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Everything posted by QuickOldCar

  1. paste your code here in the code tags for more assistance
  2. Post your code here for those files, can assist better.
  3. It's hard to tell from that small snippet of code. Try posting the full code here. Is your script using <?php tags and not <? short tags
  4. That should work fine, although you just need this. <?php $f = fopen("test.txt","w+"); fwrite($f,'is just a test'); fclose($f); ?>
  5. Mostly ffmpeg/avconv is what is used video conversions
  6. Many members here are glad to help with any coding questions, being new or even experienced matters none. Sometimes the only way to get an answer is to ask the question.
  7. It was the link on your download page up top for version 2.0.9 http://amecms.com/dlupd.php?file=amewebcms.zip&t=V9C9wfwtawsqH7dgIY1igXpAmO9xV8HQgmYNAwjL2KbKSq2Cq3TGZjgo9oU6 Now it appears as it's working. There was a message box that kept appearing stating the file was not available.
  8. Looks useful, I once made an automatic database tool that one can associate or remember any database info and to be used in dynamic queries later on. On your site the download link on top doesn't work, but the ones below do.
  9. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/AJAX
  10. Why is php updated to version 5.2.17 and not like 5.5+
  11. Am not even sure if you can obtain a real professional job as you described by just reading and doing tutorials a few months. I believe will need some sort of college if want to get anywhere. Freelancing and self proclaimed php programmer is one thing, getting a good job that field is another.
  12. In my opinion you need to have a good cms so you have a structure for your sites. Having random content made with frontpage and different html pages is not the way to go. You even have href links such as this file:///web/20050303012600/http://www.africanaonline.com// Most sitemap creators follow certain patterns looking for href links and that's it. Is a pile of free cms out there. http://www.opensourcecms.com/ lists a pile of them and even has demos and reviews. A few to consider MediaWiki Joomla Wordpress Drupal Silverstripe Coppermine comes to mind for an image based site Typo3 Having single articles pages/posts with content within it is the way to go. Be organized in some way, have the ability to do both articles and also image galleries when needed. Ability to have it saved into a database and backed up. Once you get something better as for a website, you can implement something like opengraph or oembed. This will enable any search engine and such to find the relative data. Lots of cms have seo plugins that will also help. What I'm saying is forget a sitemap. If your site is built proper and has it's own search, is no need for it. Your html source is quite a mess, I see some are just 100's of lines in a <ul> others separated by just a <p>, anything goes there. You actually need to parse all that data individual. If that person wants to spend lots of time writing scripts and trying to parse each type of page...that won't be worth it and take a lot longer to do. Would be best to break this all down and repost it into structured data. Start inserting your data into a new cms a bit at a time. That's my 2 cents. Edit: I wanted to add that it's worth making custom scrapers to obtain and save data in a different way on certain sections of your sites. Will take someone with knowledge of doing various scraping techniques and wouldn't be cheap. But will save lots of your time and have something better in the end.
  13. need to fix relative links? /left_main.php /right_main.php
  14. In the scenerio you described, would have to have something correct as in the user id or autoincrement id, something unique. Lets say you had their correct id's pull in csv to a php script foreach the lines as data array using whatever delimiter you use in csv explode the data now you have something like $data[0],$data[1] and so on, each of those you will have to know what field they belong to (mysql part) we are already in a loop of csv data make the mysql connection before the loop explode each line by whatever delimiter are using perform an update using whichever exploded values need so lets just do a simple example <?php $my_file = "clients.csv"; if (file_exists($my_file)) { $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","username","password","databasename"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $data = file($my_file); foreach ($data as $line) { $line = trim($line); $exploded = explode("|",$line);//using pipe as delimiter $id = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $exploded['0']); $firstname = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $exploded['1']); $lastname = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $exploded['2']); mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE ClientsTable SET Lastname='$lastname' WHERE id='$id'"); } mysqli_close($con); } ?>
  15. When they wrote simple, they meant it. I doubt anyone would spend the time to make something good out of this simple script using sessions and a text file.
  16. Am gonna stop you right there....that tutorial is 8 years old and using mysql_ functions. Try to find one using mysqli_ or PDO instead. Even a better suggestion is to use opencart, it's free and pretty good.
  17. You can look over any functions or examples at the php.net site If you do a mysql query and the results is an array, using the while statement is similar to doing a foreach loop of an array What you want to do with the results afterwards depends what you need done, do another query and do an update,insert,delete,etc... You can for example use an if/else and depending if something meets a condition do the appropriate mysql query needed.
  18. I was never crazy about hash tags, all the content is at one page and scrolls. Nothing can be bookmarked, is bad seo, if your site grows can become quite a large page...consider sections and separate pages Using the non www address when clicking gallery it redirected me to the www domain and had to click gallery once again. Really is no longer a need for www, redirect all www to non www. Set an Cname record your domain registrar www points to ip or domain Or you can add a rule in htaccess providing mod_rewrite is enabled Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.summer\-running\.com [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*) http://summer-running.com/$1 [L,R=301]
  19. I tried a youtube link and hit search, didn't do anything.
  20. To better explain <?php //include('your_script_name.php'); //or just place it this same script function getCountryStamps($country) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT country, description, price FROM stampsforsale WHERE country = $country"); if (!$sql) die ("Error Displaying Data. " . mysql_error()); else { echo ("<table><tr>"); $count = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $target_path = "stampsforsale/" . basename($row['country'] . ".jpg"); echo ("<td><a href='" . $target_path . "' target='_blank'><img src='" . $target_path . "'width=150 height=100></a><br />" . $row['country'] . "<br />" . $row['description'] . "</br>" . $row['price'] . "<br /><br /></td>"); $count++; if ($count % 3 == 0) { echo ("<tr>"); } } echo ("</tr></table>"); } // end of displaying data } //call on the function to display echo getCountryStamps($country); ?>
  21. you include the file that contains the function.... not the function name then you echo out the function echo getCountryStamps('malta'); a table filled with hyperlinks isn't going to work within a hyperlink <td><a href="index.php?mC=getCountryStamps(Malta)"><img src="flags/malta.gif" width=100px height="67px" /><br />Malta</td></a>
  22. A double == for comparison operators http://www.php.net//manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php
  23. ip's change, is not a reliable way to do it. For something like this are better off that users have to log in and that user can only do it once. No method is foolproof but the user way is a better option. Sure a user can sign up again, is more of a task though, eliminate signing up same email helps. This forum is for helping people with coding, not creating it. Is a freelance section here can ask http://forums.phpfreaks.com/forum/77-job-offerings/
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