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  1. print_r is just a debug function without any format expectations. parsing this is mostly wrong. use a proper data exchange format.
    1 point
  2. Just adding it to the prototype means every instance of the object will share the same instance of the function. Given code like this: function Employee(foo) { this.foo = foo; this.name = ''; this.dept = 'general'; } Employee.prototype.method1 = function(){ console.log('Method1 called'); }; function SalesPerson(foo, bar) { Employee.call(this, foo); this.bar = bar; this.dept = 'sales'; this.quota = 100; } SalesPerson.prototype = Object.create(Employee.prototype); SalesPerson.prototype.constructor = SalesPerson; SalesPerson.prototype.method2=function() { console.log('Method 2 called'); } When you this: var p = new SalesPerson(); p.method1(); Javascript looks up method1 by roughly doing: Does p have a property named method1? => No Does SalesPerson.prototype have a property named method1? => No Does SalesPerson.prototype.prototype (Which is Employee.prototype) have a property named method1? => Yes Execute SalesPerson.prototype.prototype.method1.call(p); So only one instance of the method1 function exists on the Employee.prototype object, it's just reused for the other objects. You can see this kind of chain if you console.log(p): If you want to share a single function across multiple objects that are not related via their prototype chain, then you'd do define your function elsewhere and assign a reference to it to each object. This kind of setup is often called a mixin. For example if you had some logging code you wanted to include in each class. var LoggerInterface = { log: function(msg){ console.log(msg); } }; function Employee(foo) { this.foo = foo; this.name = ''; this.dept = 'general'; } Object.assign(Employee.prototype, LoggerInterface); Employee.prototype.method1 = function(){ this.log('Method1 called'); }; function Equipment(){ this.name = ''; } Object.assign(Equipment.prototype, LoggerInterface); Equipment.prototype.method2 = function(){ this.log('Method2 called'); } Both Employee and Equipment would have their own independent .log properties, but they would both reference the same underlying function so the function itself isn't duplicated.
    1 point
  3. Not with the way your code is written, no. I trust you're familiar with prototyping? Employee and SalesPerson both set up their methods through assignment. It works, but it's not modern Javascript. Using prototyping the code would be function Employee(foo) { this.foo = foo; this.name = ''; this.dept = 'general'; } Employee.prototype.method1 = function() { console.log('method1: ' + this.foo); } Now see what happens with and without those two lines. Using a prototype gives you "inheritance" without any additional work. There's one copy of the method2 function around and everybody uses it. With the older style, every single instance has its own separate method2.
    1 point
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