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What is php hacking ? sorry for posting here,there's no one in 'core php hacking


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Hacking PHP is used to describe the modification, addition, or removal of features to or from PHP itself. It has absolutely nothing to do with cracking, attacks, or any of the other negative connotations that have unfortunately been assigned to the word "hack".

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Basically it makes changing the PHP program itself.. php-cgi.exe or whatever it is called on your system.


So that it acts differantly then it normally does.


A (rather poor) example would be, say, changing = to work the same as ==.

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The thing is all of the programming inside php is just that "programming". Based on what I have seen about hacking php's core, it's about getting inside the code that builds the language, and puts together it's build in functions.

Each php function is a basic function (like me you or anyone else can write in php) are done the same way in php.  They are functions that do what they say they are done.  One form of php core hacking is goign in and changing the base functionality of those functions, adding new ones, or changing the basic way php is suppose to universally operate by default.

Another thing is php is writting in either c++ or C# (not sure which one) so I am fairly certain you would have to know the language it's written in to get very far with it.

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