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Blogging Questions?


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For something as simple as a blogging application Id'e probably be inclined to roll my own depending on the features I was after.


I asked because my hosting offers a blog. I really haven't learn how to '

write my own script yet. Thanks, for the post!

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I've never really liked 3rd pary blogs. I've actually written my own app for that. It's really not hard at all. All you really need is 1 database and 2 tables (one for the username and password and another for blog title and post contents). A beginner following a tutorial could probably make a working one in a few hours.

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This is a very adaptable tutorial:  http://lampgeekz.netgeekz.net/tutorials/index.php?cmd=tutorial&id=1&page=0


It says news system, but change the word news to blog on the database table, and your ready to go.  For me it started out as a guestbook, then a news system like you see there, and then I turned it into a blog which can be found here (ronald.netgeekz.net)  :-/ 


also, wordpress and drupal are two i would suggest for third party.

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bahahaha!  3 jobs, online web programming for clients, college, and me and my best-friend are buying us a house as soon as we find one....hmmm.....guess who is to busy to keep up a blog these days?!?! hahaha!  let me tell you, when you start making a life, fun things are no longer something you get to enjoy.  and....money...a funny thing about that little green piece of paper that means so much to us.....it is almost impossible to get, even more impossible to hold on to, and you never get it back unless what you traded in exchange for it breaks or doesn't work, and even then you don't always win out.  oh, and about college.  it doesn't matter if it works or not, because i normally know more than my teachers, and you don't get your money back for that!!!!

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