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Posts posted by zq29

  1. OK first off: i know this is the wrong section.

    But its the only place i might get an answer.


    Now for the question.

    I would like a qualification that i can put on my CV.

    But where can i get one?

    everywhere i look you can get a certificate but that's not recognized by most employers





    Whoa Whoa Whoa hold up there.  Wtf you talkin' about, you don't own me.  You ain't puttin' jack sh!t on me.



  2. But it should also work when accessing the accounts by the IP


    I dont think so. http://321.321.321.321:81/foo and http://321.321.321.321:81/bar are actually refered to by the same ip address so apache thinks it safe to share the sessions.

    That was my initial thought, but some how, one of our other servers appears to figure it out somehow. Not that it's an issue now that I have solved to problem, no one is going to access any of the sites by the server IP anyway...

  3. I use Linux, though we use a hosts file too :)


    I have just attributed two unused domains to the accounts, and accessing them through the domains doesn't produce the error, everything works as it should. But it should also work when accessing the accounts by the IP - I have reported my findings to my host, hopefully this might help them figure it out. Cheers for your input Corbin.

  4. That sounds weird.  The session cookie should only work for the domain on which it was created.


    Oh, it's interesting that you say domain as my nameservers are still pointing to the old server until we're happy with the new one, so I have been accessing each account from an IP address and directory, i.e. But I have tested the same access method on our other server (http://321.321.321.321:81/bar/) and the sessions are working fine...

  5. This is one of our dedicated servers, I have chroot access to it. /tmp is writable by the account users, but the problem is, accounts are trying to share the same sessions when they shouldn't be. On the server we migrated from the session save path was /tmp and each account created and used its own sessions in that directory - I'm sure there must be a configuration problem somewhere...


    There are about 50 websites on this server, rewriting the code on each of them isn't really a favorable option when it sounds like a config issue.

  6. We have a dedicated server managed by our hosting company which was recently migrated from a FreeBSD/PHP4/MySQL4 box to an Ubuntu/PHP5/MySQL5 box.


    It appears that all of the accounts on the new server, assumed to be created as virtual hosts, are all trying to share the same PHP session files. For example, I have created a basic script as follows:


    $_SESSION['test'] = "test";
    echo $_SESSION['test'];


    Now, the first virtual host I execute the script on returns 'test' as it should, but each subsequent execution on a different virtual host returns an error like so:


    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_3373fb7c1f4650a35d7f417419bbfd6b, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /home/f/o/foo/public_html/test.php on line 2


    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/f/o/foo/public_html/test.php:2) in /home/f/o/foo/public_html/test.php on line 2


    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/f/o/foo/public_html/test.php:2) in /home/f/o/foo/public_html/test.php on line 2


    Obviously the path to test.php is different on each virtual host, but the path to the session file (/tmp/sess_3373fb7c1f4650a35d7f417419bbfd6b) is the same.


    Running ls -la /tmp points out that /tmp/sess_3373fb7c1f4650a35d7f417419bbfd6b has a uid that belongs to the first virtual host that executed the script.


    My hosting company can't find anything wrong, and are telling me that my scripts are trying to access sessions created by other accounts, but my test script is just trying to create a session, not pick up a session previously created by another account, as you can see above.


    Does anyone have any ideas of what I could suggest to my hosting company, or where I might be looking to solve this problem?


    Many thanks.

  7. Although I hate it, I make sure everything I build looks the same in IE6 as it does in Firefox. Though, I don't make the effort to test in anything older than version 6, but the stats on a lot of our projects display that there are still people using browsers as old as IE3 - I can't imagine how they have a pleasant experience on the web...


    Holy God!  I can't even remember IE3.  I've never even seen it.  Wow!

    Me neither, I have only ever seen screenshots of it, I don't think I'm old enough to remember it...

  8. Although I hate it, I make sure everything I build looks the same in IE6 as it does in Firefox. Though, I don't make the effort to test in anything older than version 6, but the stats on a lot of our projects display that there are still people using browsers as old as IE3 - I can't imagine how they have a pleasant experience on the web...

  9. Because I have minimal experience with other server side languages. I picked up PHP first, it does what I want and expect, so have no reason to try anything like Ruby, ASP, Python etc. I know some Perl, but I only use it locally on my machine for automating mundane tasks, it's just faster than PHP for some tasks in my experience.

  10. Do you have PHP running in safe mode? shell_exec() is disabled when safe mode is on.


    Also, to surpress the trust message, you could use the --trust-model always option in pgp, though you might want to emply some form of external validation...

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