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how to get into google search results?


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hello everyone i had just finished my website and gone public.  I am using yahoo for my server and when I search my website in yahoo and google it doesn't show up!? how do i get my website into the search results?

I would really appreciate help on this...


my website is www.frugalstudents.com


thank you in advance.


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The first thing that you should do is lookup SEO and how to use it in your website.


Some things to help:

1. Submit your site to search engines ex. Google

2. Link your sites to as many other sites as you can

3. Advertise as much as you can


When you first make a site it is NOT automatically indexed...you have to tell search engines that it is there. If you have a slow traffic site it could take up to 1 month to actually show up. If you have a high-traffic site it will be shorter...I've had a high traffic site get #1 in less then a week.


Bottom line...Submit your link to search engines and get traffic traffic traffic AND content content content!


Hope this helped :)

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When you first make a site it is NOT automatically indexed...you have to tell search engines that it is there.


If, as SA points out, you have a lot of people linking to you, then I think you can show up disregardless of whether you added yourself or not. Preferably big, high-traffic sites. Of course, telling the search engine, "Hey, I exist!" is a start.


Also make sure you code validates. If it does then the search engines will find it easier to read your page.


This tool is really good at telling what you should focus on in order to make your site better. You should take care of everything that isn't marked as "excellent" ("good" is probably ok as well) (starting with the most severe problems first obviously). If you register (free) you can get more detailed and technical results.

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I read this line after running the tool


Then submit your website to all the search engines and applicable free directories you can.


Maybe we can have some type of sticky listing the links to submit to different search engines and directories?

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Maybe we can have some type of sticky listing the links to submit to different search engines and directories?

I think that would be a great idea, and leave it open so anyone can post links to directories and/or search engines they know of.  Eventually there could be a huge list, this could also bring more traffic to phpfreaks.com if there is a huge list of places to basically advertise (search engines, and directories), I know that will bring me to the post every single time I start promoting a website.

I can think of like 3-4 directories I would want to add already.

That would be a great idea, I agree.

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