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SmartPHP :: A new IDE for all php lovers !!


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I am a php programmer and web developer. Also I am interested in software development..... the point is, I have developed a new PHP IDE for my own personal use. ;)


Anyway now I think it may be useful to some one else and I am releasing it as a free software


Please try my sweet IDE... 'SmartPHP' released on www.smart-toolz.com


It is not a BIG software (only 1.5 Mb) So... please try it and let me know ur comments.


More details included in the site...



Jim Jose

PS: Ur comments will decide the future of this application


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Well... you've got one major problem:  I downloaded it, installed it, and it asked for "server location"... since I don't have one installed locally I just hit "Done"... I immediately got a "Subscript out of range" error and now I can't even get back to that window to specify anything.



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Thanks for ur feedback :) Yeah there are a lot of little things that I need to handle. Normally I will not notice it bcose I know how it should be.


I will definitely come up with better versions... soon ;) Keep sending ur feedbacks, comments & critics.... Just Freak out !!



Jim Jose

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... well I don't plan to try it again until you fix that.  In reality, you shouldn't require a server.  That should be completely optional.  You should be able to develop without having to test locally.

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Wow... someone that didn't turn that comment into a flame-war!  Color me impressed.  Ninja-points++.  Maybe I'll stick around for the next version of the software.  Let us know when you publish it!

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Wow... someone that didn't turn that comment into a flame-war!  Color me impressed.  Ninja-points++. 


I second that. Very nicely handled, Prince33.


However, I regret to inform you that I won't be using your IDE for the simple reason that it doesn't appear to work in non-Windows systems. I have a recommendation, do with it what you will: Write your application in C# or another .NET language. With the advent of the Mono libraries in the Unix world, *nix users are now able to seamlessly run applications written in a number of languages. If you were to re-write it in a .NET language, I'm relatively sure your program's user base would increase by at least a handful of people. :)

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Java tends to take up a lot of memory on Windows platforms.


Java tends to take up a lot of memory on every platform I've used it on.


Well, you can't get mad at the language for a lousy implementation.


No, but you can avoid it like the plague!

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Ok, time for an upgrade...


Plz try the new version from...http://www.smart-toolz.com/index.php?sSection=downloads


ober, I hope this version will not disappoint you as much as the first version ;)


Anyway this is an application I created from scratch. There is only one person (me) worked for on this till now and I am not a pro(fessional).


- The main issue is the DYNAMIC color formatting itself. (just press F5 to refresh the colors)

- The debugger works by capturing error messages outputted by your local host (its optional in new version)

- New version have file association for .php and .inc file

- Click CTRL+SPACE to switch between auto completer for 'PHP function' and 'user variables'



I am not so good in C# & Java, but I will consider a VB.Net version (later) ;)


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I am not trying to surpass any of the other popular IDEs, but just wish to give a NICE/FAST/FREE platform for PHP which can make your coding life easier.


Anyway I have decided to continue with its development.... may be some future versions can impress you,

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nope. crashed on me, regardless of whether i specified a local server or not. As soon as I get past that prompt, I get "SmartPHP has encountered a problem and needs to close..." and it's goodnight from SmartPHP.

Tried a few times, but no go. Running on Windows XP Pro SP2

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nope. crashed on me, regardless of whether i specified a local server or not. As soon as I get past that prompt, I get "SmartPHP has encountered a problem and needs to close..." and it's goodnight from SmartPHP.

Tried a few times, but no go. Running on Windows XP Pro SP2

Works for me on Windows XP MCE 2005 SP2.


You might want to change the default file content to


// Your code here


instead of


// Your code here


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I don't get it.  There is no auto completion, no intellisense, and nothing remotely like eclipse or .net.  So what makes it different then all the other text editors and stuff out there?  Not to be harsh or anything, but tell me if there is something I am missing.  If you just created this for personal use and to learn a new language, than congratulations, it's more than I can do.


It's fast and has no bloat, which I like.  If it had auto completion and intellisense than I'd be using right now.

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