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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2020 in all areas

  1. I think that was ginerjm is trying to say is that this may not be the easiest thing in the world for you, but even though there are some people here who don't know stuff like jQuery very well, I know we can help you out in one way or another. I'm sure he wasn't trying to gate-keep the world of software development and say that you had to give up. Right, ginerjm? What I mean is that we don't know anything about your code short of what you can post here and tell us about. As people who have never seen it before, you automatically know more about it (as a whole) than we do. It's not exactly like we can just jump right into the middle of all this and tell you exactly what needs to happen. It's good to know it works somewhere, but if you need help getting it to work someplace it does not then it'd be more helpful if we knew more about that, right? The PHP code is simple enough so any problem is likely to be with the Javascript side. Any errors in the browser console? And the general troubleshooting questions apply: what is it supposed to be doing and what is it actually doing?
    1 point
  2. Maybe something like this. I cannot guarantee the code as we don't know what you have now or what the correct format is. But it should give you something to work on. $n = 0; $query = []; foreach($complete_req as $myItem ){ $query['request'][$n]['_kf_personnel'] = $_POST['uid']; $query['request'][$n]['_kf_requirementP'] = $complete_req[$n]; $n = $n + 1; }
    1 point
  3. Well - how ARE you doing the delete? A PHP script, no? So use a form with a submit button and not a <button> and call the script that does the delete.
    1 point
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