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bandwidth limiter?


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Hi guys can you help me for my small problem.


I have problem with my bandwidth coz everytime my brother always playing online my bandwidth

is also affected.


Has anyone of you know a free software that will limit the particular bandwidth of a port?


My brother always using the internet in a nonsense task.



thanks in advance.






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thanks ober but i think it's not with my ISP.


my brother is a qualified software cracker.

he can reverse engineer a software and he is using his evil ability against me now.

He is using it on his nonsense routine by playing online games.


he is a true garbage...

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You should be able to run multiple online games at a time through the same cable / DSL connection without causing much lag.  So unless you are on dial up, I doubt it's his online game that's hogging the bandwidth.

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Basically you need to put/install a Windows proxy on 1 main computer which has the internet. Then share it out via this 1 main computer. Then this 1 main computer using ccproxy for example can limit the bandwidth of clients.


Of course the gaming app your mate uses will have to be able to use this proxy.


Check your router also as it may have options to throttle or shape traffic over certain ports.


You could also try looking for a network app which will shape traffic on a network (from your computer to his), and case traffic on his port etc. to be limited effected etc.



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Of course, if you mess with his computer like that, he is probably going to mess yours' up in return.


If we don't hear back from you in a few days, I'm going to guess that's what happened. Lol.

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