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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2022 in all areas

  1. I agree with Pixeel. Why add 'var' to a name that is already known as a 'variable'? Also using underscores to break up var names is a nice practice since it makes them much clearer to see when you are browsing thru lots and lots of code in a hurry. An example would be 'prosecutor_fax' for instance. Stay away from upper and lower cases though. UPDATE: Just noticed. You are showing a lot of data in 3 tables (or a multiple of 3) all wrapped in a form with a submit button, but what is it for? You have no inputs so there will NEVER be any POST data other than the submit button's name and value. You asked yourself why the 'id' doesn't show up. Well - that is why. You are using a submit button which generates a POST (per your form tag) so you need an input tag somewhere to get that id to be sent.
    1 point
  2. Also, while you should really read what @ginerjmsaid, I also have to point out that (a) you should really remove the duplicate queries and (b) there's no validation on your queries since you simply assume $retval2 exists rather than checking that it does. And please consider giving variables slightly more meaningful names - in the long run, it'll be easier for you to understand the code you wrote.
    1 point
  3. Submit the form and look at the URL. Do you see an "id" in there? If you want the form to submit back to the same page then remove the form's action entirely. Because the default for a form without one is to submit back to the same page. And stop using PHP_SELF.
    1 point
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