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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2024 in all areas

  1. You also need to authorize any email addresses. You add that address to the contacts list on MailJet which will send an authorization email. You need to click on the link in that email to authorize it, then you should be good to go.
    1 point
  2. Yes, by all means, continue using a debugger that has clearly been abandoned and at a minimum does not work with any supported versions of PHP. It's definitely better for you to stick to the things you feel most comfortable with, even if that means working with a programming language that stopped receiving meaningful updates almost three years ago. It's not like the tech industry is constantly growing and evolving. It's unfortunate that Xdebug is too "lame" to support things like step-by-step debugging or code profiling or code coverage reporting. Really makes you wonder why anybody uses it at all, doesn't it? I bet if you searched Google for ways to debug PHP you wouldn't find a single result recommending Xdebug.
    0 points
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