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Local host not being found anymore?


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On my dev machine I have mulitple virtual hosts setup, but now suddenly one of them doesn't work anymore..  ???


<VirtualHost bbkm.test>

    DocumentRoot "E:\John\Sites\bbkm\public_html"

    <Directory "E:\John\Sites\bbkm\public_html">

      AllowOverride All

      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

      Order allow,deny

      Allow from all


</VirtualHost>  localhost  debug  bbkm.test  zenddev.test


The other vhosts work fine, but bbkm.test is not found anymore..  ???


This confuses the hell out of me. To make it even more odd, the name is resolved properly when using the commandline... So I guess the problem is with Apache, but I haven't changed anything in httpd.conf.... Changing browsers doesn't help either.

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Never mind, apparently I'm doing things with php that Apache crashes on again...  ::)


Normally that would give a 'connection reinitialized' message, hence the confusion.


Anyway, I can correct the problem now. Thanks for listening.  :P

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For anyone curious how I managed to crash Apache: a construction loop:


private function __construct(){



public static function getInstance(){

if(self::$instance === null){

self::$instance = new self;


return self::$instance;


public static function get($id){

$self = self::getInstance();





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I never got to ask this but I read somewhere in a book that you can create your own function and within that function call itself?



loop_function (


    echo "loop for ever"

    loop_function ()




Infinite loops are bad.


That's all I have to say on the subject. :P

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I never got to ask this but I read somewhere in a book that you can create your own function and within that function call itself?



loop_function (


    echo "loop for ever"

    loop_function ()




Infinite loops are bad.


That's all I have to say on the subject. :P


Depends. For web development, yes. I haven't done a lot of application programming, but AFAIK it's an infinite loop that keeps the application from terminating just after starting.

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