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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2021 in all areas

  1. 😆 Physical printed books are out of date by the time they get published (coughphpsix). Use online resources as much as you can.
    1 point
  2. These are the results I get (wordlist contains 351,100 records) $t1 = microtime(1); $res = $db->query("SELECT word FROM wordlist WHERE MATCH (word) AGAINST ('sang*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"); $t2 = microtime(1); printf('Query 1 : %0.4f seconds<br>', $t2 - $t1); $t1 = microtime(1); $res = $db->query("SELECT word FROM wordlist WHERE word LIKE 'sang%'"); $t2 = microtime(1); printf('Query 2 : %0.4f seconds<br>', $t2 - $t1); results (74 words found) Query 1 : 0.0026 seconds Query 2 : 0.0005 seconds
    1 point
  3. There are lots of them around and asking for advice about which to use could start a religious war. 😀 I use RJ TextEd.
    0 points
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