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Apparently not.  You are on a PHP forum, did you actually check out any tutorials?  you can't learn to program without programming, so think of something you want to develop and take the steps to learn how. I personally don't think I could have learned to program without going to college for it.  I also don't think at your age I would care to program, in fact I know I didn't care.  What exactly is your motivation at this point? Don't you have better things to do?

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Apparently not.  You are on a PHP forum, did you actually check out any tutorials?  you can't learn to program without programming, so think of something you want to develop and take the steps to learn how. I personally don't think I could have learned to program without going to college for it.  I also don't think at your age I would care to program, in fact I know I didn't care.  What exactly is your motivation at this point? Don't you have better things to do?


Just reading what you said, I have programmed one thing a register and login script, I learned it off a tutorial on YouTube and i learn't a few things like this:


if (!isset($_POST['username'])) {
           if(!isset($_POST['password'])) {
              if(!isset($_POST['email'])) {
else {
    echo "Please enter a email";
else {
     echo "Please enter a password";
else {
echo "Please enter a username"


Thats something i didn't know how to do and i learnt how to get data from a database and how to un crack a md5...




What exactly is your motivation at this point? Don't you have better things to do?


My motivation is to make great success with PHP in the future to work for clients and to make PHP games, Forums and more!

Don't you have better things to do? Like what?


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with all due respect, it's only impossible to read due to a bit too much chit-chat in the Misc forum. If you spend 24 hours trying to write something practical, even if it's only a personal site, and learning from the PHP Help section as you go, you'll do yourself many favours ;)


Books are not for everyone. I have one that taught me a trick or two, but nothing that I couldnt ultimately have found by mastering Google a little bit. I don't tend to do books these days - once you've nailed the basics, then generally you can teach the rest yourself and pick things up as you go along.


jcombs_31 does have a point though. Doing it for fun CAN be fun, but is ultimately a waste of time unless it's your job or you have some concrete ideas planned out...

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Thats something i didn't know how to do and i learnt how to get data from a database and how to un crack a md5...




What exactly is your motivation at this point? Don't you have better things to do?


My motivation is to make great success with PHP in the future to work for clients and to make PHP games, Forums and more!

Don't you have better things to do? Like what?



No, you didn't learn how to crack an md5 hash.


My point is that from what I read somewhere, you are 13 years old. You need to learn the basics of life before applying programming logic in my opinion. You don't even have the necessary skills to understand certain principals of discrete mathematics. 


I ask for your motivation because many of us do this as some sort of career or hobby for their own personal site/blog.  I don't think you'll be creating forums and certainly not games using PHP. 


My point is that at your age I think it is more important to be active rather than wasting your time on something you apparently don't understand.  If you have something you want to build, then learn, but not just for the sake of learning php, you can be doing other things.

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jcombs, [...] your [sic] using age discrimination [...]. And don't you have better things to do aswell [sic]?


Well, this is jcomb's web page (so his profile says at least). Web development is his WORK. I doubt web development is YOUR work. Besides, he is not discriminating.

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jcombs, [...] your [sic] using age discrimination [...]. And don't you have better things to do aswell [sic]?


Well, this is jcomb's web page (so his profile says at least). Web development is his WORK. I doubt web development is YOUR work. Besides, he is not discriminating.


You can't stop me from Web Development and it will be my work one day. Why not learn early and have lots of experience in like 7 years?

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this will sound condescending, but unfortunately most truths that come with age do:  the chances that you know for certain what you want to do when you're older at 13 are slim to none.  as a hobby, go for it, but i wouldn't let it consume your life.  once you're at the age where you have responsibilities and computer use might actually be a part of your everyday job, you'll probably regret not spending more time away from the computer as a kid.


furthermore, as jeff said, programming is a very logical and mathematical discipline.  if you don't understand these, you might as well wait until you do.  it's like trying to run a triathlon before you know how to bike or swim.


of course, this is all opinion.  feel free to prove me wrong and do what you want - i'm just saying, you should really take advantage of having sweet eff-all obligations in life and being relatively free.  play with friends.  frolick in the fields.  don't let your eyesite, social skills and physical health deteriorate by staring at a computer screen all day.  you'll have plenty of time to do that when you're older.

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Well if i learn while a teenager... When im older like say 20 I won't have to spend the next 5 years learning PHP to get a job when im 20 I'll be able to get a Job because i'd have like 7 Years experience.


And then when i earn money i can spend it going out places and drinking ect.

And i do go out.



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i daresay more than just technical experience, employers look for reliability, responsibility, and general life experience.  that doesn't come with 7 years of programming in one's basement.  half the time people require a bachelor's degree, they don't care what kind it is - they want it more for the demonstration of commitment and dedication than the actual area of study.

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as i said, it's just my opinion - go ahead and spend all your time learning PHP so that you can get a web development job when you're 20.  i'm not saying you won't get any life experience, all i'm saying is that you have to actually live to get the experience, not sit at a computer all the time.


but you're right, we're being stupid.  we certainly haven't been in your shoes, so we don't really have any truly relevant advice to offer.

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as i said, it's just my opinion - go ahead and spend all your time learning PHP so that you can get a web development job when you're 20.  i'm not saying you won't get any life experience, all i'm saying is that you have to actually live to get the experience, not sit at a computer all the time.


but you're right, we're being stupid.  we certainly haven't been in your shoes, so we don't really have any truly relevant advice to offer.


Can i have your MSN, SO i can speak to you? If yes, PM it me

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I'll add my final $.02 and then end it.  If you have something in mind you want to build on the web at this very moment, by all means take the steps to learn how to build it.  If you want to learn for the sake of learning when you are clueless as to anything the language has to offer and what you want to do with it, then there is no point. You also have no clue at your age what you are going to do when you get older and you also have no clue if there will be something better than PHP.  Technology changes every day and programming will eat away at your time.  My personal opinion is that someone who probably isn't even in high school yet can be doing more productive things that are much more enjoyable.

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