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Need help with a PHP program using MySQL?


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I am a beginner at programing and I have to do this project where it is asking me to valid ISBN 10 and 13 using MySQL database to store the information. I checked my php code to validate ISBN 10 and 13 and it works, but when I try to store the data to MySQL it is not working. What  I mean is that when I click ShowISBN link it doesn't show this information:

  1. ISBN Number
  2. ISBN Type
  3. Date Entered using timestamp
  4. Valid or Invalid

This is the codes I have for input page of ISBN page:

//this is the isset function which allows us to submit back
//to the same form.  If there isn't anything in the ISBN, it will
//show the bottom part of the form
if(isset($_POST["ISBN"])|| empty($_POST['isbn_type']) 
	|| empty($_POST['Valid_Invalid']))
	$ISBN = $_POST["ISBN"];;
	$IsbnType = $_POST["isbn_type"];;
	$VaorIn = $_POST["Valid_Invalid"];;

	$ISBN_Arr = str_split($ISBN);
	$not10 =0;
	//entering error checking for the code
	//check for 10 first, if clear do additional checking
	if(strlen($ISBN) == 10)
		{//start further error checking	
		//check to make sure first 9 are numeric
				$notNum = 1;
			}//end for loop check
		//check to see if there is a X or a x
		if($ISBN_Arr[9]=='x' || $ISBN_Arr[9]=='X')
				$ISBN_Arr[9] = 10;
			//if not an x, is it at least numeric?
			else if (!is_numeric($ISBN_Arr[9]) )
		}//end additional error checking 
		else {
			}//end not 10 check
	//start of error messages if prereqs are not met			
	if($notNum ==1 || $notX ==1 || $not10)
		Print "<h2>Input error</h2><br/>";
		Print "Here is the error(s) discovered:<br/>";
		if($notNum ==1)
			print"Your ISBN contains non-numeric data.<br/>";
		if($notX ==1)
			print"The last digit is not a number or a X.<br/>";
		if($not10 ==1)
			print"ISBN 10 number should contain 10 characters.<br/>";
	//end error checking
		$chk_sum =0;
			$chk_sum +=$ISBN_Arr[$i] *$chk_sum_num;
				//print"$ISBN_Arr[$i] | $chk_sum_num<br/>";
		}//end for loop
		$is_valid_ISBN= $chk_sum%11;
		//print"chk_sum: $chk_sum </br> is_valid_ISBN: $is_valid_ISBN</br>";
			print"$ISBN is a VALID 10 digit ISBN number.<br/>";
			print"$ISBN is an INVALID 10 number ISBN.<br/>";
			}//end is_valid if
	}//end is set if
}//end isset else

<p><a href="_ShowISBN10and13DBProject.php">Show ISBN 


This is the second part of the code that incorporates php and MySQL:


if (empty($_POST['ISBN'])|| empty($_POST['isbn_type']) 
	|| empty($_POST['Valid_Invalid']))
	echo "<p>You must enter a Valid ISBN 10 to Continue! 
		 Please Click your browser's Back Button to return 
		 to the input page of ISBN 10 with Database.</p>\n";
else {
	$DBConnect = @mysql_connect("xxx.xxx.xx.xxx", "xxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxx");
	if($DBConnect === false)
		echo"<p>Unable to conenct to the database server.</p>"
		. "<p>Error code " . mysql_errno()
		. ": " . mysql_error() . "</p>";
	$DBName = "xxxxxxxx";
	if (!@mysql_select_db($DBName, $DBConnect)) {
		$SQLstring = "CREATE DATABASE $DBName";
		$QueryResult = @mysql_query($SQLstring,
		if ($QueryResult === FALSE)
		echo "<p>Unable to execute the query.</p>"
		. "<p>Error code " . mysql_errno($DBConnect)
		. ": " . mysql_error($DBConnect) . "</p>";
		echo "<p>You are the first visitor!</p>";
	mysql_select_db($DBName, $DBConnect);
	$TableName = "isbn";
	$SQLstring = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$TableName'";
	$QueryResult = @mysql_query($SQLstring, $DBConnect);
	if ($QueryResult === FALSE) 
		echo "<p>Unable to create the table.</p>"
		. "<p>Error code " . mysql_errno($DBConnect)
		. ": " . mysql_error($DBConnect) . "</p>";
	$ISBNum = stripslashes($_POST['ISBN']);
	$ISBNType = stripslashes($_POST['isbn_type']);
	$VaORIn = stripslashes($_POST['Valid_Invalid']);
	$SQLstring = "INSERT INTO $TableName 
	VALUES(NULL, '$ISBNum', '$ISBNType', 
	$QueryResult = @mysql_query($SQLstring, $DBConnect);
		if($QueryResult === false)
			echo"<p>Unable to execute the query.</p>"
			. "<p>Error code " . mysql_errno($DBConnect)
			. ": " . mysql_error($DBConnect) . "</p>";
			echo"<h1>Thank you for trying our ISBN 10 program!</h1>";	

?><!--End PHP Script-->

This is the page where it is not working!


	$DBConnect = @mysql_connect("xxx.xxx.xx.xxx", "xxxxxxx", "xxxxx");
	if($DBConnect === false)
		echo"<p>Unable to conenct to the database server.</p>"
		. "<p>Error code " . mysql_errno()
		. ": " . mysql_error() . "</p>";
		$DBName = "xxxxxx";
	if (!@mysql_select_db($DBName, $DBConnect))
		echo"<p>There are no entries in the guest book!</p>";
	else {
	$TableName = "isbn";
	$SQLstring = "SELECT * FROM $TableName";
	$QueryResult = @mysql_query($SQLstring, $DBConnect);
	if (mysql_num_rows($QueryResult) == 0) 
		echo"<p>There are no entries in the ISBN 10 Database!</p>";
		echo"<p>The following ISBN have 
		been recorded:</p>";
		echo"<table width='100%' border='1'>";
		echo"<tr><th>ISBN Number</th><th>ISBN Type</th><th>
			Date Entred</th><th>
			Valid OR Invalid</th></tr>";
		while (($Row = mysql_fetch_assoc($QueryResult)) !==FALSE) {
			echo "<tr><td>{$Row['ISBN']}</td>";
			echo "<tr><td>{$Row['isbn_type']}</td>";
			echo "<tr><td>{$Row['TIMESTAMP']}</td>";
			echo "<td>{$Row['Valid_Invalid']}</td></tr>";

When I click show ISBN nothing happens and I am not shore why!


This is how  I have my table setup in MySQL Manually by clicking table and create table:



count                 int(11) Al PK

ISBN                   varchar(45)

isbn_type            varchar(45)

TIMESTMP         datetime PK

Valid_Invalid       varchar(45)  



Can someone please tell me why when I click Show ISBN in the input page the first code pasted  I get nothing! How do  I fix the issue because my validation works, but it's not storing it or showing up when  click Show ISBN!


Any help will be appreciate it!

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