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Browser Problem!


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Hi! i use a number of computers for my work how ever iv recently switched to a new pc! When ever i go to locally run a new website or go on line and visit a site that’s address ends in .php it tries to open the online page with in dream weaver? it wont let me open the page! Can anyone help?


Attached is a photo example of what happens!  It happens In all browsers - its all most like I missing a file of some sort.


Thanks for everyone’s time! It would be great if I could find out what’s wrong!


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I dont seem to have > File types > Manage with in the firefox options. Iv removed dreamwaver to see if that soved the problem, it didnt.


have you got your local version of PHP installed correctly? Im not sure. if i have i dont no about it.


It happens in every browser type. On my lap top the same pages open fine. Im upto date with IE and Firefox.

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Umm... if it's allowing you to save php files from random servers on the web, you've got a goldmine in your pocket.  I'll buy the PC for 10K right now.


The more likely chance is that you're opening a local php file and you don't have a webserver + PHP installed to handle it.

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