;

     * Sets the current page number
     * @param int $num
    public function set_page_number($num)
        $this->_page_number = $num;

    public function set_page_count($count)
        $this->_page_count = $count;

     * Sets the stroke color
     * See {@link Style::set_color()} for the format of the color array.
     * @param array $color
    protected function _set_stroke_color($color)
        $alpha = isset($color["alpha"]) ? $color["alpha"] : 1;
        $alpha *= $this->_current_opacity;
        $this->_set_line_transparency("Normal", $alpha);

     * Sets the fill colour
     * See {@link Style::set_color()} for the format of the colour array.
     * @param array $color
    protected function _set_fill_color($color)
        $alpha = isset($color["alpha"]) ? $color["alpha"] : 1;
        $alpha *= $this->_current_opacity;
        $this->_set_fill_transparency("Normal", $alpha);

     * Sets line transparency
     * @see Cpdf::setLineTransparency()
     * Valid blend modes are (case-sensitive):
     * Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten,
     * ColorDodge, ColorBurn, HardLight, SoftLight, Difference,
     * Exclusion
     * @param string $mode    the blending mode to use
     * @param float  $opacity 0.0 fully transparent, 1.0 fully opaque
    protected function _set_line_transparency($mode, $opacity)
        $this->_pdf->setLineTransparency($mode, $opacity);

     * Sets fill transparency
     * @see Cpdf::setFillTransparency()
     * Valid blend modes are (case-sensitive):
     * Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten,
     * ColorDogde, ColorBurn, HardLight, SoftLight, Difference,
     * Exclusion
     * @param string $mode    the blending mode to use
     * @param float  $opacity 0.0 fully transparent, 1.0 fully opaque
    protected function _set_fill_transparency($mode, $opacity)
        $this->_pdf->setFillTransparency($mode, $opacity);

     * Sets the line style
     * @see Cpdf::setLineStyle()
     * @param float  $width
     * @param string $cap
     * @param string $join
     * @param array  $dash
    protected function _set_line_style($width, $cap, $join, $dash)
        $this->_pdf->setLineStyle($width, $cap, $join, $dash);

    public function set_opacity(float $opacity, string $mode = "Normal"): void
        $this->_set_line_transparency($mode, $opacity);
        $this->_set_fill_transparency($mode, $opacity);
        $this->_current_opacity = $opacity;

    public function set_default_view($view, $options = [])
        array_unshift($options, $view);
        call_user_func_array([$this->_pdf, "openHere"], $options);

     * Remaps y coords from 4th to 1st quadrant
     * @param float $y
     * @return float
    protected function y($y)
        return $this->_height - $y;

    public function line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $width, $style = [], $cap = "butt")
        $this->_set_line_style($width, $cap, "", $style);

        $this->_pdf->line($x1, $this->y($y1),
            $x2, $this->y($y2));
        $this->_set_line_transparency("Normal", $this->_current_opacity);

    public function arc($x, $y, $r1, $r2, $astart, $aend, $color, $width, $style = [], $cap = "butt")
        $this->_set_line_style($width, $cap, "", $style);

        $this->_pdf->ellipse($x, $this->y($y), $r1, $r2, 0, 8, $astart, $aend, false, false, true, false);
        $this->_set_line_transparency("Normal", $this->_current_opacity);

    public function rectangle($x1, $y1, $w, $h, $color, $width, $style = [], $cap = "butt")
        $this->_set_line_style($width, $cap, "", $style);
        $this->_pdf->rectangle($x1, $this->y($y1) - $h, $w, $h);
        $this->_set_line_transparency("Normal", $this->_current_opacity);

    public function filled_rectangle($x1, $y1, $w, $h, $color)
        $this->_pdf->filledRectangle($x1, $this->y($y1) - $h, $w, $h);
        $this->_set_fill_transparency("Normal", $this->_current_opacity);

    public function clipping_rectangle($x1, $y1, $w, $h)
        $this->_pdf->clippingRectangle($x1, $this->y($y1) - $h, $w, $h);

    public function clipping_roundrectangle($x1, $y1, $w, $h, $rTL, $rTR, $rBR, $rBL)
        $this->_pdf->clippingRectangleRounded($x1, $this->y($y1) - $h, $w, $h, $rTL, $rTR, $rBR, $rBL);

    public function clipping_polygon(array $points): void
        // Adjust y values
        for ($i = 1; $i < count($points); $i += 2) {
            $points[$i] = $this->y($points[$i]);


    public function clipping_end()

    public function save()

    public function restore()

    public function rotate($angle, $x, $y)
        $this->_pdf->rotate($angle, $x, $y);

    public function skew($angle_x, $angle_y, $x, $y)
        $this->_pdf->skew($angle_x, $angle_y, $x, $y);

    public function scale($s_x, $s_y, $x, $y)
        $this->_pdf->scale($s_x, $s_y, $x, $y);

    public function translate($t_x, $t_y)
        $this->_pdf->translate($t_x, $t_y);

    public function transform($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f)
        $this->_pdf->transform([$a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f]);

    public function polygon($points, $color, $width = null, $style = [], $fill = false)

        if (!$fill && isset($width)) {
            $this->_set_line_style($width, "square", "miter", $style);

        // Adjust y values
        for ($i = 1; $i < count($points); $i += 2) {
            $points[$i] = $this->y($points[$i]);

        $this->_pdf->polygon($points, $fill);

        $this->_set_fill_transparency("Normal", $this->_current_opacity);
        $this->_set_line_transparency("Normal", $this->_current_opacity);

    public function circle($x, $y, $r, $color, $width = null, $style = [], $fill = false)

        if (!$fill && isset($width)) {
            $this->_set_line_style($width, "round", "round", $style);

        $this->_pdf->ellipse($x, $this->y($y), $r, 0, 0, 8, 0, 360, 1, $fill);

        $this->_set_fill_transparency("Normal", $this->_current_opacity);
        $this->_set_line_transparency("Normal", $this->_current_opacity);

     * Convert image to a PNG image
     * @param string $image_url
     * @param string $type
     * @return string|null The url of the newly converted image
    protected function _convert_to_png($image_url, $type)
        $filename = Cache::getTempImage($image_url);

        if ($filename !== null && file_exists($filename)) {
            return $filename;
        $func_name = "imagecreatefrom$type";

        set_error_handler([Helpers::class, "record_warnings"]);

        if (!function_exists($func_name)) {
            if (!method_exists(Helpers::class, $func_name)) {
                throw new Exception("Function $func_name() not found.  Cannot convert $type image: $image_url.  Please install the image PHP extension.");
            $func_name = [Helpers::class, $func_name];

        try {
            $im = call_user_func($func_name, $image_url);

            if ($im) {
                imageinterlace($im, false);

                $tmp_dir = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getTempDir();
                $tmp_name = @tempnam($tmp_dir, "{$type}_dompdf_img_");
                $filename = "$tmp_name.png";

                imagepng($im, $filename);
            } else {
                $filename = null;
        } finally {

        if ($filename !== null) {
            Cache::addTempImage($image_url, $filename);

        return $filename;

    public function image($img, $x, $y, $w, $h, $resolution = "normal")
        [$width, $height, $type] = Helpers::dompdf_getimagesize($img, $this->get_dompdf()->getHttpContext());

        $debug_png = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugPng();

        if ($debug_png) {
            print "[image:$img|$width|$height|$type]";

        switch ($type) {
            case "jpeg":
                if ($debug_png) {
                    print '!!!jpg!!!';
                $this->_pdf->addJpegFromFile($img, $x, $this->y($y) - $h, $w, $h);

            case "webp":
            /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
            case "gif":
            /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
            case "bmp":
                if ($debug_png) print "!!!{$type}!!!";
                $img = $this->_convert_to_png($img, $type);
                if ($img === null) {
                    if ($debug_png) print '!!!conversion to PDF failed!!!';
                    $this->image(Cache::$broken_image, $x, $y, $w, $h, $resolution);

            case "png":
                if ($debug_png) print '!!!png!!!';

                $this->_pdf->addPngFromFile($img, $x, $this->y($y) - $h, $w, $h);

            case "svg":
                if ($debug_png) print '!!!SVG!!!';

                $this->_pdf->addSvgFromFile($img, $x, $this->y($y) - $h, $w, $h);

                if ($debug_png) print '!!!unknown!!!';

    public function select($x, $y, $w, $h, $font, $size, $color = [0, 0, 0], $opts = [])
        $pdf = $this->_pdf;

        $font .= ".afm";

        if (!isset($pdf->acroFormId)) {

        $ft = \Dompdf\Cpdf::ACROFORM_FIELD_CHOICE;
        $ff = \Dompdf\Cpdf::ACROFORM_FIELD_CHOICE_COMBO;

        $id = $pdf->addFormField($ft, rand(), $x, $this->y($y) - $h, $x + $w, $this->y($y), $ff, $size, $color);
        $pdf->setFormFieldOpt($id, $opts);

    public function textarea($x, $y, $w, $h, $font, $size, $color = [0, 0, 0])
        $pdf = $this->_pdf;

        $font .= ".afm";

        if (!isset($pdf->acroFormId)) {

        $ft = \Dompdf\Cpdf::ACROFORM_FIELD_TEXT;
        $ff = \Dompdf\Cpdf::ACROFORM_FIELD_TEXT_MULTILINE;

        $pdf->addFormField($ft, rand(), $x, $this->y($y) - $h, $x + $w, $this->y($y), $ff, $size, $color);

    public function input($x, $y, $w, $h, $type, $font, $size, $color = [0, 0, 0])
        $pdf = $this->_pdf;

        $font .= ".afm";

        if (!isset($pdf->acroFormId)) {

        $ft = \Dompdf\Cpdf::ACROFORM_FIELD_TEXT;
        $ff = 0;

        switch ($type) {
            case 'text':
                $ft = \Dompdf\Cpdf::ACROFORM_FIELD_TEXT;
            case 'password':
                $ft = \Dompdf\Cpdf::ACROFORM_FIELD_TEXT;
                $ff = \Dompdf\Cpdf::ACROFORM_FIELD_TEXT_PASSWORD;
            case 'submit':
                $ft = \Dompdf\Cpdf::ACROFORM_FIELD_BUTTON;

        $pdf->addFormField($ft, rand(), $x, $this->y($y) - $h, $x + $w, $this->y($y), $ff, $size, $color);

    public function text($x, $y, $text, $font, $size, $color = [0, 0, 0], $word_space = 0.0, $char_space = 0.0, $angle = 0.0)
        $pdf = $this->_pdf;


        $is_font_subsetting = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getIsFontSubsettingEnabled();
        $pdf->selectFont($font . '.afm', '', true, $is_font_subsetting);

        $pdf->addText($x, $this->y($y) - $pdf->getFontHeight($size), $size, $text, $angle, $word_space, $char_space);

        $this->_set_fill_transparency("Normal", $this->_current_opacity);

    public function javascript($code)


    public function add_named_dest($anchorname)
        $this->_pdf->addDestination($anchorname, "Fit");

    public function add_link($url, $x, $y, $width, $height)
        $y = $this->y($y) - $height;

        if (strpos($url, '#') === 0) {
            // Local link
            $name = substr($url, 1);
            if ($name) {
                $this->_pdf->addInternalLink($name, $x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height);
        } else {
            $this->_pdf->addLink($url, $x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height);

     * @throws FontNotFoundException
    public function get_text_width($text, $font, $size, $word_spacing = 0.0, $char_spacing = 0.0)
        $this->_pdf->selectFont($font, '', true, $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getIsFontSubsettingEnabled());
        return $this->_pdf->getTextWidth($size, $text, $word_spacing, $char_spacing);

     * @throws FontNotFoundException
    public function get_font_height($font, $size)
        $options = $this->_dompdf->getOptions();
        $this->_pdf->selectFont($font, '', true, $options->getIsFontSubsettingEnabled());

        return $this->_pdf->getFontHeight($size) * $options->getFontHeightRatio();

    /*function get_font_x_height($font, $size) {
      $ratio = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getFontHeightRatio();
      return $this->_pdf->getFontXHeight($size) * $ratio;

     * @throws FontNotFoundException
    public function get_font_baseline($font, $size)
        $ratio = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getFontHeightRatio();
        return $this->get_font_height($font, $size) / $ratio;

     * Processes a callback or script on every page.
     * The callback function receives the four parameters `int $pageNumber`,
     * `int $pageCount`, `Canvas $canvas`, and `FontMetrics $fontMetrics`, in
     * that order. If a script is passed as string, the variables `$PAGE_NUM`,
     * `$PAGE_COUNT`, `$pdf`, and `$fontMetrics` are available instead. Passing
     * a script as string is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
     * This function can be used to add page numbers to all pages after the
     * first one, for example.
     * @param callable|string $callback The callback function or PHP script to process on every page
    public function page_script($callback): void
        if (is_string($callback)) {
            $this->processPageScript(function (
                int $PAGE_NUM,
                int $PAGE_COUNT,
                self $pdf,
                FontMetrics $fontMetrics
            ) use ($callback) {


    public function page_text($x, $y, $text, $font, $size, $color = [0, 0, 0], $word_space = 0.0, $char_space = 0.0, $angle = 0.0)
        $this->processPageScript(function (int $pageNumber, int $pageCount) use ($x, $y, $text, $font, $size, $color, $word_space, $char_space, $angle) {
            $text = str_replace(
                ["{PAGE_NUM}", "{PAGE_COUNT}"],
                [$pageNumber, $pageCount],
            $this->text($x, $y, $text, $font, $size, $color, $word_space, $char_space, $angle);

    public function page_line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $width, $style = [])
        $this->processPageScript(function () use ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $width, $style) {
            $this->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $width, $style);

     * @return int
    public function new_page()

        $ret = $this->_pdf->newPage();
        $this->_pages[] = $ret;
        return $ret;

    protected function processPageScript(callable $callback): void
        $pageNumber = 1;

        foreach ($this->_pages as $pid) {

            $fontMetrics = $this->_dompdf->getFontMetrics();
            $callback($pageNumber, $this->_page_count, $this, $fontMetrics);


    public function stream($filename = "document.pdf", $options = [])
        if (headers_sent()) {
            die("Unable to stream pdf: headers already sent");

        if (!isset($options["compress"])) $options["compress"] = true;
        if (!isset($options["Attachment"])) $options["Attachment"] = true;

        $debug = !$options['compress'];
        $tmp = ltrim($this->_pdf->output($debug));

        header("Cache-Control: private");
        header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
        header("Content-Length: " . mb_strlen($tmp, "8bit"));

        $filename = str_replace(["\n", "'"], "", basename($filename, ".pdf")) . ".pdf";
        $attachment = $options["Attachment"] ? "attachment" : "inline";
        header(Helpers::buildContentDispositionHeader($attachment, $filename));

        echo $tmp;

    public function output($options = [])
        if (!isset($options["compress"])) $options["compress"] = true;

        $debug = !$options['compress'];

        return $this->_pdf->output($debug);

     * Returns logging messages generated by the Cpdf class
     * @return string
    public function get_messages()
        return $this->_pdf->messages;


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I (we?) am not going to look at ALL THIS CODE!  If you want help, then show us the piece of code that has the error and point it out to us and let us tell you what need to change.

OTOH - if you are looking for help to convert an html page to a pdf I think you should think of it as "converting output to pdf in place of html" and learn how to code using php and something like FPDF to accomplish that.  And if that is not doable then I don't know what you've gotten yourself into.

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