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Going Rate


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Can anyone tell me about what the going rate for PHP/MySql per page?? I am a novice and this is my first PHP site but its quallity work.  I am making a site where the entire site is pulled from a database(MySql) and it has a custom control panel so that the client can login and edit every aspect of their site very easily its about 90% done and they say they will pay whatever but I have no Idea.  Can someone tell me a fair price.

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Well the person i am doing it for is a friend, they have the money and they will pay whatever I want but i want to be fair.  And I cant really charg hourly as I have been learning alot doing this so it has taken me longer than it should.  I was thinking like a price per page??

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I've never heard of charging per page - it's usually per hour or per project.


It sounds like it's a pretty good quality project - for a full CMS, as I interpret your description, I would charge at least $2,500 US. Of course, I've used several CMS libraries and softwares, and I may have higher expectations than you or your client.

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I have a custom CMS that I've written (still writing/modifying/building modules for) and I'll probably end up charging about $150ish to tack it onto a site that I build.  The nice thing about it is that if they use the CMS, it makes my job easier to build the site.  Truth be known, I end up installing the roots of the CMS to manage the site from my end either way. 


However, for the amount of work I put into it... and if I had to do it all over again as a custom piece for one client, I'd probably charge roughly $500-$1000 for it.

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