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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2020 in all areas

  1. Use $diff->days. $dt1 = new DateTime('2020-05-01'); $diff = $dt1->diff(new DateTime())->d; //--> 14; $diff = $dt1->diff(new DateTime())->days; //--> 44; ->d gives the days as in "1 month 14 days" ->days gives the total days Using SQL: select datediff(curdate(), '2020-05-01') as days; +------+ | days | +------+ | 44 | +------+
    1 point
  2. You can't loop over the column result-set multiple times. That code will work for the first data row, but then return false for every other data row because you've already reached the end of the column result set. You should fetch that column data into an array before hand then loop over that array. function getLuTableBody($lu_tableName) { $tableColumns=getTableColumns($lu_tableName); $columns = []; while ($columnData = $tableColumns->fetch_assoc()){ $columns[] = $columnData['COLUMN_NAME']; } //Might as well check for 0 columns and bail early. if (!$columns){ echo "problem with column data"; return; } $tableBodyHtml =""; $tableData=getTableData($lu_tableName); if ($tableData->num_rows > 0) { while($row = $tableData->fetch_assoc()) { foreach ($columns as $columnName){ $tableBodyHtml .= "<td>$row[$columnName]</td>"; } } } else { echo "problem with record data"; } return $tableBodyHtml; } You're also missing your <tr> </tr> tags for each row, and you shouldn't be echo'ing stuff if you find a problem. Throw an exception or return false or something.
    1 point
  3. Assuming PHP 5.3 or better and db date is in the format Y-m-d. $fromdb=new DateTime($datefromdb); $today=new DateTime(); $diff=$fromdb-$today; print("Difference is ".$diff.d." days); Note the result can be negative days.
    1 point
  4. Look closely at the tag pair in this line.
    1 point
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