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search engines can't find me!


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hey guys , i'm just testing search engines with keywords and description  . but they can't find my site .

i have even used



and it tell me i'm using everything effectively . and all the thing are fine  , i just choose none making sense words to see if they find me or not . but it is not working .


<meta name="description" content="best chef will cut a lemon by a shark jaws , pour some gasoline on it and make it taste like hell." />
<meta name="keywords" content="chef,lemon,shark,gasoline,hell" />


these are in the test page html. 


i searched for " chef,lemon,shark,gasoline"  , it showed me (yahoo) a lot of sites, but my site weren't in there.


what it is i'm doing wrong ? anything to add ?


( the file containing these 2 line is out side the document root . and i have include it in the index.html  , it is cause of this ? )

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dmoz.org is online web directory where by you have to post your site link in some category.


suppose your site is about animations then you need to find computers->animation or what so ever then you can press suggest url .it will open 'Submit a Site ...' page where you can enter your site credentials



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Can Google find your site when you search for your domain name?


SEO is a very involved process and requires a few things to even begin to hope to place well in "natural" ranking.


The first thing to do (instead of "submitting" your site, which comes later) is to make sure your page is structured properly:


Text. Words. Presented in the code clearly showing are important and which are not. Simple.


That's all SEO is all about ... how words are grouped and presented in the code in order of importance. And this is where 99% of people who create web pages most often fail; they don't know how to present words/text in their design, much less in their code.


Search bots are smart; to determine what a page is about they simply analyze how words are placed, in relation to each other, IN THE CODE (not how they LOOK on the page).


They first look at the words in the page title and description within the head tag.


Then in the body, they strip away all scripts, images,  layout tags and style tags - and scan all the raw words.


But, they give special attention to any words given a hierarchy of "importance" by the author that are contained in two basic block level tags - headers (h1 - h6) and paragraphs, taking note of any words that may be in bold.


They analyze the combination of words and the number of times they repeat - again placing special considerations on the words and patterns within title, description, h1 - h6, paragraphs and bold text in paragraphs.


They are smart! They can understand the relationships and determine if the words (particularly the special attention and repeated words) make sense and are used to properly convey a concept (instead of being randomly tossed in there to fool it).


And finally, they determine what the page is most likely about, how high or low to "index" it in the database for retrieval when a search query matches the words and patterns.


Oh yeah; another important thing to remember is that bots have A.D.D. they get bored and lose focus very quickly (like half the people here who haven't made it to this point in my long winded explanation). They will not spend a lot of time and patience spidering a page that has a high code to text ratio percentage and no semantic and hierarchical structure assistance from the author. If it doesn't make much sense to them, they try to make a guess and index it low in the database.


So, considering all of that, if you just cut and paste ONLY the text in your code (in order from top to bottom - without rearranging anything) does it make sense? Don't just assume it does.


If you use tables for layout, it will NOT make sense because text in table rows will not match text in table columns once the tds and trs are removed. If you didn't use headers or even paragraphs (or any block level, non-layout containers) then WHAT are important focal points of the text?



Why do this before submitting to search engines? Simple. Competition.


Consider the hundreds of millions of websites out there. How many million are actually your competition? How many web sites about chefs, real estate, music, etc.? How many are from the worlds leading people or companies in the field? MILLIONS!


And so here you and I come ... we make a web page and submit it to a few search engines. Good luck! The only way we can hope to compete is by starting with well crafted, search engine friendly code.


The number 1 criteria for the best search engine placement regardless of code (even if it is one huge 800 x 600 graphic with nothing but image-map links) is "Links-TO" your site from external sites (quality, category related sites).


The better the quality level (and number) of links, the better the results. But it all starts with a website that people, colleagues, reviewers, trade industry journals, etc. will want to link to.






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you make me admire your explanation and your information again . no kidding ,i really DO!


sometimes more important thing is HOW to apply such information , and get them to work.

i've study, teach , compose ... whatever in music for about 11-12 years.  i want to give you an example . there are MILLIONS of books about music theory , music instruments , composing...  you can find so many ways in so many book that they explain for example what is the note "C" . you can read them , you can find them in so many ways . but i do believe they don't worth anything when you want to teach them to a beginner . a beginner just wants to know : "how it works!!!"    . if for example a piano is there, i just press the key for him , he hears the sound, i tell "this is C" . and he will think or say "haaaa!!" . he doesn't care  what frequency the C have or the sound delay , attack ...



you're a pro in this area ! but i'm standing at the opposite of where you are, just press that key for me !


(again thanks for your brilliant explanation)

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I have to partly disagree. Keywords and good semantic are always important, but Google and Yahoo don't rank according to word placement. We searching for something they simply find all pages containing the keyword and related words. They can find over 1 million webapges.


Your rank depends on the growth of your site in relation to external sites linking to you - ever heard of calculus/statistics? That is exactly what google does! It maps your site growth. So link schemes dont' work as it doesn't make sense in "natural growth."

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Here is a link to the url=http://www.rankquest.com/seotips/index.html]"rankquest.com"[/url] SEO tips.


This site is a must for anyone who cares about learning (and testing their pages for) SEO.


The "keywords" meta tag is the most abused tag in web creation history. Google, Yahoo and the other major search engines don't "ignore" it ... they simply don't rely on it or give it much weight on its own.


HOWEVER, a properly used keywords meta tag, that does contain actual keywords that are on the page, is NOT ignored; it is "considered" within the context of everything else.


For instance, using ASMITH'S example, a keywords meta tag for a music teacher site would include the following:


music teacher, lessons, theory, composition, advanced, beginner, student.


All of these words would be on the page. By virtue of "music" being the first keyword likely to be entered into a search query, the other words would most likely also be entered in relation to it.


The query search would highlight these words - particularly if the were together in the pattern search. music >> "teacher", music >> "lessons", music >> "theory", music >> "composition", "advanced" << music, music >> "beginner".


The tricky part is refraining from repeating the word "music" in the tag. It only need be there once ... the search bot will put them together.


That said, it is better to have no keywords meta tag than a poorly entered one. And it is better to have just a few words (no more than 20), than stuffing it full of all possible combinations of words.


Actually, my industry (real estate in Manhattan) is easier to illustrate how one can cover all bases without repeating words:


"manhattan apartments, apts for rent, apartment sales, nyc rentals, lofts in new york city, ny real estate broker, townhouse"


The home pages for my sites use all of these words and their abbreviations.


But, again, the #1 best way to get top ranking is to have quality external links from sites with a high "pagerank". Top level Directories are great for this, particularly if they specialize in your category. Advertising on trade publication sites is another.



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all my site pages heads tags are in one file , and i've include that file in alll the pages .


index.html   //   site main page , default 

begins with : 




any problem using this way ?  i mean search engines can find them ??



P.S. dbrimlow, nice to meet you ;) recent 5 years i've  been playing drums , most progressive rock.

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hmm i do't have any exernal links to other sites.  in fact i don't like to put other "high quality sites"  on my site . can we work on an example here ? this stuff's making me so mad ! i just need to see it on a damn search engine list .


let me start just a HTML page here , about music.playing blues-rock on an island in the indian ocean (including some words JUST to distinguish it from other sites ):


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta name="description" content="myexampledomain : On this site you can find images, videos of the blues and rock music playing on the indian ocen island" />
<meta name="keywords" content="music, blues, rock, image, video, island, indian, ocean" />
Blues/rock on the indian ocean: images and videos
Welcome to te myexampledomain ! 
here's the images and videos of our recent show on the indian ocean island . 


ok , now nothing found in yahoo . (beside i has found some related words, so not that distinguished that i expected ;) )


now what to add ?

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I have to partly disagree. Keywords and good semantic are always important, but Google and Yahoo don't rank according to word placement. We searching for something they simply find all pages containing the keyword and related words. They can find over 1 million webapges.


It's amazing what a little search on, ironically, Google can find.


37 leaders in search engine optimization concluded in April 2007 that the relevance of having your keywords in the meta-attribute keywords is little to none[3].


Keyword Use in Meta Keywords Tag


Utilizing keywords in the meta keywords tag in a webpage's HTML header



Slight Importance



High Consensus


    Barry Schwartz

    Only Yahoo and I doubt they use it much.


    Natasha Robinson

    Works for mispellings in Yahoo (Ha, I spelled "mispellings" wrong) - And this is about Google.



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ASMITH, you don't need external links to OTHER site. You need external from others to YOURS.


For example, I need to have links to my real estate sites in online business directories under the Real Estate by region category. Advertising in online Real Estate Trade journals is also key - better still, for me , if they are specific to Manhattan or NYC.


THAT's where Google's PageRank number comes from ... the amount of relevant links in sites that link to YOUR site.


P.S. Do you have any music online - like acidplanet, jamwave, etc? Actually, that's where I hotlink my tunes on mu bluesmandeluxe site (LOL, I was too lazy to upload the mp3s/wmas onto my own server)

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