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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2020 in all areas

  1. You should NOT EVER store any kind of hint to a password. Once the user has logged in with his/her password all you need is perhaps the username and a token (maybe). You never need the pswd again.
    1 point
  2. How about something altogether simpler and more user-friendly: <a href='www.11.com'>ABC</a> <a href='www.22.com'>ZXC</a> <a href='www.33.com'>CCC</a> No need for "error messages" at all. Only give the Users options for things that they're allowed to do. "What's the best way to prevent someone from shooting themselves in the foot? Don't give them a gun in the first place!" Regards, Phill W.
    1 point
  3. andSelf was deprecated back in 1.8. That was a number of years ago. Your book may be slightly out of date. As for this thread, leave it. It's fine. Maybe someone else will find it on Google and your follow-up will answer their problem.
    1 point
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