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Everything posted by QuickOldCar

  1. odd issue, you sure have correct database and mxit is the table with the 277?
  2. I was talking about saving as a blob in mysql error reporting top of the script?
  3. other than you had it commented out and no db credentials, looks ok <?php $con=mysqli_connect("******","*****","*****","****"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $sql="SELECT * FROM mxit"; if ($result=mysqli_query($con,$sql)) { $rowcount=mysqli_num_rows($result); echo "Result set has $rowcount rows. <br />"; //because I like this way better // Free result set mysqli_free_result($result); } mysqli_close($con); ?>
  4. ehh, you should just save the path/file names in mysql and save them into folders I usually do a timestamp-md5.ext for naming them
  5. if(isset($_POST['something'])){ you had to be throwing errors which would make header not work, nothing output to the browser before header
  6. ahh, well try Kate, is in the package manager for saving age most likely want to save their date of birth, this way their age will change as the years fly by store as datetime or timestamp(uses utc time), can do the calculation with a form coming in with strtotime and then as out $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date)); and for gender a m or f value here is a sql statement can use and add a new table, think it out, add all you want there, make sure is not already a Users table CREATE TABLE `Users` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `users_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `date_of_birth` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, `gender` char(1) DEFAULT NULL, `join_date` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8_unicode_ci;
  7. $query = "INSERT INTO `cjdc_dn2d8`.`dn2d8-new-accounts` (`Name`) VALUES ('$users_name')"; You have extra crap at the bottom as well add error reporting to the top of the script error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1);
  8. There is too many bad people out there trying to steal from people. The safest way for a person is to directly connect to their bank, is no reason to trust anyone else in between.
  9. comment out the header and echo the curl data, see whats there In browsers is built in debuggers In Firefox click tools/web Developer/Network In Chrome is the bars top right/Tools/Developer tools, click the Network tab Not that anyone cares about IE but can click F12 to get to developer tools or go to Tools which is the cog wheel (options) then Developer tools See where your script takes you
  10. You ask a lot of questions, people learn in different ways, but did you look at the manual ever? That could eliminate many questions you may be having and get a firmer grasp on things. http://php.net/manual/en/index.php That's how I learned php many eons ago before there was tutorials,help sites or schools for it. It's hard to follow your multiple questions or statements in your posts, take a breath, explain yourself for us in simple terms. session a way to store user data between HTTP requests, since upon leaving a page the data would no longer exist, through sessions is possible to retain the data http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ http://notepad2.com/ maybe is because how you tried commenting out That's a php/html mess there <!-- <span class="error"> * <?php echo $genderErr;?> <?php if (isset($gender) && $gender=="female") echo "checked";?> value="female">Female <?php if (isset($gender) && $gender=="male") echo "checked";?> value="male">Male <span class="error">* <?php echo $genderErr;?></span> --> <!-- --> is for html for php to comment out a block is /* content */ // for single lines a solution is to echo it all php or look at heredoc or nowdoc depending which php version are using /* echo "<span class='error'>"; echo $genderErr; if (isset($gender) && $gender=="female") { echo " checked "; } echo " value='female'>Female "; if (isset($gender) && $gender=="male"){ echo "checked"; } echo " value='male'>Male "; echo "<span class='error'>$genderErr</span>"; */ the action is where the form will take you upon submission, omitting it completely or setting it blank will return to the same page If you point it to another url or script it will then go there You can process on the same page if that's what you want...or on another page. Ok, my eyes hurt looking at that code, did you copy this an old tutorial online? Fixing that code is starting over. Didn't anyone here suggest to you mysqli_* or pdo and also with methods of how to check filter and escape the data? mysqli_query is complete examples there Besides the fact there is no $age above in the code besides your combo define... if (bool is_numeric(mixed$age)=fale){ $ageErr = "Only numbers are allowed"; } Lets do different and in one check if(isset($_POST['age']) && ctype_digit(trim($_POST['age']))){ $age = trim($_POST['age']); } else { $ageErr = "Only numbers are allowed"; } if ($empty($_POST["age"]){ empty is not supposed to be a variable, have other times as well Use mysqli_real_escape_string or pdo prepared statements, make the switch and not use mysql_* functions at all not this... function test_input($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } As said above... in mysql use autoincrement on the id If do autoincrement is no need to pass an id either $sql = "INSERT INTO `dn2d8-new-accounts` (Name,Age,Gender) VALUES ($name,$age,$gender)";//but escape the variables
  11. You are still pointing your login form to their login, and their login form goes to same page upon submit <form id="loginForm" method="post" target= "_self" action="http://www.bulksms2cash.com/index.php"> So what happened to using your own form that points to your curl script...then redirects your own site to the work form
  12. Check any paths and change them, try to use full absolute paths versus relative.
  13. Those sites make it to do that, websites use scripts from them. Think more on the lines of an api using OAuth https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/v2.2 https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OpenIDConnect https://dev.twitter.com/web/sign-in And the passwords would be saved on the original site, not the one visiting. Instead it uses access tokens or keys On the visiting site can set a session/cookies and keep them logged in until signed out. So it doesn't just merely iframe the site, it uses an api which gets data and different ways to use the data.
  14. Mixed them up just width overflow overflow-x: auto; just height overflow overflow-y: auto; Ohh, and make sure you quote your attributes <div id="contentsize">
  15. The problem is you are setting a height and it follows that rule. If you want the content to continue try a min-height #rcontent { width:894px; min-height:530px; background-color:blue; float:right; border-color:white; border-width:5px 3px 5px 3px; border-style:solid; } #contentsize { width:894px; min-height:530px; } if you want to retain the content within that area try a max-height and overflow: auto; #rcontent { width:894px; min-height:530px; background-color:blue; float:right; border-color:white; border-width:5px 3px 5px 3px; border-style:solid; } #contentsize { width:894px; max-height:530px; overflow: auto; } just height overflow overflow-x: auto; just width overflow overflow-y: auto;
  16. It used to have error if clicked a link in dropdown more than once. I waved my hands and said a few words, I fixed it for you. Should work fine now..
  17. Would have to click each and read the details, possibly inquire. http://jobs.monster.com/v-it-q-php-developer-jobs.aspx http://www.simplyhired.com/search?q=php+programmer+relocation http://www.php-jobs.net/
  18. I've seen piles of jobs over the years that don't require relocation and work from home anywhere in the world, try for one of those. Maybe there would be an opening for a relocation one day. http://www.glassdoor.com/Job/php-developers-work-from-home-jobs-SRCH_KO0,29.htm
  19. Seems like the correct behavior You can't pass any output to the browser before calling header, there should most likely be errors there. You have no control over an iframe Do they have a jump out of iframe or a redirect with js? You can try and parse the content instead using dom , simplexml , simplehtmldom or even preg_match the html result Have no idea what type of site it is or what it does.
  20. Welcome Ed, is never too late to learn a few new tricks.
  21. Take a look at password_hash() Now what you know to look for am sure can find some tutorials as well. http://bit.ly/1w4LPwr As for the injection concerns can use mysqli_real_escape string or pdo prepared statements
  22. That jquery is a lot to scour through, but since is commented out is not being used. Some things to think about. Not all sites allow remote logins as an example I block them at my sites, bogus hidden input, no direct access to the login process script, must be within a page on the site and sessions some generate fresh tokens,check referrer locations You keep having unquoted attribute values in the form method="post" type="submit" so is this your curl script page http://www.bulksms2cash.com/index.php ? the form should lead to your curl script, or keep the action blank and add the curl script same as the login form
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