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I have no idea how to backport in the firstplace. I just learned a little bit of OOP but accidentally learned it through php 5, unfortunately my server has php 4.4.7 and I don't have the time to relearn or upgrade the server and risking my site breaking then having to recode 25,000 lines of code.

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If you just learnt a little bit of OOP then its highly likely your not using the more advanced features included in php5.


The biggest simple differences between 4 and 5 are that 4 does not support visability declerations. So, where you would declare a property in php5 using...


public $varname;


you simply use...


var $varname;


in php4. Of course this also meens there is no such thing as private or protected properties in php4.


php4 also does not support the __construct() method in the same way as php5. In php4 your construct function uses the same name as the class instead of __construct() used in php5. eg;



  class foo {
    function foo() {
      echo "this is a php4 construct";



There the basics, but there is alot more to it. Just depends how complex your php5 OOP is I suppose.

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You could probably get a lot of it just with some basic replacement or regular expressions....


For example, you could just replace 'plublic $' with 'var $'.


Or, if you wanted to be more fancy you could do it with regular expressions:


/(public|private) \$/ -> var $

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ok I made the __contruct() function reflect the class name as video(). Now how would the public/var replacement work with this.


keep in mind this is my original unchanged script.


//video class

class Video
var $uploaddir;
var $localdir;
var $vidName;
var $vidFileDir;

var $thumbnail_name;
var	$thumbnail_width = 150;
var $thumbnail_height = 150;
var $thumbnail_dir;

var $thumbnail_img;
var $thumbnail_localdir;

public function __get($var)
	return $this->{$var};

public function __set($var, $val)
	$this->{$var} = $val;

public function version()
$ver  = "<!--\n";
$ver .= "Video Test Script\n";
  $ver .= "requires: \n";
  $ver .= "-Flash Video Player ( http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=Flash_Video_Player )\n";
$ver .= "-ffmpeg (http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/ )\n";
$ver .= "-PHP4.4.7 or later";
$ver .= "\n\nAuthor: Logan Best\n-->\n";
	return $ver;


public function __construct($width = 320, $height = 260, $bgColor = "#eaeaea")

	echo $this->version();
	echo "<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"js/ufo.js\"></script>\n";
	echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n
function playMovie(file)\n{\nvar FO = \n{\nmovie:\"flvplayer.swf\",\nwidth:\"".$width."px\",\nheight:\"".$height."px\",\nmajorversion:\"7\",\nbuild:\"0\",\nbgcolor:\"#eaeaea\",\nflashvars:\"file=\"+file+\"&autoStart=true\"\n};\n
UFO.create(FO, 'player');\n}\n


var function upload()
	$files = $_FILES;

	echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
    if($this->uploaddir == '')
    		//echo 'making dir';

    $this->uploaddir = 'videos/';

    @$uploadfile = $this->uploaddir . basename($files['file']['name']);
    $this->vidFileDir = $uploadfile;

    if(@move_uploaded_file($files['file']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile))
        $noExt = explode(".", $files['file']['name']);
        $name = $noExt[0];

        if($noExt[1] == "wmv")
				exec("mencoder ". $this->uploaddir . $files['file']['name'] . " " . $this->uploaddir . $name . ".flv -of lavf -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=56 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=400:mbd=2:mv0:trell:v4mv:cbp:last_pred=3 -lavfopts i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames -srate 22050");
        	exec("flvtool2 -Uv " . $this->uploaddir . $name . ".flv " . $this->uploaddir . $name . ".flv");
        	$veed = $this->localdir . $name . ".flv";
        	//$this->vidFileDir = $veed;

        	$this->vidName = $name . "flv";

				exec("ffmpeg -i " . $this->uploaddir . $files['file']['name'] . " " . $this->uploaddir . $name . ".flv");
        	$veed = $this->localdir . $name . ".flv";
        	//$this->vidFileDir = $veed;

        	$this->vidName = $name . "flv";
        	return $veed;


//$file must be a full path -- $thumbdir is where to store the thumbnails
public function thumbnail() 
		$flvFileDir = explode(".",$this->vidFileDir);
		$flvFile = $flvFileDir[0] . ".flv";

		$file 	= $this->thumbnail_name;
		$width 	= $this->thumbnail_width;
		$height = $this->thumbnail_height;
		$dir		= $this->thumbnail_dir;

			$thumbName = $dir . $file . ".jpg";

			//die($flvFile . "<br>" . $thumbName);
			exec("ffmpeg -y -i " . $flvFile . " -f mjpeg -ss 10 -vframes 1 -s " .$width."x".$height." -an " . $thumbName);

			$this->thumbnail_img = $this->thumbnail_localdir . $file . ".jpg";
			die("Thumbnail failed: no thumbnail dir set");


public function delVideo($file)
	//$file must be full path

		return true;
		$res = "This file does not exist.";
		return $res;


public function player($veed = '')
	if($veed == '')
		echo "Video source has not been supplied";

			echo "Video file does not exist";
			echo "<script language=\"javascript\">playMovie('".$veed."');</script>";




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__get and __set (as well as __call) will work, but you need to use the overload() function before you instantiate the class. When i've used it in the past, I've just thrown it at the bottom of the class file so it gets called by default - so if my class is called - erm - MyClass, then just:


class MyClass
   ... code ...



will do the trick. there's an example here


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Just get your host to mke php5 available - many hosts have 4 and 5 engines installed and allow you to select which one in your control panel - if your hosts don't then ask them what you are paying for!!!!!!


I own a dedicated self managed server. I'd love to upgrade to PHP 5 but i've coded all 25,000 lines of my site to work with 4 and I just don't have the time to completely recode it all for 5.

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I own a dedicated self managed server. I'd love to upgrade to PHP 5 but i've coded all 25,000 lines of my site to work with 4 and I just don't have the time to completely recode it all for 5.


you won't have to. PHP5 is probably 99.9% backward compatible with PHP4. I moved to a PHP5 server taking about 5 sites and approx 10 staging environments with it, taking only about 30 mins to 'tweak' the lot, and mostly were changing php.ini settings to how I like them where they differ from defaults. It'll take you much less time to upgrade the server than it will to backport. And if the code is already working with PHP4, where's the issue?

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